Although the outside world is full of praise for herself, Shanna is not happy at all.

On the contrary, the little girl was very unwilling to fail to win the championship.

Although her brother also praised her highly afterwards and said that her performance was very good, she always felt that it was a little less interesting without the championship trophy.

And she didn't know if it was an illusion, but she always felt familiar with the last maze trap. She didn't do anything before, so she just turned around a few times subconsciously, and it turned out so confusingly.

She doesn't think it's as difficult as others say?

In short, after thinking to no avail, the little girl could only attribute it to luck.

‘Wow! ’

The sound of waves again.

The weather is very good today. Under the bright sunshine, the blue sea is sparkling.

The breeze blows, bringing the saltiness and coolness of the sea.

Taking a deep breath, Shanna finally suppressed her unhappiness and focused on saying goodbye to her friends.

Most of the summer vacation has passed, and everyone in the cultivation world has stayed in the UK for more than a month. Seeing that the start of school was getting closer, everyone finally set off on their way home.

Parting is always sad. No matter how bright the sunshine is, it can't dispel the gloom in people's hearts.

"Haaaah——! Ahhh——!"

There are always some people who are more sentimental than ordinary people. Facing the upcoming parting, some people couldn't help crying.

"Okay! Sir, is this a big deal? Stop crying!"

After patting Wang Shouqiang's back hard, Bell comforted him in an angry and funny tone.

He hates seeing other people cry the most, especially a tall and thick man crying so hard that he almost wants to hit them.

“Wha, what do you mean, ‘such a little thing’?

That, that's...

I have saved my pocket money for five years! "

Five years! God knows how he survived those five years!

I was reluctant to eat and wear clothes every day. I managed to save some savings, but in the blink of an eye, I lost them all!

"So I told you not to gamble on cars, but you just didn't listen and just thought about getting something for nothing all day long. What's the result?

You should take the blame yourself! "

"But, who knew something like that would happen!"

Wang Shouqiang looked up to the sky and wailed. His voice was as sad as a cuckoo weeping blood. It made those who heard it sad and crying.

Previously, based on the numerous information he collected, Wang Shouqiang finally concluded after rigorous and reasonable analysis that player Duolong has the highest probability of winning.

So, without hesitation, he put all his savings on the Duolong players.

Since there are a large number of players in the competition, you can win money as long as the deviation is not large.

For example, Wang Shou defeated Duolong to win the championship. If Duolong really won the championship, Wang Shouqiang would be able to get 5 times the bet at odds of 1 to 5.

And if Duolong takes second place, Wang Shouqiang can only get four times the bet at odds of 1 to 4.

By analogy, if Duolong wins fifth place, then Wang Shouqiang will get back his bet intact, without losing or gaining.

And if Duolong's ranking falls further, Wang Shouqiang will start to lose money. Only when Duolong ranks outside the 10th place will Wang Shouqiang lose all his money.

Under this rule, Wang Shouqiang is 90% sure that he can win money!

Even if Duolong made a mistake and fell below the 10% mark, Wang Shouqiang didn't think he would lose much, so he just regarded it as the cost of the trip and could barely comfort himself.

At the beginning of the game, when Duolong was far ahead of the other players, Wang Shouqiang was extremely excited. He even started to figure out how to spend the money he won.

As a result, before he could formulate his first investment plan, Duolong was swallowed by the 'Throat of the Abyss'.

After listening to the host's explanation about the 'Throat of the Abyss', Wang Shouqiang felt like the sky was falling. He couldn't eat well or sleep well every day, praying to God and praying for the "Throat of the Abyss" to go to the toilet.

In fact, if Shanna hadn't gone to participate in the competition, he would have wanted to ask the little girl for a bottle of that magical potion that can cause diarrhea without anyone noticing.

However, no matter how much Wang Shouqiang prayed, the miracle never happened. Doron only finished in 88th place.

This number is quite auspicious, but Wang Shouqiang doesn't like it at all.

His savings! All gone!

Heartbroken, Wang Shouqiang could not say he had achieved his small goal of "losing 30 pounds". At this moment, he was completely out of shape and almost lost 30 pounds.


After casting a glance at Wang Shouqiang, Ma Jingjing snorted disdainfully.

She doesn't have any sympathy for people who don't believe in Zhang Chi!

Although she didn't relax...


She doesn't feel pressured, just because she thinks gambling is bad. It's definitely not because she has no confidence in Zhang Chi, absolutely not!

"Okay, money is for you bastard. If you lose it, let's make it again. If one day you really can't afford to eat, come hang out with me. I guarantee you will drink the soup from your mouth."


How about you take care of me? "


Bell kicked Wang Shouqiang away as he approached.

Sure enough, he shouldn't sympathize with this 'bitch'!

"Okay, the ship has arrived, Senior Sister Ma. Please take care of these junior girls and send them home safely."

After seeing Ma Jingjing and others nodding in agreement, Bell finally said goodbye:

"Everyone, see you soon. I look forward to seeing you next time!"

‘Woo~! ’

The whistle sounded, and the Magic Cruise Ship stopped on the shore and lowered the boarding ladder. Lu Feitian and Lu Liang Erlu picked up Wang Shouqiang, raised their hands to Bell, and took the lead in boarding the cruise ship.

Others followed closely and said goodbye one by one, either freely or with reluctance.

Especially Kagura, the little girl grabbed Huang Quan's hand and cried with tears all over her face, almost catching up with Wang Shouqiang.

This is the true sadness of parting.

It was not until the last moment before the cruise ship set sail that Kagura reluctantly boarded the ship.

Looking at the distant cruise ship, Bell felt a sense of loss in his heart.

Although he often felt a little annoyed when everyone was around. But now that everyone is gone, he feels quite lonely when he thinks that the castle will be deserted again.

"Let's go, go back?"

Holding her boyfriend's hand, Hermione suggested softly.

Although she didn't know what Bell was thinking, looking at Bell's back at this moment, she felt an inexplicable sadness. Holding Bell's hand tightly, Hermione hoped to transfer her body temperature to the other person.

"Well, let's go back!"

After glancing at Hermione beside him, then at Zannah, Huang Quan, Little Bell and Little Wolf behind him, Bell's face showed a smile again.

In this life, he is no longer alone, nor is he alone...

"Hermione, please stay here tonight, and tomorrow morning we will go to Diagon Alley to buy textbooks for the next school year."


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