The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 419 Warriors are released

The next day, the noise was even greater than before, as if it was about to overflow from the castle. Every little wizard was talking excitedly about the Triwizard Tournament.

Even when the professors are teaching, they will intersperse some information about the Triwizard Tournament from time to time in the course content.

There is no way, if they don't do this, no little wizard will listen to their lectures at all.

In the hall of the auditorium, you can see from time to time some young wizards under the age of 17, racking their brains to break through the age limit.

However, there is no doubt that these people all failed.

In fact, this is not difficult to predict.

After all, young wizards who would try to break through the age limit in broad daylight and in public are obviously not very smart.

‘Please, you are doing something bad! Is it really okay to be so blatant? How about some professionalism? ’

While complaining, to be honest, Bell couldn't understand the excitement and excitement of the little wizards.

In his opinion, what’s so exciting about an event like this with basically zero participation?

But he also knew that it was really him who was abnormal this time.

After all, even Zannah and Hermione were happily discussing the content of the Triwizard Tournament.

It could be said that even Snape was in a higher mood than him. Especially when Snape saw Bell, he was as excited as if he wanted to eat Bell!

Fortunately, Bell didn't have a Potions class today, otherwise he would have skipped that class no matter how much Hermione objected.

Just kidding, what if Snape secretly drugged him?

He had no confidence in escaping the plot of a potion master.

One day may not be long, but short, it is indeed quite short.

With much anticipation, time soon came to night.

For the first time, the little wizards were looking forward to the Halloween party ending quickly, so they ate much faster.

The result of this was that after dinner, more than 80% of the little wizards clutched their stomachs, slumped on their chairs and groaned, unable to move.

There was no way, no matter how fast the little wizards ate, they couldn't really shorten the duration of the banquet.

The food made by the house elves who had received Lim's true inheritance was so delicious that no one could stop eating it.

So, everyone was full...

The digestive potion at the school hospital will be out of stock tonight.

Finally, in the midst of 'wailing everywhere', Dumbledore stood up.

The corners of his eyes twitched as he glanced around the students in the auditorium, especially staying for a while where Harry and his trio were.

Originally, Dumbledore was very happy about the improvement of the cooking skills of the house elves in Hogwarts.

When the students eat well, he can also enjoy the food, right?

But now, Dumbledore began to think about whether he should tell the house elves not to make the food too delicious?

Of course, meals for professorships must still be of the highest standard.

And so is his nightly midnight snack.

Ahem, business matters.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and said loudly:

"The Goblet of Fire will soon select the champion for this Triwizard Tournament. After the champion's name is announced, I want them to walk to the top of the auditorium, then walk along the staff table and enter the next room."

Dumbledore pointed to a door beside him.

"They will……"

Suddenly, the blue-white flames in the Goblet of Fire suddenly turned bright red and made a loud crackling sound.

The little wizards immediately turned their attention to the Goblet of Fire. At this time, they had no idea what the principal was.

The little wizards who did not plan to participate in the competition looked at the Goblet of Fire excitedly, wanting to know who would be elected as the warrior.

The young wizards who wanted to participate in the competition but failed to break through the age limit stared at the Goblet of Fire with regret and annoyance.

Just a little bit, just a little bit!

And those young wizards who have successfully signed up for the Triwizard Tournament are watching the Goblet of Fire with nervous anticipation, hoping that they can be elected as warriors, win the championship in the competition, and with this, enter the Ministry of Magic, marry Bai Fumei, and reach the pinnacle of life. .

A tongue of fire spurted out from the Goblet of Fire, and a piece of parchment with slightly burnt edges flew out with it.

The little wizards immediately stretched their necks and tried their best to look at the parchment in the air. At this moment, they couldn't even care about their rounded bellies.

Dumbledore waved slightly, and the parchment flew into his hands.

"Durmstrang's Champion, Viktor Krum!"

There was a roar of cheers, and many little wizards were shouting Krum's name excitedly.

But what's interesting is that those cheering are mostly Hogwarts students, while most of the Durmstrang students have gloomy eyes.

As the saying goes, 'There is no first in literature, no second in military power.' Although Krum is a very good seeker and has a huge reputation around the world.

But the Triwizard Tournament is not Quidditch. Others don't think that they will lose to Krum because of their magic level.

If you haven't done it with real swords and guns, who can know the results!

So, I told everyone about this matter again, and as expected, those who made a fuss were just watching the fun...

Ahem, let’s get down to business.

Just as the young wizards at Hogwarts were cheering like New Year, the Goblet of Fire spit out a tongue of fire again, and another piece of parchment flew out.

"Champion of Beauxbatons, Fleur Delacour!"

The cheers before the victory exploded again, as if they were going to pierce the dome of the auditorium.

Those little wizards, each one, looked like they had been given a shot of blood. They were breathing heavily and their eyes were bloodshot. They were roaring loudly and making all kinds of weird movements, hoping to attract Fleur's attention.

Therefore, even though it is still only the 20th century, it still cannot be changed. This is a world that depends on appearance. The so-called idols are not worth mentioning in front of their appearance...

Cough cough cough!

Finally, it's the Hogwarts Warriors' turn.

Those who are looking forward to it are even more looking forward to it; those who are disappointed are even more disappointed; those who are nervous are so nervous that their hearts are about to stop beating.

"Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Degory!"

After Dumbledore loudly announced the candidates for Hogwarts' Warriors, Bell, who was well prepared, immediately covered his ears.

For someone with an extremely sensitive hearing like him, the two previous noises were simply torture.

However, contrary to Bell's expectation, the Hogwarts Warriors, who were supposed to have the home field advantage, received the smallest cheers?

I saw that except for the little badgers of Hufflepuff, who were so excited that they seemed to be going crazy, the other three houses had a mediocre response, and most of them just clapped, looking perfunctory.

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