The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 697 The game is over

Why are so many wizards afraid of werewolves?

After being bitten by a werewolf, it is not the main reason why you will be infected and become a werewolf.

If you are bitten by a dog, you will be infected with rabies. How many wizards are afraid of dogs?

Ultimately, it's because dogs aren't strong enough to hurt wizards, but werewolves can.

Under normal circumstances, an ordinary adult wizard cannot defeat a crazed werewolf.

This is the fundamental reason why wizards avoid werewolves like snakes and scorpions.

Although the little wolf is not a werewolf, its combat power is even higher than that of a werewolf.

Not only does the little wolf have the powerful physique of a werewolf, but in half-wolf form, he can also cast spells like a wizard. Not to mention, the little wolf has lived among wolves since he was a child, hunting and fighting every day. His rich combat experience is probably far greater than that of most wizards.

In addition, even if Xiaolang encounters a situation that is difficult to deal with, there will still be an 'old-timer' like Fina following him.

Even though the little guy's body shape has not changed at all in the past few years, the total amount of magic power in his body is increasing day by day.

Now Fina's strength is already extraordinary. If this trend continues, Bell estimates that in another year or two, the little guy should be able to enter the adult stage.

"Hey! Senior sister, long time no see!"

As soon as he entered the box, Bell noticed Penello not far from the door.

Speaking of which, although the two often communicate through personal terminals, it has indeed been a long time since they met in real life.

"Sister, you can't do this! If you continue like this, you will become a social animal!

You see, you are still so young. Wouldn’t it be nice to find a boyfriend, eat and drink every day, and have a date when you have nothing to do?

If you are immersed in work all day long, your youth will be wasted by you! "

When the speed racing competition opened before, Bell invited the other party to watch the competition. In fact, as the conscience of the wizarding world, all employees of the Menethil family business received free admission tickets.

After all, it is a competition held by the family, and admission tickets are free.

However, Penello refused Bell's invitation and did not attend the opening ceremony of the game, citing his busy work schedule.

In this regard, Bell can be said to be full of question marks.

By the way, isn't he the other party's boss? Why didn't he know when he had arranged so much work for the other party?

"Hmph! I want you to take care of it!"

Penelo has no interest in finding a boyfriend or anything.

Just kidding, how can having a boyfriend be as fun as having a job?

Work fulfills her! Work makes her happy! She wants to be a strong woman!

Seeing the other party's attitude, Bell couldn't bear his temper immediately. Whatever he said today, he had to establish his majesty as the boss, otherwise, if he continued like this, the other party might rebel!

"If you dare to work overtime again, believe it or not, I will deduct your salary!"

Bell said with an angry look.

Still want to be a strong woman?

If he doesn't get a promotion or a salary increase, he wants to see how the other party can still be a strong woman!


"What am I? Humph! If you can, go complain to Hermione! Look who she will complain to!"

Bell raised his head in triumph, looking confident. This made Penello grit his teeth with hatred, but he was helpless.

As for the conversation between the two, the few people around who could understand English were all speechless.

The boss threatens employees not to work overtime by deducting wages? The employees are very dissatisfied with this and are trying every means to work overtime?

They had never heard of such a weird boss and employee, let alone met them.

"Okay, Senior Penello, it's time for you to take some rest. Look at you, your skin has become so rough and the bags under your eyes are obvious."

Seeing that the situation had reached a stalemate, Hermione took Penello's arm and pulled her to the seat next to her.

"W-What!? Has my skin really gotten worse!?"

I have to say that women understand women.

Strong women also love beauty!

“Viewers, the exciting moment is finally here!

We can see that the first contestant has successfully passed the last maze trap and is making the final sprint towards the finish line!

Close! Close!

Reach the finish line!

After 9 days, the champion of this world-class speed racing competition was finally born!

he is the one……"

Unfortunately, Bell was not able to hear what the host said next. All that echoed in his ears was the scream that seemed to pierce his eardrums.

"Ah——! Zhang Chi——! Zhang Chi, I knew you were the best——!"

Bell vowed that no matter what game he watched again, he would never watch it with such ardent fans.

It really tests the eardrums and heart!

"Don't be afraid, that sister is not crazy, she won't bite."


Patting Gabri's little head behind him, Bell comforted her softly.

The little girl had just been startled by the sudden scream. She was hiding behind Bell, revealing her little head, and carefully observing the big sister from the East over there.

In fact, she was not afraid of the other party biting her...well, she was still a little scared...

But it was mainly a subconscious reaction after being frightened.

After contestant Zhang Chi from the cultivation world won the first place, about two days later, other contestants also arrived at the finish line.

But for these lower-ranked players, except for some domestic audiences, the rest don't care much. The main reason why people still stay in Cheddar Gorge is to watch the final awards ceremony.

In their spare time, the ranking of this competition has become the most popular topic among people. Among them, the one that is most often mentioned is naturally Zhang Chi as a champion.

Since they have rarely communicated with the outside world for many years, wizards are very curious about the world of cultivation. In addition, the opponent is still the champion, which makes the wizards very happy to dig out detailed information about Zhang Chi.

The person ranked second on the popularity list is not the second-ranked Katrin player.

Although the other party's superb driving skills and hot figure have attracted countless fans, they still cannot match the reputation of the little princess of the Menethil family.

Yes, the second most popular topic is Shanna.

Originally, everyone thought that the Menethil family just paid for their little daughter to play. Although the price is a bit expensive, everyone can understand it considering the rumors that William, the current patriarch of the Menethil family, is a daughter slave.

But who would have thought that the other party unexpectedly achieved very good results.

No. 19!

You know, the other 100 contestants are all carefully selected from the strongest players from various countries.

To be honest, before the competition started, everyone agreed that the little princess of the Menethil family would be at the bottom.

However, the result was that not only was the opponent not at the bottom, but they were also at the forefront.

This is really amazing!

By the way, why don't they go back and try to participate in the speed car race? Did it suddenly feel very simple?

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