The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 935 As the duel proceeds...

"No, this is impossible. How could the [Bloodthirsty Blade], the artifact passed down from generation to generation in our clan, be damaged so easily?"

Victor murmured.

It turned out that just when he blocked Bell's blow, a gap appeared on the blade of the battle ax in his hand. Although the gap was not big, it still made Victor feel unacceptable.

You must know that this [Bloodthirsty Blade] battle ax has been held by the chiefs of the Aogu tribe for generations. It can be called an inherited weapon that symbolizes the chief's status. It is said that the first chief of the Ogu tribe used this battle ax to cut through the thorns and create a habitat for the orcs on this prairie.

After being baptized by the anger of successive chiefs, this tomahawk should be much stronger now than it was back then, but it was damaged after just one blow?

This is unscientific cough cough cough...

"Well, it's quite incredible."

On the other side, after hearing Victor talking to himself, Bell also nodded in agreement.

To be honest, the big ax in the opponent's hand looked really shabby. It feels like a piece of rotten wood with an iron lump stuck in it. If it were on Earth, no one would pick it up if it was thrown on the ground.

Unexpectedly, although the appearance of this ax was poor, the quality was excellent. In a head-to-head confrontation with his [Frostmourne], it was not directly destroyed.

"But you don't have to feel bad. If you can defeat me, I will give you a better axe.

Give it away if you lose. "

In order to allow Victor to fight with 100% of his strength, so that he would not have to lie around and admit his defeat later, Bell kindly gave him a sincere ‘activity reward’.

"Human! I will cut you into pieces!"

However, Bell's good intentions were not accepted by Victor. In Victor's view, Bell was humiliating him and the entire Ogu tribe.

A soldier can be killed but not humiliated, let alone an orc with a bad temper.

Amidst the shouts of the orcs in the audience, Victor tightened his hands that were still numb, charged towards Bell, and took the initiative to attack.

‘Dang~dang~cang~! ’

The sound of weapons clashing echoed endlessly in the arena, and the figures of Bell and Victor continued to intersect, blocking, dodging, and attacking each other.

I have to say that Huang Quan's vision is indeed outstanding. When he was teaching Bell the swordsmanship back then, Huang Quan judged that Bell's swordsmanship talent was not outstanding. Facts have proved that Huang Quan's judgment is very accurate.

Strictly speaking, whether it was speed, strength, or the sophistication of swordsmanship, Bell had the upper hand. But even with this absolute advantage, Victor relied on his courage to briefly suppress Bell.

However, no matter how long a breath is, there will always be a time when it is released. As time goes by, Bell gradually adapts to the opponent's rhythm, reverses the situation and suppresses Victor.

‘Dang~! ’

Bell slashed horizontally with his sword, hitting Victor's waist, and was barely blocked by the opponent's battle ax again.

Seeing this, Bell raised his right leg and kicked Victor's knee hard.

With his strength at a disadvantage and unable to escape from the stalemate, Victor could only watch as he was kicked, and in a burst of severe pain, he lost his balance and fell to the ground.

Of course, Bell would not miss such a good opportunity. He raised his arms high, pointed the sword downward, and stabbed Victor in the abdomen with force.


A roar that was different from the one before came out of Victor's mouth. Under the restraint of anger, the sound waves did not spread to the surroundings, but formed a trumpet shape, encompassing Bell's entire body.

His face trembled like water waves, and the sudden roar made Bell feel startled, and his movements subconsciously paused.

But it was only for a moment that Bell got rid of the feeling of heart palpitations. He exerted force with both arms and continued to lower the sword tip.

'bass! ’

Like cutting soft tofu, the sharp blade penetrated the ground without any hindrance. However, unfortunately, the enemy's blood was not stained on the blade.

Taking advantage of Bell's momentary pause, Victor pushed his elbows hard on the ground and rolled awkwardly away from Bell.

Originally, he wanted to use this unexpected [Bear-breaking Roar] to launch a counterattack, but Bell's recovery speed was so fast that he had no time to attack.

"Where to run!"

Stabbing the air with his sword, Bell stepped forward, not giving Victor a chance to get up again. He came to the opponent's vicinity again, and then kicked out hard, hitting Victor's stomach hard.


The powerful force made Victor spurt out a mouthful of blood, and he flew and rolled directly from a position near the center of the ring to the bottom of the auditorium.

"No! Victor! Stand up! Kill that human!"

"Victor! Didn't you eat today? Why are you so limp!"

"Come on! Victor! Come on!"

In the audience, the orcs could not accept the reality that their chief was about to lose, and they were shouting with excitement, anger, or worry.

"Ugh! Ahem..."

Vomiting a large mouthful of blood again, Victor forced himself to get up, holding the broken battle ax on the ground, panting in embarrassment.

"Human, cough, human, you are very strong, stronger than I expected, cough. But, no, don't think that you have won now, the battle has just begun!"

In just two words, Victor went from a weak state where he was unable to stand still, to a state of recovery, and the aura on his body became strong again.

【Death Resistance】!

The red flames of anger drilled out of Victor's pores, then turned back and seeped into Victor's body again, forcibly stimulating the full potential of the body, using poison to quench thirst, maintaining and even strengthening Victor. Strength.

"Why bother? This will burn a lot of your life force. If you are not careful, it may even lead to death."

Standing in the middle of the ring, Bell persuaded him earnestly.

This method of burning vitality can generally only be used to create a surprise attack when the difference in strength between the two sides is not large. And if the strength gap between the two sides is too great, it is basically impossible to rely on this move to defeat the strong with the weak.

Otherwise, if the wizards burn their vitality whenever they fight, and see who burns more, they will win the final victory, then the wizards would have killed themselves long ago.

"Ever since I stood on this ring, I had no intention of going on alive! Come on, human, let me tell you, no one can enslave the orcs, and no one can defeat the glory of the orcs! Octa——!"

Victor's whole body was shrouded in red flames of anger, and he rushed towards Bell at an even faster speed than before.

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