The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 301 ‘Minister, something bad is going on! Blake was rescued

Chapter 301 ‘Minister, something bad is going on! Blake has been rescued! ’

After handing Black over to the dementors, Fudge was in a great mood and decided to give Dumbledore some more face.

He ordered the dementors to take Black to the woods not far away for execution.

In fact, the main reason is that the scene of the dementors sucking souls is so beautiful that after Fudge saw it once, he never wanted to see it again in his life. Otherwise, he might have nightmares every night for the next week.

Looking at the retreating figures of the Dementors, Fudge began to think, how should we celebrate later?

However, as the saying goes, when you are extremely happy, it is easy to become sad.

Not long after the Dementors entered the forest, Fudge was surprised to see the Dementors flying above the forest, making a hoarse and unpleasant roar while searching for something.

A bad premonition came to Fudge's mind.

"Quick! Go and ask what's going on!"

Fudge ordered to the Auror beside him.

Soon, an Auror brought back some not-so-good news.

"Minister, something bad has happened! Blake has been rescued!"

These words were like a bolt from the blue, making Fudge feel dizzy.

"Impossible! How could anyone be able to hide from the Dementors' perception!"

Grabbing the Auror by the collar, Fudge roared angrily.

He didn't believe that the duck that had reached its mouth just flew away?

"According to the Dementors, the person who rescued Black was a werewolf. As you know, Dementors can only absorb human emotions, so their perception of creatures other than humans is not that sensitive."

The Auror explained helplessly.

If he hadn't lost the guessing game, he wouldn't have come back to be this punching bag.

So why did he take out the scissors just now?

"Werewolf? Why is there a werewolf here!?"

Fudge, furious, suddenly turned his head and looked at Hogwarts Castle behind him.

Although there was no evidence, the middle-aged and elderly man's sixth sense told him that this must be the work of that old immortal Dumbledore!

"Go! Go and mobilize more Aurors and Dementors. Even if you dig three feet into the ground, you must find Black and that damn werewolf for me!"

After giving his orders angrily, Fudge returned to Hogwarts angrily. He was going to find Dumbledore, and he was going to question him!

‘Bang~! ’

Fudge, who was so angry that he couldn't care less about taking advantage of the situation, could no longer care about it. He kicked open the door to the principal's office and walked in without even saying hello.

Looking at the old face sitting behind the desk, looking at him leisurely, Fudge really wanted to punch it with his fist!

But I dare not...

"What's the matter, Connelly? What happened?"

Dumbledore asked knowingly.

That’s right! All of this is Dumbledore's handiwork.

He first arranged for Lupine to transform into a werewolf and lurk outside Hogwarts. Then, Fudge was asked to take Black outside Hogwarts for execution.

Originally, he planned to secretly help Lu Ping at the critical moment. But what he didn't expect was that Fudge was more cooperative than he thought, so it saved him trouble.

"Black was rescued by a werewolf! Why are there werewolves outside Hogwarts!"

Seeing Dumbledore's appearance, Fudge, who was only 100% sure at first, is now 200% sure that the werewolf was arranged by Dumbledore!


Dumbledore feigned surprise.

But I have to say, perhaps because he faced a group of young wizards who were thieves and easy to fool, Dumbledore's acting skills were really not up to standard.

At least for a middle-aged fox like Fudge, who has been in politics for more than 10 years, how do you think Dumbledore's expression is fake?

"Connelly, I get it."

After thinking for a while, Dumbledore looked at Fudge with a serious face.

"It must have been sent by Voldemort. I have told you before that Voldemort is still alive."

Dumbledore couldn't help but praise his wit.

With this plan, he not only gained a tool man, but also strengthened the persuasiveness of the idea that "Voldemort is still alive."

This is really killing two birds with one stone!

As for whether Fudge believes it or not?

Does that matter?

As long as what happens today appears on the front page of the Daily Prophet tomorrow, there will always be people who believe it.

Seeing Dumbledore's unsparing look, Fudge's lips were trembling with anger.

"I-I will definitely catch them!"

After saying these harsh words, Fudge turned around and slammed the door and walked out.

In fact, everyone knew that it was impossible for him to catch Blake again. At least not in the short term.

It's not a full moon today, so the werewolf is obviously conscious. In other words, the other party can turn back into a wizard at any time.

It is not an easy task to catch a wizard who has escaped sight. Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many dark wizards on the loose in the wizarding world.

In an abandoned cabin, the space suddenly became distorted.


Two figures appeared in the cabin and fell to the ground.

Lupine raised his wand with difficulty and released Black's restraints.

"Lupin! How are you? Why did you risk so much to save me?"

Looking at the horrific wound on Lupine's back that almost split him in two, Blake's heart was filled with unspeakable emotion and self-blame.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Now that I know you are innocent, how can I watch you being killed?"

Lupine said weakly.

"I have a pre-prepared treatment potion in my pocket. Please take it out for me."

Lupine, who was lying on the ground and losing too much blood, could no longer complete even the simple action of taking out the potion from his pocket.

Upon hearing this, Black quickly took out two bottles of healing potion from Lupin's pocket. One bottle was fed to Lupine, and the other was poured on the wound on Lupine's back.

The effect of the potion is very good, and it looks like the work of a certain potion master.

(Actually, Lupine stole it from Snape's office. I don't know what Snape's expression would be if he learned that the healing potion he worked so hard to make actually saved two of his enemies.)

Seeing that the bleeding from the wound had stopped, Black carefully lifted Lupine up and leaned him against the wall.

"Where is this?"

Blake asked curiously, looking at the woods outside the window.

"An abandoned wooden house. I lived here for a while. Don't worry, no one will come here."

Lupine's plain words made Blake feel worried.

It seems that Lu Ping has not had an easy life these past few years. Otherwise, under normal circumstances, who would come to live in such a place where birds don’t shit!

Seeing Black falling silent, Lupine mistakenly thought that the other person was confused about the future, so he tried to persuade him:

"Sirius, I understand your desire to die to atone for your sins. However, you cannot die yet."


Black looked at Lupine in confusion.

"Because of Harry! If I remember correctly, you should be Harry's godfather, right? Now that Harry has lost his parents, he only has you as his godfather to rely on."

"But, will Harry believe me and forgive me?"

Blake felt a heart-wrenching pain at the sound of Harry's name.

If possible, he certainly hopes to take care of Harry in place of his good brother. But……

"I have no idea."

Lupine knew what Black was worried about, but there was really nothing he could do about it.

"But you can protect Harry secretly, as you have done these past few months, can't you? Or is it that you can't stand that kind of life?"

Lupine knew Black very well, even better than Black himself.

So he knew that there was no way to deal with Black that was more effective than provocation.

"Of course I can! I know what to do, thank you, Lupin."

As expected, Blake's eyes were ignited with fighting spirit, sweeping away the previous lifelessness.

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