The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 420 Special attack on dragon

Facts have proved that Bell is still too young and too naive.

Home field advantage or something like that sometimes has no use other than being scolded even worse after losing the game.

Watching Cedric walk through the center of the auditorium, Bell somehow felt pity for him?

Just when everyone thought the selection of the warriors was over, just when Dumbledore was about to give his closing speech, something unexpected happened, but maybe it was also reasonable? The Goblet of Fire spit out a tongue of fire again.

Under everyone's confused gaze, Dumbledore reached out again and caught the fourth piece of parchment tonight.

After a short silence, Dumbledore was heard reading loudly:

"Harry Potter!"

Just for a moment, everyone turned their attention to Harry, as if they had already detected Harry's location.

Then, a buzzing sound filled the auditorium, as if countless bees were vigorously vibrating their wings.

The little wizards looked at Harry with eyes that ranged from admiration, admiration, jealousy, or anger.

Glancing at the people discussing fiercely around him, Bell scratched his head in wonder.

So what are they surprised about?

There are four warriors in the Triwizard Tournament. Isn't this a matter of course?

Ahem, just kidding.

Bell certainly wasn't as surprised as others, though. It should be said that no matter what happens during the Triwizard Tournament, he will not be surprised.

After all, he had already seen that Dumbledore was planning to do something wrong again.

Therefore, he would feel strange if nothing went wrong in the crucial selection of warriors.

Looking at Dumbledore, who had a calm face, as if everything was under control, and then at Harry, who was panicking and bewildered, walking helplessly through the auditorium, Bell's eyes gradually became hollow.

Although I had expected all this, I still feel unhappy when I should.

To be honest, although Dumbledore has always been Bell's biggest imaginary enemy, he really doesn't want to be an enemy of Dumbledore.

After all, there is such a terrifying enemy as Lao Deng. I can’t even sleep just thinking about it, okay?

Bell didn't want to be like Voldemort, who had to face the pressure from Lao Deng all the time, resulting in insomnia all day long, resulting in baldness at a young age.

However, whether to be an enemy or not is not something Bell can decide alone.

His sister's safety is his biggest obstacle, the bottom line that cannot be touched!

If Dumbledore's plan this time will still bring danger to Hogwarts and to Zannah, then there's no telling. Bell will have no choice but to fulfill his original promise!

The exciting selection of warriors ended in a slightly subtle atmosphere.

Obviously, what happened tonight will be the subject of discussion among the young wizards for a long time until something more interesting happens, such as the first event of the Triwizard Tournament.

However, all of this has nothing to do with Bell. Now there are more important things waiting for him to do.

Considering the diary of Quirrell in the first grade and Tom Riddle in the second grade, it is not difficult to speculate that Lao Deng's arrangement this time is probably related to Voldemort.

Moreover, Bell hasn't forgotten it yet. Unlike the diary that was destroyed by Dumbledore, the remnant spirit of Voldemort that originally possessed Quirrell ran away.

Not to mention, Voldemort still has several Horcruxes hidden in nook and corner.

Even if someone accidentally discovered Voldemort's Horcrux and ran out to cause trouble under Voldemort's temptation, that would not be surprising at all.

Time passes like water in peace.

The first competition will be held on November 24. Before then, the little wizards can only suppress their expectations and excitement, waiting for the moment of explosion.

It is worth mentioning that just a few days before the game was about to start, Hermione suddenly came to ask Bell if there were any special effects spells to deal with fire dragons.

"Yes! Fantasy Great Sword: The Demon Lost!"

Bell said that he is familiar with the dragon special attack!

"What are you fantasizing about...what kind of pendant?"

Hermione looked at Bell confused. To be honest, she didn't think Harry could learn this move that was so cool and domineering as soon as he heard its name.

In fact, Hermione came to Bell after receiving a commission from Neville to ask about how to deal with the fire dragon.

Although in name, the content of the Triwizard Tournament is a top secret project. But just listen to this kind of thing.

It can be said that except for the childish wizards in Hogwarts, the group of adult wizards outside all know what is going on.

Just kidding, I don’t even know the content of the game, how can I start the game?


Putting aside those "dirty" adults, the little wizards who have not yet been assimilated into this dirty world are still very innocent.

Therefore, with the help of Hagrid, Harry did not dare to speak out after learning that the first competition was to deal with the fire dragon.

He secretly found his good friend Neville, told him about the incident, and hoped that Neville could give him some good ideas.

As for Ron, the remaining member of the trio, he is currently in a cold war with Harry because he is jealous of Harry being elected as the Warrior.

Unfortunately, Harry obviously found the wrong person.

For Neville, who was often teased by the goblins in the yard, it was really a big step to suddenly ask him to come up with a way to deal with the fire dragon.

Therefore, after staring at each other, and after Harry's proposal to 'ask Ron for help' was rejected by Harry, Neville's not very bright mind finally came up with the idea of ​​a person who had been a student since he entered school. The kind little witch helping him - Hermione.

Unlike the two of them who were poor students, Hermione, who was number one in her grade, must know how to deal with a fire dragon.

Therefore, there is now a situation where Hermione comes to seek help from her boyfriend.

Although Hermione strongly disagreed with Harry's cheating behavior.

But thinking about the 'glorious' history of the Triwizard Tournament, Hermione felt that it would be outrageous to let a fourth-year wizard face a fire dragon alone. In the end, at the begging of Harry and Neville, Hermione , decided to help the two of them.

But obviously, Harry and Neville still overestimated Hermione.

If Hermione faced a fire dragon, she could use the pile of extremely dangerous magic items that Bell gave her to deal with the fire dragon's attack.

Even those magic props can't resist a fire dragon, and she still has the last trump card - ten thousand snakes.

I believe that Wan She, who is so valued by Bell, should be able to block a fire dragon.

Hermione, who had never seen a fire dragon, was influenced by various legends and stories and overestimated the power of the fire dragon. What she didn't know was that Huo Long was not even a younger brother in front of Wan Snake.

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