The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 501 Elena is so depressed

With the slight distortion of space, Bell appeared outside his castle.

As soon as he appeared, he saw his mother looking at him with a half-smile.

"Hey! Are you willing to come back? How was your honeymoon trip?"

Elena was very dissatisfied with the fact that her son left her as a mother during the summer vacation and went to kiss my girlfriend for half a month.

Sure enough, she has a wife and has forgotten her mother. She has loved Beier for so many years in vain!

"Ahem! What's the honeymoon trip? Why can't I understand?

I went to study before. In the ecological park, I worked hard to learn about magical creatures every day.

If you don’t believe me, ask Shanna. "

Despite Bell's shamelessness, he couldn't stand the look in his mother's eyes that was a mixture of teasing and resentment.

In desperation, he could only spread part of his 'firepower' to his sister and let Shanna help top the tank.

"Yes! Those magical creatures are so fun! We have so much fun every day!"

Shanna said with a smile on her face.

'Good sister, I have not hurt you so much in vain...'

“Even my brother doesn’t want to sleep with me now.

Every night, my brother and Hermione would run into the room and play. I don't know what they were doing. Anyway, Hermione would look tired the next morning. "

However, the next second, the little girl pouted and complained to her mother that her brother only played with Hermione and did not take her with him.


"Oh~! This is when do you plan to let me have my grandson or granddaughter?

I believe your grandparents will cry with joy if they learn that they have a great-grandchild or great-granddaughter. "

Elena glanced at Bell with slight surprise.

She didn't expect that her son could be so capable? Much better than that idiot William.

He is indeed her son!

"Ahem! Mom, it's getting late. Let's go quickly. Don't keep aunt and the others waiting."

Bell really didn't expect that his sister would sell him before he could finish his praise.

It’s really useless to have loved her for so many years!

"Hmph! Listen, I love my grandson, and you must give me a grandson to play with. Do you hear me?"

Since Bell's magic power ran rampant as soon as he was born, before the age of 5, when Bell was a child, Elena and Bell didn't have much contact.

And after Bell completely controlled his magic power and was able to walk out of the room, he didn't know if it was the influence of the period of being sealed?

In short, Elena discovered that her son's thoughts were unexpectedly mature and he had his own independent views on many things.

Elena was certainly very happy about this. But the only drawback is that she can no longer entertain her son.

Even during the countless times when she was playing around with her son, she felt that it was her son who was teasing her?

This is not fun at all!

Elena, who is not satisfied with her desire, has been holding it in for more than 10 years.

She is now looking forward to Bell giving her a little grandson, and then she can vent all her regrets about not being able to play with Bell on her little grandson and have a good time!

Fortunately, Bell didn't know about his mother's dangerous thoughts. Otherwise, when he and Hermione had a child, he would have warned Hermione carefully to protect his mother from water, electricity and water.

"Mom, it's too early to say that now. And giving birth to a child is a matter of probability. It doesn't mean that you can give birth to a boy if you want a boy.

The most I can promise you is to try to have as many children as possible. As for men and women, there is no other way. "

After spreading his hands, Bell said helplessly.

And to be honest, he actually prefers his daughter...

After rolling her eyes at Bell, Elena said nothing more.

She didn't believe that her son was really helpless.

Don't think that she doesn't know about the bloodline experiments in the other party's laboratory. She helped get many of the experimental subjects.

However, there is indeed not much time left now, so she does not plan to hold on to this matter for the time being.

‘Let’s give you a break for now! ’

Taking out a pocket watch from her arms, Elena held the chain of the pocket watch and said to the Bell brothers and sisters:

"Come here and hold the chain, we're going to go."

"Where's dad? Isn't he going with us?"

After being teased by his mother all the time, Bell finally remembered that his father hadn't arrived yet.

"He's busy. He won't go there until the day before the wedding."

Elena rolled her eyes and said dissatisfied.

You know, this is her biological sister getting married! How could William, a brother-in-law, not go and give blessings in advance?

But she really couldn't complain.

One is because I have been very busy recently.

After the 'Mysterious Man's Resurrection Incident', Fudge made a series of confused moves in a panic, so after two months of fermentation, Fudge's resignation can be said to be inevitable.

Now, just waiting for the successor to be decided, Fudge can say goodbye to the Ministry of Magic.

The most powerful candidate for the position of Minister of Magic is Rufus Scrimgeour, the director of the Auror Office.

But the Bell family worked hard and took great risks to ambush and kill Voldemort just after he was resurrected. How could William be willing to see the biggest peach being picked by others?

Although he didn't do anything when he ambushed Voldemort... ahem, but he, the father, should take at least half of the credit for his son's work, right?

After all, without him, where would that brat come from?

Therefore, after a brief thought of about 2 seconds, William decisively decided to give it a go and elect Snellie Warstood from the family as the next Minister of Magic.

People, they all have to look forward to Shu. Originally, William's goal was to get rid of Fudge and let Snelly take the position of director of the Auror Office after Stringer took over as minister.

But with the achievements his son had given him, he was no longer satisfied with being a small Auror office director.

Due to William's ambition, this is indeed a very critical moment. As the patriarch, William really cannot leave for a moment.

The second reason why Elena couldn't complain was because...she ran away, and the work that was supposed to be done by her, of course, had to be thrown on William's head.

‘Hey~! ’


Therefore, it would be nice if William didn't complain to her. She has been walking around her husband recently.

"Okay, come and grab the chain."

Elena urged.

"No, mom, you need to use the portkey again? You won't forget what happened when you returned from Japan the year before last, right? Do you want to experience that feeling again?"

Bell looked at the pocket watch in his mother's hand with disgust and resisted.

Although Portkey, like Floo Powder and Apparition, are spatial movement spells. But their principles are completely different.

If floo powder is to build fixed passages in dimensional space, and apparation is to move freely in dimensional space, then only portkeys can forcibly jump in the existing space without going through dimensional space. of.

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