The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 732 The promised Hogwarts is safe!

When Bell arrived urgently, what he saw was his sister playing a top.

"Brother, are you here to fight bad guys too?"

As soon as Bell arrived, Zannah immediately noticed her brother's arrival. This made the little girl relax a lot.

Growing up, her brother rarely restricted her from casting spells. Even the killing curse, the fire curse, etc., the black magic that everyone talked about among wizards, her brother taught her happily.

But there was only one kind of curse that her brother repeatedly told her not to cast.

That's the Cruciatus Curse.

My brother said that the idea of ​​​​inflicting endless torture on the other person is actually the most likely to distort a person's thinking and soul.

So even though she was very worried about the safety of her friends, she never thought of casting the Cruciatus Curse.

As for Legilimency?

That is not an easy spell to succeed. In many cases, it is only suitable for use when there is a huge difference in strength.

She does not have as powerful a talent as Miss Luna. If she is not careful, she may be misled by the other party's use of Occlumency and fall into the Thousand Layer Theory.

You see, even though he is as powerful as Voldemort, Snape has fooled him countless times like a fool.

In contrast, it is more convenient to ask directly from the other party's mouth. If it doesn't work, it's not too late for her to ask her brother or Miss Luna.

"Uh... I'll just come and take a look."

Originally, Bell did intend to fight the bad guys. But now, seeing the other person's tearful look, he was embarrassed to add fuel to the fire.

"Don't worry, both Phyllis and Reina are probably still alive."

Seeing the sadness and annoyance on Shanna's brows, Bell certainly knew what his sister was worried about.

As pure-blood family members, after each of them is confirmed to have wizard talent, they will make something similar to a life card.

The Life Tablets are handed over to the Department of Mysteries of the Ministry of Magic for safekeeping.

In this way, if a family elder unfortunately dies, the Department of Mysteries will find the blood descendants of the family and help them take over the family property.

Similarly, if a descendant of a pure-blood family dies unfortunately, the Department of Mysteries will immediately notify the elders of the family and assist in investigating the cause of death to safeguard the interests of the pure-blood family.

In fact, the Department of Mysteries is the result of a game between ordinary wizards and pure-blood wizards.

The pure-blood wizards agreed to accept the hostage of the Ministry of Magic, but the Department of Mysteries also wanted to ensure the interests and continuity of the pure-blood family.

Almost all Slytherin students are from pure-blood families. Since the other party chose to pretend to be Phyllis to get close to Zannah, it should not harm the lives of Phyllis and Lena.

Otherwise, the Auror from the Ministry of Magic might come looking for her before she can find Zannah.


After hearing her brother's words, the haze between Shanna's brows dissipated a lot.

The little girl is very smart, but she is confused when she cares about her. Now that she is comforted by her brother, she can understand many things in an instant.

‘Pa~! ’

Another whip...a ​​magic spell, and the speed that had slowed down the 'gyro' increased again.

Although she figured out that her good friends should still be alive, she still didn't know where the two of them were hidden. She had to press him quickly, in case the two of them were seriously injured at this moment.

"What about that, Shanna, please take your time, there are two bad guys, I have to go take a look quickly.

Also, if you want him to talk, put him down.

I go first. "

After saying that, Bell took one last look at the poor guy and decided not to disturb his sister playing with the top anymore. Hermione was also attacked, and he had to hurry over and take a look.

Before Shanna could reply, Bell turned into an afterimage again and rushed upstairs like lightning.

It's a long story, but the conversation between Bell and Shanna actually didn't take more than a few seconds. When Bell rushed outside the abandoned classroom on the second floor, the smoke and dust caused by the explosion had not yet dissipated.

Feeling Hermione's vigorous vitality in the classroom, Bell breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he went to Zannah's place immediately, the one he was most worried about was Hermione.

After all, Shanna's strength is there, and the little girl is also very alert, so she can protect herself in most situations.

In comparison, Hermione's strength is much worse. Coupled with the fact that he had previously improved Hermione's Ten Thousand Snakes Away, Hermione's biggest trump card was no longer available and she was even more prone to accidents.

Speaking of which, Bell really didn't expect that these attackers could sneak into Hogwarts.

To be honest, Hogwarts without Dumbledore is really one of the few safe places in the British wizarding world. Bell also knew something about the power and subtlety of Hogwarts' defensive barrier.

That's why he was so confident before taking away Hermione's snakes.

But who would have thought that reality gave Bell a hard slap in the face. If it hadn't been for the previous attack on Platform Nine and Three-Quarters, and if the three attackers this time were obviously targeting him and Zannah, Bell would have almost thought that Dumbledore was actually faking his own death to hide. Behind the scenes.

Sure enough, people are more afraid of being famous than pigs are afraid of being strong. It seems that he will have to think of a solution in the future. Bell didn't want to have to be on guard for sneak attacks wherever he went in the future, so he might have to go crazy.

More importantly, Bell didn't want his family, friends, and friends of his family to live in fear all the time.

Then you will have no friends in the future.

Do you know how difficult it is to make friends these days?

With a tap of the wand, a strong wind was generated, blowing the dust in the air and flying out of the window. Bell walked into the classroom quickly, and everything he saw was a mess.

There were a lot of black and red dried blood stains on the walls and the floor. The smell of blood and burnt smell were mixed together, making it nauseating.

Thanks to being immersed in rich magic all the year round, the walls of the castle have a certain degree of resistance to magic. The previous violent explosion did not destroy this classroom.

However, at this time, the walls of the classroom were also riddled with holes, like a sieve filled with holes.

On the ground in front of the classroom, there is a series of deep pits. At the bottom of the pit, there are still some small holes, and the scene on the first floor can be vaguely seen.

After quickly scanning the ruins in front of him, Bell finally stopped at the back of the classroom.

At this time, several huge rocks were piled up into a hill at the back of the classroom. The hill exuded a burning breath, and Hermione was hiding behind the hill.

After walking around the hill, a brown-red wand first appeared in Bell's eyes.

"it's me."

Bell raised his hand and pushed away Hermione's wand, letting the crushing spell fly past him.

The curse hit the classroom wall, becoming the straw that broke the camel's back.

With a 'bang', the already dilapidated wall finally couldn't bear the continuous damage and completely collapsed.

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