The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 513 The Burning Legion is coming~!

I roughly counted the 'pebbles' in my hand, and found that there were around 50, which should be enough.

Then, Bell injected magic power into the 'stones' respectively.

Dark green light shone out from Bell's hand, reflecting everything around him green.

After all the 'stones' were in a state to be activated, Bell closed his eyes tightly and devoted all his energy to casting the spell.

Soon, the space above his palm was distorted, and tiny space vortices were formed one after another, swallowing up the 'stones' one by one.


Taking a long breath, Bell wiped the sweat from his forehead.

Apparating dozens of times in a short period of time, even if the moving target is not oneself, and it is such a small object, it is not an easy task.

Not to mention anything else, just calculating the trajectory and landing point made Bell feel very tired.

"Master, is it done?"

Glancing at the intact barrier not far away, Goodwin asked doubtfully.

So what did the young master do? Why didn't he understand?

"It's done. If nothing else happens, in another minute or so, this barrier will be broken."

Bell obviously saw Goodwin's doubts, but he had no intention of explaining.

He wanted to take advantage of this rare time to rest and adjust, but there would be a more intense battle waiting for him later.

He scratched his head. Although he was extremely curious, seeing his young master closing his eyes and concentrating and not wanting to talk, Goodwin could only endure it for a while.

Suddenly, Goodwin suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky.

Although he couldn't see what it was, he could feel from the violent flow of air that something huge was falling towards him.

Before Goodwin could be confused for too long, under his alert gaze, dozens of huge meteorites with dark green flames burning on their surfaces hit the barrier outside the Thunderbird Wings headquarters one after another.

The impact destroyed the phantom spell and silent spell Bell had attached to the surface of the meteorite, causing the meteorite to reveal its true appearance.

Loud roars came one after another, and together with them, there was a strong flow of air produced by the violent collision.

The wizards in the periphery, who had received the notice long ago, hurriedly output their magic power to the maximum, for fear that the fog would be blown away accidentally.

‘What about the strong winds we promised? This is obviously a hurricane, okay? ’

Fortunately, it didn't take long for all the meteorites to fall, and the barrier of Thunderbird Wings was completely broken when about two-thirds of the way.

Since it was the first time he used it, Bell didn't know how powerful this move was.

Fortunately, when the barrier of Thunderbird Wings was about to break, he realized in advance that the rain of meteorites was not over yet, and promptly stopped his own personnel from trying to activate the barrier.

Otherwise, if he accidentally breaks the barrier on his side, causing someone in Thunderbird Wings to escape, Bell will really be in tears.

"Quick! It's now! Activate the barrier, come on!"

Bell's voice with a loud spell echoed in the night sky.

He no longer cared about whether it was hidden or not. The main reason is that there has been such a big commotion, even if the Thunderbird Wings has a total of 250 members, it is impossible not to know that someone is attacking at this time.

A pale golden barrier rose up, enveloping all the members of Thunderbird Wings.

The wizards belonging to the Thunderbird Wings, who had been hit by the meteorite rain and suffered heavy casualties, felt a tragic feeling after they found that they and others were immediately wrapped in the anti-Apparition barrier, with no hope of escape. My heart arose spontaneously.

As the saying goes, don't chase the poor enemy, and the sad army will win.

At this moment, the Thunderbird Wings headquarters, shrouded in a tragic atmosphere, has a sense of a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, as if it will swallow up all invading enemies.

Until the next scene happened before their eyes...

One after another, tall rock giants with a height of more than 10 meters were seen crawling out of the crater, their bodies burning with dark green flames.

A wizard who was so shocked by the scene in front of him that he failed to react in time was slapped into pieces by the rock giant.

Immediately afterwards, the corpse that needed to be mosaicd so that it could be viewed by children was burned to charcoal by the dark green flames.

Of course, the magic props carefully crafted by Bell cannot be as simple as meteorites used to hit people.

In fact, the function of smashing people is the result of his active control by casting magic spells, and is not attached to the 'Hellfire' itself.

Hellfire is the kind of pebble that Bell took out from his arms before.

Don't look at the stones, they are all very small and look unattractive.

But that was actually the result of using the shrinking spell.

Once activated, Hellfire will return to its original size, which is now over 10 meters tall.

Hellfire itself can be seen as an enhanced version of the magical stone statue.

Not only does it have great power and decent speed, but the flames on its body can not only burn the enemies around it, but can also block the wizard's spell.

This can be seen from the fact that the wizards of Thunderbird Wings are now screaming and attacking the curse of Hellfire.

Only a few powerful wizards can cause substantial damage to Hellfire.

In other words, if ordinary wizards don't run away and fight head-on, there is a high probability that they will not be Hellfire's opponent.

Of course, such a powerful hellfire naturally has its shortcomings.

In addition to the difficulty and high cost of production, the biggest disadvantage of Hellfire is that this magic stone statue is disposable.

The dark green flames on its body not only burn the enemy and block the spell, but also burn the hellfire itself.

After about half an hour, the structure inside Hellfire will be burned and destroyed by the flames, turning it into a pile of immovable stones.

While the wizards of Thunderbird Wings were busy dealing with more than 20 hellfires around them (the remaining hellfires were damaged in the collision with the defensive barrier), the members of the action team certainly could not be idle.

With Shanna as the vanguard, everyone quickly rushed towards the remaining enemies without saying a word.

This made the Thunderbird Wings side, which had just managed to stabilize the situation, once again add insult to injury and collapse instantly.

"Who are you!?"

The leader of the Thunderbird Wings, Raushan Medrano, roared sadly and indignantly.

He didn't expect that he had only become the leader of Thunderbird Wings for less than two years. He had just calmed down the opposition within the gang. He had not had time to enjoy the power of the leader's words. In the end, he just slept. Kung Fu, the Thunderbird Wings are about to disappear?

Don't be such a bully!

"Burning Legion!"

Bell, who was walking at the back of the team and always paying attention to Zannah's safety, heard the wizard across from him wail like a cuckoo weeping blood. He was so sympathetic that he kindly took some time to reply to her. The problem.

At this moment, looking at the raging hellfire in the field, Bell decided that he would form a Burning Legion!

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