The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 886: The ultimate move is sealed, how can we still fight?

"Hahahaha! Look, look! Hahaha! Look at his expression! It's really amazing! Hahaha~!"

Bell hugged his belly and rolled on the floor laughing.

It’s worth all the hard work and effort he put into building such a ‘Four Pillars’!


Hermione looked at Bell speechlessly, who was laughing with tears in his eyes. She didn't know whether to praise or complain about her boyfriend's ability to always take serious matters astray.

"What are you doing? You are smiling so happily."

At this time, Elena walked into the living room holding her little son. She looked at several unfamiliar faces in the living room and Bell rolling on the floor. Many question marks appeared in her head.

"Several friends came from afar to see us, and they were very happy."

Bell rubbed his belly and got up, taking his little brother Al from his mother's arms.


Elena glanced again at the unfamiliar faces in the living room, and then at the big screen embedded in the wall.

‘Today’s young people’s way of getting along is really hard to understand. ’

Elena couldn't help but feel emotional.

"Since you are busy, we won't disturb you. Come on, Al, come to mom."


Little Al's mouth tightened, and he grabbed Bell's collar with his little hands, as if he wasn't going anywhere now.

"Haha! It's okay, mom, just let Al stay here. I believe my 'friends' won't mind."

Bell smiled and kissed little Al's chubby little face, successfully turning the little guy's face from gloomy to bright, showing a bright smile again.

"...Okay, then I'll go and get busy. Yesterday's matters haven't been dealt with yet. Be careful, your brother is still young, don't let him see too violent scenes."

Before leaving, Elena warned worriedly.

"Don't worry, Mom, I am a peace lover."

Isn’t it just harmony? Who can’t do that?

Just as the Bell family was having a loving interaction in the living room, Harry and Luna finally started fighting.

"Luna! Let me go! I'm going to stop Bell!"

As we all know, if you don't talk a lot during battle, you can't be called a qualified protagonist. Therefore, when Harry was casting spells, he did not forget to persuade Luna to "abandon the darkness and turn to the light".

"You can't stop Bell."

Luna just turned sideways to avoid the incoming curse, and with a wave of her hand, she forced Harry into a state of embarrassment.

"No, I will not join you, and even if you add me, it will still be in vain."

"But I don't think there's anything wrong with what Bell did. You see, everyone in the city is quite happy."

"I don't understand that kind of thing even if you tell me, it's not taught in Hogwarts."

Harry: "..."

‘What the hell! ? I haven’t said a word yet! ’

Harry thought frantically.

From the moment he finished his first sentence, Luna was the only one who kept talking, as if...

"Yes, I can know what you are thinking. Your Occlumency is too poor to stop me from reading minds."

"Bell said this is my talent, even if others..."


Harry couldn't bear it any longer and interrupted Luna's speech with a loud roar.

"Please, can you let me say something? This will embarrass me."

"Okay, I'll pay attention."

Luna accepted Harry's request graciously.

However, although Luna no longer spoke first, as soon as she thought about what she was thinking, the other party would know it immediately. Harry opened his mouth, but felt bored and didn't know what to say. .



"Uh, how about..."

"Bell also gave me a task, which is to explore your purpose. Now I know it, so I don't plan to chat with you anymore. I have to be serious and be careful."

Quickly complete the task, she still wants to go back and play with the little bell.

Among Bell and others, the pure-hearted Little Lingdang and Luna have the best relationship. Now that Little Lingdang is on summer vacation, the two of them will hang out together whenever they have time.


Harry was shocked by the sudden surge of pressure that was coming his way.

You know, when he was a student at Hogwarts, professors would often praise his spellcasting skills. Later, after graduation, he entered the Auror office and received strict training. After a period of experience, his current combat effectiveness is comparable to that of veteran Aurors. This is also the reason why everyone in the Order of the Phoenix feels confident to let him carry out this arduous task.

But now, a school girl who is one grade below him and has always been quiet and unremarkable in school is actually more powerful than him? And it seems to be much stronger?

How could Harry not be shocked by this!

"This is impossible!"

Harry couldn't help but speak his mind.

"Bell said that because of my talent, single-target magic spells pose almost no threat to me, because they will be read in advance and avoided by me. If you want to defeat me, you can only use large-scale magic spells that are difficult to dodge."

Luna was kind enough to explain it to Harry.


"The flames are blazing!"

【Counter Spell】!

"Pfft~! What's going on!? My Iron Armor Curse is still there!"

A mouthful of blood spurted out, and Harry half-knelt on the ground, covering his chest in pain. The wisp of fire that had just spurted out from the tip of the staff dissipated into the air in the blink of an eye.

"But you have to pay attention to the timing of casting, otherwise I will seize the opportunity and use the counter spell to interrupt the casting.

In addition, because the counter-curse itself is harmless to the human body, it is the caster's own rampant magic that causes damage, so unless it is a barrier that completely isolates magic like [Total Protection], other protection such as the Iron Armor Curse Magic spells will not block counter spells. "

"You, why didn't you tell me earlier..."

"You were too anxious and didn't wait until I finished speaking. And even if you waited until I finished speaking, I don't think you would have a chance of winning."

As she spoke, Luna condensed her magic power into the shape of a high-speed rotating drill, and hit Harry with an armor-piercing spell on Harry who was having trouble getting up, successfully breaking the defensive spell on his body.

"Detention quickly! Okay, come with me to see Bell."

Using a levitation spell to control Harry to follow her, Luna walked towards the wall on one side.

The wall suddenly opened. This time, there was no magic stone statue inside, but an empty elevator car.

After entering the elevator, Luna used a tap of her wand to close the door, followed by a slight feeling of weightlessness. After just a few seconds, the door opened again, and what appeared in front of Harry was a decorative strip. Beautiful spacious hallway.

Walking along the corridor, the two of them soon entered a living room. The area of ​​the living room is not large, and the decoration is not as gorgeous as the previous corridor, but it gives people a warm and comfortable feeling, making people feel relaxed and happy from the bottom of their hearts.

However, after seeing the people in the living room clearly, the sense of relaxation that had just arisen in Harry's heart disappeared without a trace in an instant.

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