"Could it be that...why didn't anyone tell me?"

Lupine looked at Black in disbelief.

What about the promised group of 4 people? As a result, these three people didn't take him to play?


Blake lowered his head in shame.

Because of Lupine's identity as a werewolf, they were indeed wary of each other consciously or unconsciously.

Seeing Black's look, Lupine understood immediately.

As a werewolf, Lupine has been living in discrimination and prejudice since he was a child. He has long been accustomed to this.

Although it was his best brothers who doubted him this time, after all, it all happened so many years ago. By now, things have changed, and there is no point in worrying about it anymore.

"But why didn't you say it back then?"

Although even if Black told the 'truth' back then, people might not believe him. But Professor Dumbledore and other members of the Order of the Phoenix should investigate.

"Because I'm guilty. It was me who strongly suggested that James secretly change the secret keeper to one from Pettigrew. My self-righteousness completely ruined the Loyalty Charm.

Therefore, it is not wrong to say that I killed James.

After killing Pettigrew and completing my revenge, being imprisoned in Azkaban was the retribution I deserved. "

Lupine was silent.

He could understand what Blake was thinking. But precisely because of this, he didn't know what to say.

"Where is Pettigrew?"

Of course, it was impossible for Lupine to believe this based on Black's words alone.

It should be some time before Black is executed. He will use this time to personally investigate the truth of the matter.


Blake said in a low voice.

He was happy about Peter's death, but also felt extremely sorry for not being able to kill him with his own hands.


Lupine looked at Black suspiciously.

He felt more and more that what the other party said before was all deceiving him.

From Lupine's voice, Black heard the other party's distrust. But he didn't care.

‘Maybe this is karma. ’

Blake thought to himself.

"You know, Pettigrew's Animagus is a rat. He lurked at the Weasley house, disguised as an ordinary pet rat."

Blake had no intention of defending himself, he simply stated the facts as he learned them.

"Not long ago, I heard from Harry that the mouse that Pettigrew was disguised as was accidentally killed by a little wizard named Be...Belu?"

Lupine thought about it for a long time, but couldn't remember any little wizard named Beru. But now is not the time to think about such things.

"I'm going to find Professor Dumbledore now and tell him about this."

After saying that, Lupine walked quickly outside the classroom, ignoring Black's shouts behind him trying to stop him.

After leaving the classroom, Lupine did not immediately go to the principal's office to find Dumbledore as he had said before.

Although time is pressing now, he must first verify the truth of the matter.

The staff lounge is where every issue of the Daily Prophet is kept for the most recent period.

Recalling the time when Blake escaped from prison, Lupine quickly targeted July.

It didn't take much effort for Lupine to find the issue of the Daily Prophet that Black was talking about.

Staring at the Weasley family photo in the newspaper, Lupine fixed his gaze on the gray-furred mouse in the center of the photo.

To be honest, after so many years, Lupine couldn't remember exactly what Peter's Animagus looked like.

However, looking at the mutilated paw of the mouse, and thinking of reports from more than 10 years ago, as well as Black's previous words, Lupine felt that what Black said was very likely to be true.

Rolling up the newspaper in his hand, Lupine quickly ran towards Dumbledore's office.

At this time, the Weasley Ron should still be in the principal's office. Perhaps, he could learn more detailed information from the other party.

I have to say that Blake's luck is really good.

Because of Christmas, most employees of the Ministry of Magic are also on holiday.

By the time Professor McGonagall tried her best and took countless detours before finally contacting Fudge, it was almost dawn.

Fudge, who received the good news of Black's arrest, immediately put behind him the dissatisfaction of being woken up.

He immediately jumped out of bed, hurriedly put on his clothes, and immediately used Floo powder to arrive at the principal's office at Hogwarts.

Under the leadership of Dumbledore, Fudge soon saw Black who was tied up tightly.

"Professor Dumbledore, I think we should execute Black immediately! We can no longer allow such a vicious person to continue to live!"

Fudge rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

During this period of time, due to various reasons, Fudge's life was very difficult. It made him almost have a nervous breakdown, and he always felt that some unruly people were trying to harm him.

Now, as long as Blake is executed, he can rely on this achievement to suppress those hateful reactionary forces.

"Of course, Connelly, I support your idea. But..."

Before the smile on Fudge's face could bloom, he was slapped back by Dumbledore's 'but'.

As we all know, but afterward, there are usually no good things to say.

"However, Hogwarts is a magic school after all, not Azkaban. It is not appropriate to execute prisoners here.

So I have a small request. I hope you can take Black away from Hogwarts before executing him. "

"no problem!"

Fudge nodded without hesitation and agreed.

He thought Dumbledore was planning to do something else.

Is this the result?

This little thing is not a big deal at all!

Not to mention the execution outside Hogwarts. Even if Dumbledore wanted to designate a place for execution, Fudge, who was in a good mood now, would agree without hesitation.

Of course, if Dumbledore had designated his home, Fudge would have declined politely.

It didn't take long for the Aurors who were urgently summoned to arrive at Hogwarts.

As for the Dementors, they were waiting outside Hogwarts because they were strictly prohibited from entering Hogwarts by Dumbledore.

In fact, even without Dumbledore's obstruction, the dementors would never enter the dangerous place of Hogwarts again.

You know, it hasn’t been long since the previously sensational ‘large-scale murder incident’!

Five Aurors escorted Black and walked toward the gate of Hogwarts with a relaxed look.

They didn't feel nervous at all.

Not to mention Blake's half-dead look, let's just say that this is Hogwarts!

With Dumbledore in charge, how could they be attacked here?


Didn't you see that even Minister Fudge was humming a tune, walking briskly, and looking relaxed and casual? If it weren't for the lack of a dance partner, the minister might not have had to dance.

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