The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 885 A fun game cannot be separated from interesting rules

"Life is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good, very bad!"

Densely packed armor plates stretched and stacked in front of Wang Shouqiang, forming a strong steel shield that blocked the attacks of several people.

Then, Wang Shouqiang lightly snapped his fingers, and door after door suddenly opened on the smooth mirror-like wall of the hall, making the entire hall look like a honeycomb.

In every open door, stood a beautifully shaped stone statue. Red light lit up one after another in the eyes of the stone statue, and cast its light on Harry and the others.

Cold sweat instantly soaked their clothes. Harry and the other five stopped in a tacit agreement and stood there without daring to move. The trembling feeling rising in their hearts told them clearly that these magic stone statues were not good-looking, and if they really fought, they would definitely die.

“Everyone, there are only two paths to choose from before you.

First, according to the rules of the game, one person is left to fight with me, while the others continue to move forward, and then eventually fall.

Second, they all fall down now.

please choose. "

Wang Shouqiang raised his right hand. Once the opponent chooses the second dead end, he will order the magic puppet in the wall to attack and submerge all 5 enemies.

"Hmph! Do you think we are afraid of death! When we decided to sneak in here, we had already put life and death aside! Anyway, we are going to die, so we might as well have a vigorous fight here!"

"Wait! Ron!"

Harry stretched out his hand to stop Ron who was about to attack again, and asked Wang Shouqiang not far away:

"Since you said this is a game, can I ask about the rules of the game?"

"Of course, please."

"The person we left behind will challenge you here? Can you guarantee that no one else will intervene?"

"I can guarantee that neither the other people in the tower nor the defensive forces such as these magic puppets in the wall will interfere in the duel between us."

"Second question, what if our people defeat you?"

"Then he can continue moving forward and catch up with you without any hindrance."

"The third question..."

"Time is limited, you can ask one more question at the end."

Wang Shouqiang was a little impatient.

"...Okay, last question, where is Bell?"

"After you break through all the obstacles of the 'Four Pillars', you will be able to meet the final boss of this game - Bell."


Harry fell silent.

"Hey! Harry! You don't really want to obey that bastard Bell's request, do you?"

Ron looked at Harry in disbelief.

"We don't have a choice, do we?"

Before Harry could speak, Jack spoke first.

"I'll stay and you can move on."

"No! Jack! I can't leave you! If you want to stay, we must stay together!"

Rose grabbed Jack's hand hard, as if she was afraid that if she let go, her lover would suddenly disappear.

"You can't stay together, Rose, the rules of the game don't allow it, can they?

Don't worry, you know, I'm very strong, I've never been afraid of anyone in a duel.

You go first, and I will catch up with you immediately after I defeat this guy playing with iron pieces. "

Jack stroked Rose's hair, his eyes filled with unshakable determination.


"You still have one last minute to think about it. After one minute, if you haven't made a decision, then you don't have to make a decision."

Wang Shouqiang urged impatiently.

Today's young people are really just throwing tantrums whenever they disagree. Isn't it just playing a game? It's not about separation between life and death. Who are you playing a sad drama for?

And that bastard named Jack actually dared to say that he was a metal player?

Is that an iron piece?

That's the secret treasure of his royal family! Don't talk nonsense if you don't know the stuff!

In the end, forced by the densely packed magic stone statues on the wall, Harry and his party had no choice but to leave Jack alone. They crossed Wang Shouqiang three times and continued to move forward.

At the same time, in the living room on the upper floor of the tower.

Hermione: "Bell, what are the 'four pillars'? Why have I never heard of them?"

Bell: "I selected a few powerful wizards as the main guardians of the central tower."

Hermione: "That's right...but why did you choose such a strange name?"

Bell: "Well, this... that was Wang Shouqiang's name. I was originally opposed to it, but Wang Shouqiang was too insistent, so I had no choice but to let him go."

(Wang Shouqiang: ‘That’s nonsense! It’s obviously just uh uh…’)

‘Ta-ta-ta~! ’

In the silent corridor, only the sound of Harry's fast running footsteps echoed. At this time, Harry himself was the only one left in the original team of five people.

After passing the blockage of the 'Strong Pillar' Wang Shouqiang, they were successively blocked by the 'Fire Pillar', the 'Water Pillar', and the 'Curse Pillar'. After leaving one person to deal with each, Harry was the only one left to continue. Climb this tower.

Passing through the same corridor, after a while, the same hall appeared in Harry's eyes again.

"Bell——! Come out here! I will defeat you!"

Harry roared and rushed into the hall.

No matter what Bell's purpose was, the opponent's game did give them a glimmer of hope. As long as he can capture Bell in the next battle, everything will turn out to be safe.

What? Are you saying he can't beat Bale?

You have to win even if you can’t win!

Because everyone trusted him, they took the initiative to stay and gave him the opportunity to face Bell directly. He must not betray everyone's trust in him!

"As for Bell, he's not here."

The calm words reached Harry's ears, causing the ferocious expression on Harry's face to freeze, looking a little funny.

"Luna!? Why are you here? Where is Bell? Didn't you say that you can see Bell after passing the obstruction of the 'Four Pillars'? He doesn't keep his word!"

Harry said he was wrong about Belle!

Fortunately, he always thought that Bell was an upright and good person, but in the end...

"Because I am also one of the 'Four Pillars', I am the 'Spiritual Pillar', and you have to pass through me before you can see Bell.

Oh, by the way, Bell also asked me to tell you that as long as you can see him, it will be considered as the game is cleared, and he has prepared a clearing prize for you, come on! "

Luna clenched her fist and waved at Harry, apparently wanting to cheer him up, but paired with her expressionless expression, it actually had a sense of ridicule.

"Not you wait a minute!"

Harry covered his forehead and signaled Luna not to start fighting in a hurry. His mind is a little messed up now and needs to be sorted out.

At first, they met Wang Shouqiang, who called himself ‘Jianzhu’.

After learning the rules of the game from Wang Shouqiang, they encountered the 'Fire Pillar', 'Water Pillar' and 'Curse Pillar'.

Then, just when he thought he could face Bell directly, Luna suddenly appeared in front of him and called herself the 'Spiritual Pillar'.

'one two three four……'

'one two three four……'

'One, two...'

"No matter how you count, there are 5 of them, you bastard!"

So here are the ‘Four Pillars’ we talked about!

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