The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 866 Growth and Maturity

"No, little Al shouldn't be hungry yet. He just woke up and said he missed his mother."

Bell placed the personal terminal in front of little Al so that little Al could clearly see his mother on the screen.



"Oh! Baby! Mom misses you too!"

Seeing her little son, Elena immediately put down the work at hand and stared at the screen.

"But mom still has some work to do now. When we go back in the evening, can mom play with you again?"


Little Al made a dissatisfied sound.

(It was actually sent by Bell.)

"Mom, you see little Al is not happy anymore. Let me tell you, those things are almost enough. Leave the cake there and let those people divide it among themselves."

Of course, it is impossible for Bell, a 'big idler', not to know about the most important affairs of his family. In fact, even if he didn't want to know, his father would keep him talking every day.

To be honest, Bell doesn't support his father's choice of an arbiter-like position.

According to his father's idea, the Menethil family carefully divided the existing interests and distributed the higher-quality parts to their supporters and collaborators, while the remaining areas of inferior quality were divided among them. To wizards who are less hostile to House Menethil.

In this way, wizards who are close to the Menethil family can be more firmly tied to the Menethil family's chariot. At the same time, through this act of dividing interests, it can also establish a strong foundation for the Menethil family. A high and transcendent position.

It is a very laborious matter to coordinate the balance of interests among many forces, especially many of these forces are pro-Menethil family faction. In order to satisfy everyone, William has a small meeting every day and a big meeting every three days. He has to negotiate with the leaders of other forces every day.

But in Bell's view, his father's approach was simply thankless. Let those people divide the benefits among themselves. If they are not satisfied with the final distribution result, the worst case scenario is to start over. We are all smart people. When two waves of hellfire rain down, Bell believes that those guys will understand what should be done.

As for the status of the Menethil family, whether it is transcendent or not, they are here. If others can reach it, then come, who is afraid of whom.

If he follows his simple and crude guiding ideology, Bell estimates that the family's rectification will be completed in less than two months. Even if you add in the time of flipping the table, loading files, and starting over, it won’t exceed half a year.

Unfortunately, William did not approve of Bell's habit of flipping tables, so almost two years later, William and Elena were still very busy.

"Oh~! I want to do it too. But your father doesn't agree. What can I do?"

Elena rubbed the corners of her eyes tiredly, she always felt like she had crow's feet recently.

It has to be said that although Elena often looks very strong at home and scolds William whenever she disagrees, when it comes to family affairs, she can fully deserve the title of 'good wife'.

In fact, according to Elena's character, there is no doubt that she is more in favor of her son's simple and crude guiding ideology. But after William made his position clear, she has been working hard to help her husband handle affairs. She didn't even take a few days off after giving birth to little Al.

"Let's do this. I'll advise your father later and let him worry less."

By now, the cake in the magical world has actually been divided. In Elena's opinion, there is really no need to pay attention to the remaining scraps. Just let those guys grab it themselves, and there won't be any big trouble anyway.

"Take little Al with you!"

Bell offered advice.

He really didn't believe that his Alsace could not cure his father. After making him anxious, he really dared to lend [Frostmourne] to his younger brother!

"Okay, take my little baby with you too."

Elena said with a smile.

Looking at her two precious sons, one older and one younger, she felt that all her fatigue had disappeared in an instant, and her whole body was filled with energy again.

After hanging up the phone, Bell accompanied his younger brother for a walk in the garden. It wasn't until his mother came back in the evening that he handed little Al over to her and had a rest.

At night, Bell sat at his desk and read the progress report sent in the afternoon, sometimes nodding with satisfaction, sometimes frowning slightly.

Suddenly, a faint fragrance entered Bell's nose from behind. Taking a deep breath, even though he was extremely familiar with this scent, Bell still couldn't get enough of it.

"Dear, are you having trouble again?"

Hermione, who had just finished taking a shower, hugged Bell from behind and gently smoothed the wrinkles between Bell's brows with her fingers.

"Some minor problems can be solved in two hours by making a trip tomorrow."

Bell put down the personal terminal in his hand, stood up, picked Hermione up around the waist, and walked towards the bed in the center of the bedroom.

After the storm, Bell hugged the tired Hermione, leaned into her ear, and whispered:

"My dear, it's almost time for you to make a decision."

After graduating from Hogwarts, it didn't take long for Hermione to live in Bell's house, and it has been more than a year now. To be honest, living together for more than a year was really not a short time. Even Hermione's mother had secretly approached him several times and asked him when he planned to marry Hermione.

But the problem is, it's not that he doesn't want to marry Hermione, but that Hermione's heart knot has never been resolved, and he really has no other good solution besides waiting.

"...Okay, then when you go there tomorrow, take me with you, and I will experience it first."

After much hesitation and unable to think of a reason to refuse, Hermione finally relented.

Over the past year, she has experienced many jobs, including clerical work at the Ministry of Magic, opening a shop in Knockturn Alley, taking care of magical animals and plants in a breeding farm, making potions and magic props for sale, and so on. It can be said that as long as it is a common job, she has experienced it for a long or short period of time.

However, after the initial novelty wore off, none of these jobs could bring her happiness, and even made her feel unbearably dull and boring.

In the end, after going around in circles, the question returned to its original point, that is, whether she should follow Bell to help handle affairs.

To be honest, there was a time when she wished she could always be by Bell's side. At that time, she was envious of Senior Penello's secretary job and thought about replacing her all day long.

But at some point, her mind changed. Not only did she not want to be with Bell, she didn't even want to work in the Menethil family's industry.

It's not that she doesn't love Bell anymore, but she doesn't want people around her to give her extra care because of her relationship with Bell, which will make her feel like she's just a canary.

She wanted to use her own abilities to achieve something and let others know that she was an excellent witch, a witch worthy of Bell. The reason why she is with Bell is just because she loves each other deeply, not because she has any agenda.

It was precisely because of this knot that she never agreed to Bell's proposal, so that the elders of both families thought there was something wrong between her and Bell.

Now, after really struggling in the magical world and seeing all kinds of things in the world, Hermione has gradually matured.

She realized how childish her stubbornness was, and at the same time, she once again realized her love for Bell more clearly. So she doesn't plan to be stubborn anymore.

Of course, this doesn't mean that she gave up proving herself, it just changed her approach and her goal. This time, she won't prove anything to others, she will prove it to herself.

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