The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 491 Justice and Arrogance

"...Of course I will abide by the board's decision."

After a moment of silence, Dumbledore looked at Snape again, thought of something, and said aloud.


Before Bell could breathe a sigh of relief, Dumbledore's voice changed, and Bell lifted his heart that had just dropped.

We all know it, but what comes after is the important point. Depending on the situation, the first half will most likely be bullshit.

"Bell, I have a question for you.

Are you doing all this for justice? Or is it just for your sister? "

For Bell, the best student he had ever encountered in his life, even better than Tom back then, Dumbledore wanted to know what Bell was thinking in his heart.

It's a pity that the other party's Occlumency skills are very good, and he can't easily detect the other party's thoughts, so he can only choose to ask.


No, of course not.

I'm not that arrogant. "


"It's not for my sister."

Before Dumbledore could finish speaking, Bell simply denied it.

"Oh? Then what are you doing for? You must have been seriously injured last night, right?"

Dumbledore did not know the details of Bell's plan.

But this did not prevent him from knowing that Bell was not in the audience during the game last night.

You know, he has always focused on Bell, a guy who doesn't make people worry.

Therefore, last night, when he discovered that Bell did not accompany his sister and girlfriend to watch the game, he felt very confused.

After watching the news this morning, and now that Bell was standing behind him, Dumbledore could definitely tell that Bell must have participated in the battle last night.

The new skin on Bell's body and the magic power in his body that had not yet been completely restored could not be hidden from him.

After hearing Bell's unexpected answer, even Snape looked at Bell curiously.

Compared to Dumbledore, he was actually more familiar with the siblings Bell and Zannah.

Therefore, he knew very well how much this guy Bell valued his sister.

Originally, he thought that everything Bell did must be for his sister.

Unexpectedly, Bell directly denied it?

So what is this kid trying to do?

"Everything I do is just for myself."

Bell said slowly.

And this even more unexpected answer also caused Dumbledore and Snape to fall into silence again.

a long time.

"Haha~! Hahaha~!"

Dumbledore burst out laughing.

He shook his head and said in a voice that suddenly became decadent for some reason:

"Yes, in the final analysis, everything we do is just for ourselves.

Unexpectedly, at this age, he would be taught a lesson by his own students.

Arrogance is indeed the greatest original sin of mankind.

Some of the theories and ideas of Muggles are really amazing.

Severus, go back and pack your things. I also have some things that need to be sorted.

Tomorrow morning, you can come to receive your new office. I hope that Hogwarts will become better and better under your leadership.

Oh, by the way, you can't be too partial to Slytherin students. "

I wonder if I have figured something out or let go of something?

In short, although there was a hint of weakness in Dumbledore's voice, it also gave people the feeling that the old professor had let go of something.

‘I don’t want you to say that! ’

Snape, who had been deceived by Dumbledore for three consecutive years and was deprived of the House Cup, was already full of energy. He was waiting to become the headmaster and deal with those stupid and reckless Gryffindors. .

Especially that old witch McGonagall, who used to use her status as vice-principal to oppress him, but it often made him feel defeated.

However, after thirty years in Hedong and thirty years in Hexi, Mag must have never dreamed that one day he would climb to the top of his head, right?

Snape couldn't help but think of McGonagall's wonderful expression after learning the wonderful news that he had become the Headmaster of Hogwarts.



Of course, he is still one night away from actually taking over the position of principal. And the most important thing is that the former principal is sitting in front of him. As his successor, he always has to express his respect for the seniors at the last moment.

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore, I will try my best to occupy the position of Headmaster of Hogwarts."

Thanks to his proficient Occlumency, Snape's performance was flawless.

"Well, if I leave it to you, I'll be at ease.

Okay, you guys go back, I'm going to start packing. "

Dumbledore said as he saw off the guests.

After bowing, Bell and Snape turned around in tacit agreement and walked quickly outside the office without any hesitation.

To be honest, they don't want to stay here any longer now.

After walking down the stairs and seeing the gatekeeper's stone statue sealing the door again, Bell and Snape let out a long sigh of relief.

‘It really scared me to death! '*2

Although I knew that Dumbledore would not do anything to them, I was not afraid of ten thousand, just afraid of the unexpected!

What if Dumbledore had a brain cramp because he didn't sleep well last night and gave them a shot?

With their small bodies, they may not be able to catch it!

Looking at each other, at this moment, the two brothers and sisters felt that each other was so kind. No matter how they looked at each other, they felt pleased with each other.

Of course, what pleases the eye is what pleases the eye, and things that should be explained clearly should be explained clearly in advance. After all, brothers still have to settle accounts, right?

"Professor Snape... no, it's Principal Snape. Regarding the next management of Hogwarts, the board of directors has two requirements.

First, don’t let some shady things enter Hogwarts and affect the study and life of students.

Second, if you think the existence of school rules is correct, then please strictly maintain it. Otherwise, change it or abolish it. "

Bell was disgusted with Dumbledore's previous behavior of openly encouraging students to violate school rules.

You know, even after Shanna violated school rules, Bell would give her a few symbolic words. As a result, Dumbledore did well. Not only did he not punish, but he openly rewarded Harry and others for violating school rules in front of all the teachers and students in the school.

It's no wonder that Fudge has become increasingly disgusted with Dumbledore in recent years.

After all, students educated in this way can be expected to abide by the regulations of the Ministry of Magic after graduation?

This means that the number of wizards is very small. Except for Azkaban, a heavy prison that only holds heinous criminals, there is not even a decent detention center.

Generally, if a wizard breaks the rules, they only receive a few words of verbal education and a symbolic fine.

Otherwise, Dumbledore would have been dismissed and investigated long ago.

After all, the detention center is full of Gryffindors, which makes it difficult not to doubt Dumbledore's intentions!

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