The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 490 Those who deceive others will eventually be deceived

"Uh... well, don't worry, Professor, Harry will definitely return to Hogwarts tonight, I promise!"

Bell said guiltily.

By the way, what are those people at home doing? Didn't everyone say that Harry would be sent back before this evening?

It's almost dark today, why haven't I seen anyone yet? ?

"hope so.

So, tell me, you two came together, what’s the matter? "

Dumbledore asked curiously.

This combination is really rare. Could it be that the magical materials sold to Severus by the Menethil family were adulterated, which made Severus furious and dragging Bell here for revenge?

"Professor, I am here today to convey the decision of the Hogwarts Board of Directors. Please take a look."

Taking a deep breath, Bell took out the roll of parchment from his pocket again and placed it on the desk in front of Dumbledore.

"Board of Directors?"

Dumbledore muttered while unfolding the parchment in his hand.

By the way, if he remembered correctly, Lucius of the Malfoy family had died in the battle last night.

Of course, he didn't regret Lucius' death at all. If he had to say it, he might be a little happy?

But Lucius's death also means that the only family on the Hogwarts board of directors that can compete with Menethil has withdrawn from the board of directors.

In other words, the current Hogwarts Board of Directors can be said to be the sole voice of the Menethil family.

So, what is this family that has just made big news planning to do this time?

‘Buzz~! ’

Suddenly, Bell felt a heavy pressure fall from the sky, making his body that had not recovered from serious injuries feel difficulty breathing.

And Snape next to Bell was not much better than him.

Faced with this powerful magic that made the air tremble, Snape could only curse madly in his heart.

'Damn Bell kid! You know this guy is a bottomless sinkhole! ’

Obviously he couldn't resist the temptation of becoming the principal, but at this moment, Snape still put the blame on Bell's head without hesitation.

Dumbledore read the short paragraph for 5 minutes, and Bell and Snape were able to hold on for 5 minutes under the pressure of the old professor's powerful magic.

Both of their foreheads were sweating...

Finally, Dumbledore raised his head and stared at Snape for a moment before turning to Bell.

"I need a reason."

Dumbledore's voice was calm and terrifying.

But this does not include Bell.

Bell sneered and said:

"Reason? Professor, don't you know the reason?"


Bell's reaction was beyond Dumbledore's expectations.

He couldn't remember how many years it had been.

For many years, no one dared to speak to him like this in front of him when he was angry.

While lamenting that Bell was not afraid of tigers as a newborn, Dumbledore also became more curious.

So what did he do to make the other party so angry?

It has to be said that Bell's previous inference was very correct. He and Dumbledore are really very similar.

Whether it's his indifferent personality or his lack of understanding.

"I remember, I should have told you once not to let some shady things enter Hogwarts again!

But how did you do it?

Don't tell me you didn't see through Barty Crouch Jr.'s disguise! Your title of 'the greatest white wizard of modern times' makes you cry! "

Glaring at Dumbledore, Bell said sonorously.

He didn't care what Dumbledore had planned or what Dumbledore was going to do.

Even if Dumbledore wanted to blow up Hogwarts, he didn't care at all.

But please choose a time when Zannah is not at Hogwarts to explode!

He would never tolerate someone placing a threatening target next to his sister!

Even though he knew that those people could not threaten his sister.

This is a matter of principle and cannot be discussed!

In the second grade, it was a thousand-year-old basilisk; this year, Voldemort was resurrected; who knows, will Dumbledore bring Grindelwald to Hogwarts tomorrow or the year after?

Unlike that 'trash' Voldemort, Bell didn't want to face Grindelwald directly.

Even now Grindelwald, after years of self-imprisonment, may be much worse than Voldemort in terms of strength.

But some people, even if they just stand there and do nothing, can still make the world tremble.

And Grindelwald is such a person!

The temple at Hogwarts is too small to accommodate the great god.

Therefore, to be on the safe side, Bell decided to carry forward the traditional virtues of being a Chinese in his previous life - respecting the old and loving the young, and asking old Professor Dumbledore to enjoy his long life.

The old professor is over a hundred years old and it’s time to retire.


Dumbledore was silent.

Did Bell ever say that to him?

It seems to have? It seems like there isn’t?

As this man gets older, his memory is really getting worse.

But that kind of thing doesn’t matter.

"I have never considered myself the greatest white wizard of modern times."

Dumbledore's deep voice sounded again.

"Only on this point, I completely agree with you."

Pouting his lips, Bell agreed.

Dumbledore was the most powerful white wizard in modern times, and he admitted it.

Can you say great?

Anyway, he doesn't agree with it.

At least in his opinion, Dumbledore hadn't done anything extraordinary.

What? You said Dumbledore once defeated Grindelwald?

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Grindelwald deliberately lost to Dumbledore in that duel.

As a wizard with lofty ideals, as a wizard with a broad vision, and most importantly, as a powerful prophet rarely seen in ancient and modern times, Grindelwald cannot fail to know that the wizard in his ideal world dominates. world is simply impossible to achieve.

There is no way, the base numbers of wizards and Muggles are too different.

Moreover, wizards and Muggles are not two independent groups. They are both human beings, and their relationship with each other is actually inseparable.

Therefore, after the goal was achieved and the wizards' sense of resistance awakened, in order to bring the vigorous revolution to a successful conclusion, Grindelwald chose to lose at the hands of his lover.

In other words, the truly great one was not Dumbledore, but the man known as the first Dark Lord.

"Okay, Professor, it's getting late, let's end the chat.

I don't know, what are you going to do about the Board's decision to remove you as Headmaster of Hogwarts? "

After wasting so much time, Bell was already a little impatient.

He also wanted to end this matter quickly so that he could go back and make a call to Sebas.

So why hasn't Harry been sent back yet? ? Do you want to trick him to death?

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