The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 731 Give me a chance

"Liz? Why are you here? Where is Leilei?"

Shanna looked at her good friend strangely.

Why is it that there seems to be a big difference between reality and her expectation?

"Leilei is waiting for us over there. Come here quickly, we have something to discuss with you."

After saying that, Felice grabbed Zanna's arm and walked in a deserted direction.

"Is there something to discuss? What is it?"

Is there anything you can’t say directly?

Even if you don't want others to hear, you only need to set up a soundproof barrier. There is no need to find a place where no one is around.

Shanna promised that no sound would escape through her soundproof barrier.

"You'll find out soon, let's go."

Phyllis pulled Zannah forward quickly without looking back.

Looking at the back of her best friend, Shanna frowned without a trace.

"Liz, where are the jewelry I gave you? Why didn't you bring them?"

Shanna asked.

"Those accessories... I'm sorry, I was in such a hurry this morning that I forgot them. I'll definitely bring them with me next time."

Phyllis replied casually.

After hearing the other party's answer, Shanna's frown relaxed.

But if Phyllis looked back, she would find that Shanna's eyes were full of danger.

As soon as they met, Shanna realized something was wrong.

Logically speaking, after Lisi saw her, she should immediately explain to her the reason why she did not come for training in the morning.

But not only did the other party not mention the relevant content at all, but he immediately pulled her in an inaccessible direction.

Moreover, no matter what they had to say, Liz and Lei Lei should come to her together.

Let Leilei wait alone in a deserted classroom. How come she doesn't know when Leilei became so courageous?

In addition, the defensive accessories worn by Liz and Leilei were specially made by her brother. She specifically told the two of them to remember to wear it with them.

In fact, the two of them have always kept her advice in mind and never leave their jewelry behind.

Even if Liz accidentally forgot today, it’s impossible that Leilei also happened to forget it, right?

Except when they are sleeping, the two of them only don't wear jewelry in one situation, and that is when they go to train.

Since all defensive accessories were required to be taken off during training, the two people who found it troublesome would return to the dormitory every morning after training to freshen up, put on the accessories, and then take the textbooks needed for the day and go to class.

Even if the above mentioned things can be explained by one reason or another, the last point cannot be quibbled with no matter what.

There was no one in the abandoned classroom in front of me!

In Shanna's perception field, she could clearly sense that there was not even a single insect in this classroom, let alone a human being.

Obviously, the other party was lying when he said that Leilei was waiting for them here!

"We're here, come in quickly."

Phyllis pushed open the old door in front of her.

This is the location she selected not long ago and she made some arrangements here in advance. Although due to time constraints, not much can be done. But it is more than enough to deal with a fourth-grade little witch.

In fact, if he hadn't considered the many magic items that the target might be wearing, he wouldn't even bother to make these arrangements.

After all, he is just a student who has not yet graduated, and he is not yet ready...

【All petrified】!

The white magic spell shot at the opponent's back. Considering the possibility that Liz might be controlled by the Imperius Curse, Zannah did not use the killing curse.

The light of the curse disappeared in a flash, and dissipated with it, as well as the light blue iron armor curse shield.

Phyllis staggered forward two steps, feeling very surprised in her heart.

She didn't know where she was exposed, nor did she expect that the other party would attack so decisively.

And the most unexpected thing is that the other party actually broke her iron armor curse with one blow?

Is this really the level a fourth grade student should have?

Even if the intelligence shows that the other party's strength is good, no matter how you say it, this is too outrageous!

You know, even she herself can't break the iron armor spell she cast so easily!

Many thoughts were running through her mind, but the surprise in her heart did not affect her counterattack. Even under the pressure of a sense of crisis, she still performed beyond her level.

The wand was pulled out from her arms, and with the help of the previous reaction force, she used her left foot as the axis to rotate her body to the right. It only takes one more second for her wand to be aimed at its target and launch a counterattack...


After one blow missed, Zannah shot out another magic spell. She held the wand tightly in her right hand and pointed it steadily at 'Phyllis' in front of her, without any trembling at the tip of the wand.

Shanna was now certain that the other party was not her good friend Liz, but someone else pretending to be her.

Liz's armor spell could not block her petrification spell, and the wand the other party just took out from his arms was not Liz's.

The red light struck the target, not only depriving the opponent of his wand but also knocking it away.

With a 'bang' sound, the other party hit the desk. The old lecture table was no longer as strong as it once was, and it fell apart instantly under the strong impact.

‘Crack! ’

Shanna stepped out and stepped on the wand that fell in front of her. The wooden wand was broken by the little girl's foot without any resistance.

It wasn't over yet. The little girl crushed it twice in displeasure, ensuring that the wand would not be able to be reattached no matter how much tape was wrapped around it, and then she finally let the poor guy go.

Raising her arms, 'Phyllis' who was trying to get up not far away also flew into the air.

Seeing the other party's embarrassed look, Shanna felt a little distressed for half a second. After all, what the other person was holding was her good friend's face, so she really couldn't do it.

Of course, this thought only existed in Shanna's mind for less than a second before the little girl snuffed it out.

Liz and Leilei's whereabouts are unknown now, and she doesn't have time to feel sorry for her enemies.

"Come on! What did you do to Liz and Lei Lei? Where are they now?"

While questioning, Shanna also sent out a magical impact, hitting the opponent on the shoulder, successfully making the opponent spin in the air.

This made Wallace, who was about to say something, quickly shut his mouth to prevent his saliva from spitting out.

After all, he was also a school idol back then. Even if no one else is around now, Wallace doesn't want his image to collapse too much.

Therefore, he planned to wait for two seconds and then negotiate with the other party after stopping.

The wand was destroyed and the target's strength exceeded expectations. If nothing else, his operation should have been in vain.

For Wallace, the only thing he needs to consider now is how to escape.

With the two hostages in hand, he felt that if the operation was good, he should still have hope of making a comeback.

However, what Wallace didn't expect was that the two seconds he wanted to wait because of his 'idol baggage' would give him no chance to speak again.

‘Don’t spin anymore~! I said! I say anything! Give me a chance to spread~! ’

The world was spinning, and Wallace felt that his brain was turning into a ball of mush. He really couldn't stand it...

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