The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 651 Hermione who doesn’t play by the rules

"Really? That's great!"

Hermione said happily.

She couldn't wait to leave the island and borrow the class notes from this period with her classmates.

Unlike the 'naive' Hermione, after hearing Bell's speculation, Roy and Bugit looked at each other, their eyes full of worry.

In the past half a month, their team had not had conflicts with other teams.

Although everyone had reservations until the last moment, it also made the two of them realize that perhaps among all the contestants on the island now, they are the two weakest.

Even Hermione, if they were really fighting one-on-one, they would probably not be opponents.

This made the two of them, especially the older Roy, feel very disappointed.

In fact, if you think about it carefully, this is quite normal.

The teams that originally participated in the four-academy competition were all selected from internal trials within the academy. Even if they can't be said to be the top 15 in each academy, they are definitely among the best.

And the two of them, in Yandu Academy, are only in the middle and upper reaches of their grade levels. If it hadn't been for the academy's special approval, they probably wouldn't have been able to qualify.

Next, the first game is coming to an end, so the teams will definitely not be as 'peaceful' as before. As the conflict intensifies, they will surely face more intense battles later.

They couldn't get Bell's constant attention like Hermione did. If Bell gets distracted when the time comes, they might be in trouble.

Death is unlikely, but lying in the hospital for ten and a half days is torture enough!

"Sanna, don't be so excited, we have to be polite first and then fight."

Suddenly, Bell said to Shanna beside him.

This made the little girl put down the wand in her hand and continued to eat her chicken stew obediently.

"Brother Wang, I didn't expect that the first wave to come would be you."

After comforting his sister, Bell spoke emotionally towards the dark woods.

He knew that his team would definitely become the target of other teams.

There are only 100 golden-beaked chickens on the island, but there are 13 participating teams.

Maybe the other teams didn't crack the chicken poison smoothly? After all, it is not easy to find a qualified drug testing tool person like him.

Therefore, their team ate more than ten golden-beaked chickens.

If nothing else, they should have the most points among all teams.

This was really beyond Bell's expectation.

He really didn't want to win first place, but the golden-beaked chicken was so delicious...

What surprised him even more was that the first team to target them turned out to be Wang Shouqiang's team.

He thought he had a pretty good relationship with Wang Shouqiang, but why was he so disrespectful?

"Haha, Brother Bell, these are the rules of the game, don't blame me!"

After laughing twice, Wang Shouqiang strode out of the woods.

He just said not to do any sneaking. Regarding Bell, he thought he knew something about it. So he didn't think at all that the half-assed stealth skills of his group could hide from the other party's perception.

"How could that be? I'm just a little surprised."

Bell looked at Wang Shouqiang, who was sitting opposite him, with a smile, and casually threw a cucumber to him.

He still admired this straightforward man.

Catching the cucumber thrown by Bell, Wang Shouqiang took a big bite.

This thing is a rare item!

Since arriving on the island, he has either eaten sea fish or gnawed on those bitter and astringent herbs every day. He has almost forgotten what fresh vegetables taste like.

After reluctantly swallowing the cucumber in his mouth, Wang Shouqiang said:

"Alas~! Brother Bell, I really have no choice!

As you know, our team is all classmates in Class 2. Although during the school selection, we finally qualified through tacit cooperation, but we are really not good at miscellaneous subjects such as alchemy.

Seeing that the number of golden-beaked chickens is getting smaller and smaller, and the end of the game is getting closer, but we haven't even scored a point, I feel anxious! "

Wang Shouqiang and others also tried to crack the poison of the golden-beaked chicken before, but they gave up after a group of people almost scratched their heads before finally getting a pill.

That is no longer a question of whether chicken can poison people. Looking at the colorful elixir, even Wang Shouqiang, a rough and nervous man, hesitated for a while and did not dare to take it.

He was afraid of being poisoned.

So during this period, they focused all their energy on collecting intelligence from other teams.

According to intelligence, Bell's team ate the largest number of golden-beaked chickens. This also means that unless Bell and others click on it, every chicken they eat will only have 1 point. Otherwise, Bell's team will most likely have the most points.

And the most important thing is that after discussions within the team, Wang Shouqiang and others agreed that Bell's team is the weakest persimmon.

Indeed, that guy Bell was so strong that they had all seen the match between Bell and Mr. Wu Shuang. To be honest, Wang Shouqiang felt that even if five people from his team came together, they would not necessarily be Bell's opponent.

Not to mention, Bell's sister Shanna is also a ruthless person who can compete with the leader Ma Jingjing.


Bell and Shanna were strong, but the remaining three provided them with a breakthrough point to grab points.

Wang Shouqiang thinks he can't beat Bell, but if he just delays the opponent, he is still very confident.

Just kidding, he is a physical practitioner! Among all the monks, he has the roughest skin and thickest flesh! Even opponents who are stronger than him can't even think of defeating him easily!

As long as he entangles Bell, wouldn't it be easy for his teammates to deal with the remaining Shanna and the three soy saucers?

This wave is stable!

"Is that so? It seems like it's not easy for you too!"

Bell sighed.

Although he didn't know what the other person had been going through during this period, he could hear endless sadness and helplessness from the other person's sigh. This made him... almost laugh.

Cough cough cough!

This is really not about him gloating about his misfortune, he is not that kind of person!

(Lu Feitian: ‘You are the one!’)

He just...just...

Anyway, that’s what happened!

"Bell, how about we give them some points?"

Just when Bell and Wang Shouqiang were building up the atmosphere, Hermione on the side suddenly spoke, making the situation instantly awkward.

Facing Hermione's unconventional speech, Bell and Wang Shouqiang looked at each other, and for a moment, they didn't know what to do.

Especially Wang Shouqiang, who came to snatch the points card, almost dug a hole and buried himself.

‘How can someone be so kind? Doesn't this make me look like a villain? ’

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