The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 512 Mist Potion

At this time, Goodwin had completely forgotten that just half a month ago, when he was told that he would be the person in charge of this large-scale operation, he was stunned for more than a minute before finally coming back to his senses. Come.

Ahem, those details are not important. What is really important is that he saw his young master again and will once again participate in the action initiated by his young master!

This is what really makes Goodwin so excited that he can't help himself!

God knows how excited he was after witnessing the battle between the young master and Voldemort.

Ever since that night, in Goodwin's eyes, his young master had become the reincarnation of Merlin.

‘I wonder when the young master will grow a beard? ’

Staring at Bell's smooth chin, Goodwin thought to himself.

After his young master grew a long beard, he would ask for a few no matter what.

In that case, he was marveling at 'Merlin's beard! ’, you can take out the young master’s beard.

It’s really persuasive just thinking about it.

"What are you looking at?"

Taking a step back, Bell put some distance between himself and Goodwin.

He didn't know why, but he always felt that the other person looked at him strangely, as if he was trying to take something important away from him.

"Ahem! No, it's nothing! Master, what should we do next?"

Realizing that his thoughts were wandering, Goodwin asked stiffly.

After looking up and down at Goodwin again, Bell found nothing unusual and put the strange feeling behind him.

There were very important things waiting for him to do at the moment, but there was no time for him to think about it.

"Zanna, give the mist potion to everyone."

Bell ordered to his sister.

The mist potion is the potion that Bell asked Shanna to make.

For the past half month, the little girl continued to make the potion day and night, which made Bell feel distressed, and finally she made more than 1,000 bottles.

Unlike regular potions, mist potions are not meant to be drank, but to be thrown.

In the eyes of most wizards who love potions, this is considered blasphemy against potions.

‘Potions are not those barbaric magic props! ’

Under the guidance of this mainstream thought, there are almost no fog potions on the market.

Even many wizards who don't have an in-depth understanding of potions don't know that there is such a potion.

Even Bell, for the first time, he saw his sister using mist potions when playing as a ninja, and that's when he realized for the first time that there were actually throwing potions in the magic world! ?

The mist potion is made of the main material of the mist flower. It not only inherits the ability of the mist flower to mislead perception, but it can also completely isolate the magic power fluctuations so that the outside world cannot know what is happening in the mist.

This raid on Thunderbird Wings must be ensured not to be noticed by the outside world.

Otherwise, once other American gangsters learn that the Menethil family is setting the table, they will quickly join forces to encircle and suppress the Menethil family.

In that case, Bell would really have no choice but to run away with his family.

Although the overall strength of the American magical community is weak, it is not something that Menethil can contend with as a family.

At least not yet.

Therefore, like the previous attack on Voldemort, the approach of activating the magic barrier and then rushing forward will not work.

After all, there is such a big barrier standing there, and others are not blind, so how can they not see it?

When the time comes, if other gangsters come to inspect, Bell is not confident in leaving all the investigators behind.

Therefore, it is necessary to put on another layer of disguise outside the barrier.

Quietly, a light mist filled the night.

Under the careful control of the action team members, the mist was carried by the breeze and evenly distributed around the perimeter of the Thunderbird Wings headquarters.

The biggest weakness of the mist emitted by the Mist Flower is that it is easily blown away by the wind.

Unfortunately, Mist Elixir also inherits this weakness.

But it doesn't matter, because next, Bell's side will also deploy an inward defensive barrier within the mist.

As long as the barrier is not broken from within, the wizards of Thunderbird Wings cannot dispel the fog outside.

According to the intelligence from the prior investigation, Bell did not believe that the other party had that kind of strength.

Therefore, we only need to leave a few wizards outside later to prevent the fog from being blown away by the wind of nature.

"Master, do you want to activate the barrier now?"

Goodwin asked eagerly.

He couldn't wait to rush into the enemy camp and start killing.

"No hurries!"

Bell rolled his eyes at the anxious Goodwin.

Although the preparations here have been basically completed, you must know that there is still the biggest obstacle standing in front of Bell and others at this moment.

That is the defensive barrier of Thunderbird Wings headquarters.

As the largest gang in the wizarding world in the United States and the number one thorn in the side of the Magic Congress of the United States, although Thunderbird Wings may seem beautiful, the hardships involved are like drinking water and knowing whether you are warm or cold.

The Supreme Emperor of the Magic Congress of the United States is suppressing him above, and below is a group of ambitious people who are thinking about plotting to usurp the throne. If Thunderbird Wings doesn't keep their spirits up at all times, they may die one day. I know how I died.

Therefore, although the strength of the outer defensive barrier at the Thunderbird Wings headquarters is not comparable to the barrier deployed by the Magical Congress of the United States of America at great cost, overall, it is still very strong.

At least it was much stronger than the temporary barrier that Bell's side had just set up through the talisman.

Although under the bombardment of nearly 150 action team members, it was not impossible to break through the opponent's defensive barrier. But considering the time it would take and the possible casualties, this was not something Bell could accept.

You know, what Bell and others want to do is not a one-time deal. They must try to weaken the overall strength of the American gang before other gangs discover the anomaly and identify the culprit.

In other words, time is money my friend... ahem, in short, time is precious!

Therefore, they must break through the barrier in front of them in the shortest time and at the smallest cost, and successfully capture the Thunderbird Wings.

And he had been preparing for this in the previous half month.

"After I break the opponent's barrier, I will activate our barrier immediately.

In addition, inform the members responsible for controlling the fog on the outside that strong winds will occur later, and ask them to be careful not to let the fog surround them. "

Bell ordered to Goodwin.

After Goodwin passed on the order, Bell reached into his arms under the curious gaze of the other party and grabbed a large handful of dark green stones from his pocket.

Except for the different colors, these pebbles are not much different from the pebbles that can be seen everywhere on the roadside.

It's just more rounded, as if it has been coiled.

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