The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 652 Okay, stop acting, hurry up!

Touching the package made of sea dragon skin next to her, Hermione's heart was filled with reluctance at this moment.

Of course she didn't want to give away the points cards that she had worked so hard for... and that her boyfriend had worked so hard to eat. Even when she dreams at night, she still dreams about Bell spurting blood.

But Wang Shouqiang's sigh, full of sadness and helplessness, made her feel the same way.

Not long ago, she was just like the other person, worrying that she wouldn't be able to get even 1 point every day, worrying that she wouldn't be able to eat well or sleep well.

So, after much entanglement, she gritted her teeth and decided to give the other party 10...5 points to make him look better.

"This...Hermione, this..."

Bell felt a toothache. He secretly glared at Wang Shouqiang, who was looking embarrassed.

‘What’s wrong with you acting so realistically? ’

By the way, Bell just found out today that Wang Shouqiang, a rough guy, actually has such a strong acting talent.

There is no doubt that what Wang Shouqiang said before is true.

But this does not mean that the other party is really pitiful.

You must know that the reason why this game has regulations and even implicitly encourages teams to compete for points is because some teams may not be able to detoxify the Golden Beak Chicken.

In fact, Wang Shouqiang's team is not the only one that has not scored a single point so far.

After all, even if the toxins in chicken can be weakened, eating chicken will still cause a team member to become weak or even completely lose combat effectiveness.

In that case, facing attacks from other teams, they would have to fall into an unfavorable situation of 4 versus 5.

Therefore, all teams are very cautious about eating chicken.

This is also the reason why Bell and others took action a week late and were able to eat more than a dozen.

Even Bell would not dare to eat too much chicken in a short period of time, otherwise he would fall into a weak state.

This is also the reason why he and Shanna only ate a dozen chickens in more than a week.

In other words, Wang Shouqiang and others just chose the strategy that suits them best within the limits allowed by the rules of the game. Otherwise, even if none of them are good at refining elixirs, if they risk their lives to eat it, five people will not be able to eat even one chicken.

"Ahem, Miss Granger, there is no need to give us points. This is a four-house competition, and it is normal for the contestants to compete in the competition. And I have long wanted to compete with Bell. It's very friendly. The kind!"

Faced with Bell's unscrupulous blame-shifting (?) behavior, Wang Shouqiang had no choice but to persuade him.

Although he is indeed carrying out a small plan now, his strategic goal is not to let Hermione give him points for nothing!

This part is not in the script!

"That's right! Hermione, this competition is just like an exam. Whether you do well or not depends entirely on yourself. If you give points to others, isn't it equivalent to helping others cheat? That's not okay."

Looking at this silly girl in his family, Bell decided that when he got back, he would give Hermione to Zannah for a good education.

The four teammates who have not seen Wang Shouqiang are still hiding in the dense forest and have not shown their bodies until now. This is obviously a bad person. How can you just give away a few points and get rid of them easily?

"Okay then."

Hearing the word 'cheating', Hermione immediately gave up her thoughts.

You know, she hates cheating the most. Borrowing homework for classmates to copy is already the biggest concession!

Immediately afterwards, Hermione hugged the package containing the score cards tightly in her arms, as if she were a hen protecting her chicks, guarding against an evil eagle.

"Brother Bell..."

"Okay, stop acting, hurry up!"

Bell waved his hand impatiently, interrupting Wang Shouqiang's attempt to continue stirring up the atmosphere.

The other party's acting skills were so superb that he was really afraid that his sentimental girlfriend would be impressed by him again.

Then there’s no end!


Chirping, chirping, although the purpose has been achieved, Wang Shouqiang always felt that there was still a little bit missing after being interrupted like this.

But since Bell doesn't want to cooperate with him, he can't sing a one-man show, right?


"Do it!"

With a loud shout, Wang Shouqiang gathered his strength and pounced towards Bell, who was only a few steps away.

The weak must have the consciousness of being weak, and when facing the strong, they must use all available conditions to strengthen their own advantages.

Previously, Wang Shouqiang took advantage of his familiarity with Bell and deliberately acted like he was complaining, thus successfully approaching the position less than 5 steps away from Bell.

As a body cultivator, as long as you can successfully approach the Dharma cultivator, that is basically half the battle won.

Although the other half may never be caught...

‘Bang! ’

Stomping on the ground hard, Bell quickly flew backwards like a prophet.

Ever since he had the experience of being almost split in half by Huang Quan's sword, he was now very wary of enemies getting close to him. The reason why he dared to let Wang Shouqiang get so close to him was because he was confident enough to deal with the opponent's next attack.

You know, he has not been tortured by Huang Quan every day in the past six months for nothing.

Although he is still far behind in terms of pure sword skills, if it comes to unrestricted close combat, he is really not that weak now.

At most it's just a little bit empty...


Moreover, in fact, he had already guessed that Wang Shouqiang's purpose was to hold him back. And this was exactly what he expected, so he simply chose to take advantage of the situation.

Don't forget, Bell doesn't want to take first place in this four-house competition. That would be a slap in the face of the monks.

Second or third place is his goal. In this way, the monks' face can be saved, and the reputation of the wizards will not be ruined, which is the best of both worlds.

Therefore, he must leave the main battlefield.

He wasn't bragging. If he were here, it would be impossible for Wang Shouqiang and the others to steal the points card.

After all, this is a live broadcast, so he can't let it be too obvious, right?

‘Boom~! ’

An earth dragon raised its head in the night.

Unlike Bell who flexibly avoided the trees along the way, Wang Shouqiang adhered to the principle of 'the shortest straight line between two points', like a bulldozer, forcibly cutting out a straight road in the dense woods.

Seeing that the distance was enough, Bell exerted force on his feet again, his speed suddenly increased, and he landed in the middle of an open space in the forest.

The next second, Wang Shouqiang also appeared in the open space. He stared at Bell solemnly, doubting for the first time whether he could really hold him back?

‘This guy is too fast! ’

Although it was not his full speed before, it can be seen from the fact that all the movements along the way were caused by him. It is obvious that Bell is much more capable than him.

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