The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 867 Trembling Conjecture

The days of being a trainee dad are happy and short. It seems that in just a blink of an eye, little Al has grown from a little baby who can only lie on the bed and say "Ahhhh" to a baby who can't figure out where to crawl if he is not careful. Go baby bear.

Playing hide and seek in the castle has become little Al's favorite game. And I don’t know if little Al has inherited his sister’s outstanding talent. The little guy can always find some valuable objects such as gold coins and gems in hidden places in the castle.

For this reason, Elena was exhausted from the beginning, but soon became full of energy, and would even take the initiative to take her little son to different areas of the castle to play hide and seek.

In the early morning, little Al was very happy today. His energetic shouts began to echo in the castle before dawn.

Today will be the day when he reunites with his sister after a long absence!

Well, in fact, for little Al, who is under one year old, he has not yet formed the concept of brother and sister. He is very energetic every morning, as if he is telling his family that no Need to worry about his health as well.

After the usual bustling morning, little Al changed out of his crotchless pants for the first time and put on a cute little dress prepared by his mother Elena.

As the saying goes, a man depends on his clothes and a horse relies on his saddle. The already delicate and cute little Al will undoubtedly become the brightest kid in the crowd after putting on a cute dress. There is no need to worry about him at all. His sister will not be able to find him.

After getting on the train, the family quickly arrived at King's Cross Station amid laughter and laughter.

Speaking of which, Bell has traveled to and from King's Cross Station quite a few times since he was a child. But coming to the station when he was a student at Hogwarts and coming to the station when he was picking up Zannah were two completely different feelings, although he still hasn't been able to fully understand the specific differences between the two feelings. .

The human heart is really more complicated than magic.

The Bell family arrived not too early. At this time, the platform was already full of parents who came to pick up their children. It took them a while to finally get through the crowd and reach the front of the platform.

"Hey! William! You guys are so late."

Just when the Bell family had just stood still, a hearty greeting suddenly came from one side. Bell turned around and saw Phyllis's parents walking quickly.

William first hugged Phyllis's father warmly, and then asked with a smile:

"Where's that guy Jack? Isn't he with you?"

"Their family probably hasn't arrived yet. I hope that guy can do it, otherwise little Reina won't let him go easily, hahaha."

Phyllis' father said with a smile.

"This little guy is your little son, right? I really envy you. As soon as I wanted to have a third child, I got it so quickly. I have wanted to have a second child for more than ten years, but I still can't get enough of it. There was no movement.”

Phyllis' father teased little Al, then looked back at his wife's belly and shook his head with regret.

"Haha, I have both strength and luck. It's useless no matter how much you envy me."

Looking at his youngest son, William couldn't hide the pride on his face.

For wizards who have difficulty in having children, having many offspring is something worth showing off. Especially for pure-blood families, their descendants are often wizards. The more descendants they have, the stronger the family will be in the future.

For example, the Weasley family is familiar to everyone in the British wizarding world. Even though other pure-blood families often ridicule the Weasley family for being so poor that they can hardly afford to take the blame, the more cheerful they are on the outside, the more bitter they are secretly. In the entire magical world, no one dares to look down upon the Weasley family.

During the chat, Rena's parents soon arrived. The relationship between the three families was already very good. In recent years, with the deepening of cooperation, the other two families have only followed the lead of the Menethil family, which has a feeling of nobles and vassals. If Bell hadn't already had a lover, both families would have racked their brains to give their daughter to Bell.

In fact, even now, Bell occasionally hears his father talk about how the two of them often talk about how outstanding their daughter is in front of William. Anyone with ears can hear the meaning of his words.

After all, Hermione came from a Muggle family, and most pure-blood wizards still valued this very highly. Therefore, the parents of Phyllis and Reyna did not think that their daughters had no chance.

‘Woooo~! ’

With the whistle blowing in the distance, the Hogwarts Express appeared in everyone's sight. The train soon entered the station and stopped slowly.

"I'm back~!"

As soon as the car door opened, Shanna rushed out cheering.

"Al, have you missed your sister?"

Rushing to her mother, Shanna hugged her cute little brother with a joyful smile on her face.


Finding that the person holding him suddenly turned into a strange but familiar guy, little Al was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to react.

But Shanna didn't care so much. She hugged little Al, happily like a bird out of its cage, spinning around in circles.

Perhaps he sensed a blood connection between the person in front of him and himself? Soon, little Al's unfamiliarity with Shanna disappeared. The little guy let out a series of cute laughs, and a bright smile once again appeared on his little face.

After all, the platform with people coming and going was not the right place to tell the joy of reunion. After a few words, the group all arrived at Bell's house.

Just like when Bell graduated two years ago, when Zannah graduates this year, the Menethil family will also hold a grand banquet. Even from a week ago, William had been working hard to make his youngest daughter's graduation party surpass the one held by Bell before.

In response, Bell just shrugged, and then enthusiastically participated in the preparations for the banquet.

Although he didn't like attending banquets, and he had always objected to his parents holding a graduation banquet for him back then, but now that Shanna was graduating, Bell's idea was completely opposite.


It must be done!

And we have to do something big and special!

This is not a double standard for Bell, but when faced with different situations, we should treat him differently.

Unlike Bell back then, Shanna invited many friends and classmates to the banquet, most of whom were Slytherin graduates this year, and there were also several graduates from the other three colleges.

Bell was surprised by this. Obviously two years ago, Shanna didn't have so many acquaintances. So what happened in the two years after he graduated?

Inexplicably, Bell had a bad suspicion.

Could it be possible that his sister never had many friends before, and it was actually his fault! ?

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