As we all know, the 'Mentos' spell cannot be used alone. It must rely on an object to create a door key.

The production of door keys has almost no requirements for objects. Whether it is an exquisite pocket watch or tattered shoes, as long as it is not the kind of item that will break when touched, it can be made into a door key.

This means that the Portkey is not actually a magic item. As the name says, it is really just a key.

The principle of the Portkey is to use magic power to imprint the afterimage of an object into the space of a certain location.

When the door key is activated, the previously imprinted residual image will also be activated at the same time.

At this time, in terms of spatial concept, the object should be located at the location of the afterimage.

But in fact, the object is not located where the afterimage is located.

This conceptual conflict causes the object to instantly return to where it should be. At the same time, the wizard who touches the door key will also be taken to the destination by the object.

During this process, the wizard was firmly stuck to the portkey, which felt like a hook hooking his navel.

This feeling cannot be weakened, otherwise it will easily cause the wizard to fall off halfway. Only God knows what will happen then.

Therefore, even though Bell's level of apparation is quite high and he can interfere with space through magic to reduce the feeling of squeezing in space, he cannot alleviate the uncomfortable feeling of having his navel hooked when using the door key. .

That's why he doesn't like using portkeys.

By the way, because there is no need to break through the space barrier between real space and dimensional space, the magic power required to make the door key is not much, and the user does not need to consume additional magic power, so it is suitable for long-distance teleportation.

But it is not an easy task to conceptually imprint the afterimage of an object into space, so it is relatively difficult to make a door key. This also leads to the use of door keys in short-distance spatial movement, which is a thankless behavior.

"But how are we going to get to America without using the portkey?"

Elena said distressedly.

Of course she didn't forget that feeling, but it left a deep impression on her.

Except for the time she came back from Japan, she had been to the United States several times over the years, although not many times, to visit her family and take care of some things.

Every time she used Portkey to travel to or return from the United States, she would be unable to eat for several days and always felt as if there was something foreign in her stomach. That feeling, not to mention how uncomfortable it is.

"Let's go in a flying car! I'll drive!"

A new generation of car god Shanna came forward.

She likes to drive her "Bena" for a ride, and even more likes the feeling of speed when the accelerator is pressed to the bottom!


Elena rejected her youngest daughter's proposal without hesitation.

Just kidding, they didn't apply to MACUSA for flight entry in advance, let alone go to the trouble of submitting an application just for this matter.

Therefore, if they flew directly into the United States in Zannah's flying car, that would be considered an illegal invasion. What if they were shot down?

They went to attend the wedding of their sister Helena, not to declare war with the Magical Congress of the United States of America.

In addition, Elena became extremely angry when she thought of this.

Back then, Bell, a troublesome guy, secretly let Shanna fly around the earth without telling them?

If Shanna hadn't let it slip later when she was showing off, they would still have been kept in the dark!


Shanna pouted unhappily and looked at her brother.

As expected, it is better to be my brother. Every time her parents saw her driving a speeding car, they would always make a fuss, but her brother would not be like that. Instead, he would praise her for her driving skills.

Smiling and ruffling Shanna's hair, Bell said:

"We can just apparate over while activating the portkey. Then we will say that we used the portkey to get there."


But, that’s the United States! How could it be possible to accurately appear at the destination at such a long distance?

Moreover, how much magic power would be consumed? Even if I put all my magic power together, it may not be enough. "

Elena looked at her son in surprise. She now seriously suspected that Bell was looking for excuses to stay in the UK because he was reluctant to leave his hometown.

This is not possible!

Helena is Bell's aunt. How can Bell not attend his aunt's wedding?

And the most important thing is that parents are almost going crazy thinking about Bell and Shanna. If they didn't have time all the time, they would have run back to England long ago, or they would have sent the brothers and sisters to the United States.

In fact, if she and William hadn't stopped them, the four elderly people would have planned to let Bell and Shanna transfer to Ilvermorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the United States.

Just kidding, she wouldn't let her children go to that crappy American magic school. She didn't want Bell and Shanna to be so far away from her!

"Mom, I told you a long time ago that I asked you to go to the Mars base.

The valuable experience of interstellar super long-distance apparation will greatly improve your apparation level. "

It has been almost a year since he last suggested that his parents go to the Mars base. Bell really didn't expect that his mother hadn't been there yet?

Since my mother has never been there, it is even less likely that my workaholic father, who does not care about his own strength and is focused on the family business, has been there.

"Uh...well, haven't you been too busy lately?"

Elena's eyes were wandering and she didn't dare to look into her son's eyes.

In fact, after receiving Bell's proposal, she went to investigate the relevant information.

Unlike her lazy husband, she is very interested in becoming stronger.

However, after watching relevant film and television materials, she hesitated.

As a beautiful woman, and a beautiful woman who cares very much about her own image, Elena has always dressed up beautifully and has never shown her embarrassment in front of outsiders.

Therefore, when she saw the wizards in the video kneeling or lying down one by one, with tears streaming down their faces and vomiting, she flinched.

She felt shuddered when she thought that if she went to the Mars base, she would probably look like that and be seen by many people.

She swore that if things really turned out like that, she would not be able to help but kill all the witnesses and let her dark history be buried in blood and corpses forever!

"...Forget it, come here and grab my arm, and I'll take you there with me."

Seeing his mother's appearance, Bell was reluctant to say anything more.

take it easy.

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