The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 191 Spirit Pet Pill

"Sanna, these 'little balls' are called elixirs. They are similar to the magic potions we usually use, so they cannot be eaten casually."

Bell explained.

He knew that his sister's foodie talent was not inferior to his at all. It seems that Shanna will have to be more strictly monitored in the future.


Xiao Shanna was a little disappointed. At the same time, I am a little dissatisfied with this Zhenbao Pavilion.

When she was outside just now, her brother bought her a lot of delicious food. Seeing the grandeur of this Zhenbao Pavilion, she thought there would be more delicious food in it. Who knows, it turns out that it’s not even as good as a roadside stall! ?

Little Shanna, who had already run around the Treasure Pavilion quickly, felt a little bored. However, as a good and obedient child, she did not disturb her brother from watching the products on the counter, but followed silently.

After dispelling his sister's dangerous thoughts, Bell looked at the elixir in front of him.

There were many types of elixirs on the counter, but none of them aroused Bell's desire to buy.

Either a potion with the same effect can be substituted, or it can be done using magic. There is no need to buy elixirs.

However, when he reached the end of the counter, the introduction of an elixir caught Bell's attention.

This elixir is called 'Spiritual Pet Elixir', and it is a pet food specially prepared for pet lovers. The introduction says that long-term use of this spiritual pet pill can speed up the growth of pets and enhance their potential.

"Please take out this spiritual pet pill and show it to me."

Bell said politely to the clerk behind the counter.


Shopkeeper Wang, who ran behind Bell at some point, suddenly appeared.

Compared to Bell's father who only flirted with girls but not bought anything, and the old lady who picked out a bunch of gadgets and the total amount was less than 100 gold dollars, Shopkeeper Wang felt that it would be better to follow this young brat who looked like he was still young. There is a way to make money.

"What kind of pet is yours? Different types of pets take different types of spiritual pet pills."

Although Bell felt a little speechless about the change in his title from 'distinguished guest' to 'brother', he didn't say anything.

After listening to Shopkeeper Wang's explanation, Bell thought for a while and then opened the suitcase.

"Fei~na~! Come out~! There is something delicious~!"

Bell called out to his cute pet in the open suitcase.


As the saying goes, pets are like the kind of owners they are. Fina was sleeping comfortably on Bell's bed. After hearing the words 'there is something delicious', her sleepiness disappeared instantly.

Little Fina used her newly awakened flying ability, which she had not mastered yet, to rush out of the suitcase with bumps and rolls, and crashed into Bell's arms.

"Brother, what kind of food is suitable for my Fina?"

Bell asked 'shamelessly'.

Shopkeeper Wang approached Fina and observed her carefully for a while.

When this 'kitten' rushed out just now, he did feel a wave of spiritual power. But looking at it now, I don’t see anything special.

In the end, Shopkeeper Wang couldn't figure out anything, thinking that Fina just had a thin bloodline of monsters and was not a precious species.

"Try this."

Shopkeeper Wang directed the clerk to take out a small box of spiritual pet pills from the storage box behind the counter and placed it in front of Bell.

Without thinking too much, Bell picked up a spiritual pet pill and fed it to Fina. Anyway, my Fina is omnivorous and can eat anything.

Fina, whose mind was full of 'delicious food', didn't think too much. When she saw the 'small meatballs' handed over by her master, Fina took one bite and took it into her mouth.



Under the gaze of Shopkeeper Wang, Bell and Shanna, Fina's little face changed from yellow to green, and then from green to purple at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Ouch! Bah~! Bah~!"

Fina didn't know how to describe her feelings at this moment. She felt that she might not be able to believe it anymore!

As a young child, it felt betrayed for the first time in its life.

‘It’s delicious as promised! ? What on earth is this bitter, fishy, ​​and astringent thing! ? ’

Fortunately, it has always trusted its master. Sure enough, when humans grow up, will they all become "liars"?

'Fina is still the innocent and cute little Fina, but the master is no longer that master...'

Xiao Fina, who was full of grief and anger, really couldn't bear this grievance!

If it were normal times, it would definitely jump on its owner and roll around. It would only reluctantly forgive its owner if the owner promised to give it a lot of delicious food.

But now, Fina doesn't dare to do that. As smart as it is, it will not ignore the former owner standing behind its owner, who is watching it silently - 'The Great Demon King Shanna'!

Little Fina, who had no way to act coquettishly with her master, had no choice but to target the only one among the three people here that she could afford to offend.

That's right! It’s that damn fat guy who feeds it these nasty little ‘little meatballs’!

"Scared~! Scared~~!"

When Fina rushed towards Shopkeeper Wang, Bell quickly reached out and hugged his cute pet, stopping Fina from trying to give Shopkeeper Wang a makeover.

It seems that the Spiritual Beast Pill just now was really not to Fina’s taste! Not only does the little guy's face change unexpectedly and his acting skills are outstanding, but now even his screams have changed!

Holding tight the little Fina who was showing off her teeth and claws, trying to make Shopkeeper Wang look good, Bell quickly took out a bunch of mutton skewers from his pocket and stuffed it into Fina's mouth, finally making her calm down.

Shopkeeper Wang, who was startled by Fina, took two steps back and distanced himself from Bell.

"Isn't this what it should be?"

Shopkeeper Wang scratched his head and looked puzzled.

"That spirit beast pill contains a trace amount of catnip, which is most suitable for cats. This has never happened before!"



After hearing what Shopkeeper Wang said, Bell didn't know what to say.

To be honest, Bell was not sure whether his Fina was a cat. If we talk about it from the perspective of historical legends, perhaps we should say that cats belong to the family "Anthropidae"?

But Bell would not explain this to Shopkeeper Wang. Don't look at the affectionate calls between the two of them as "brother" and "brother". In fact, if you just listen to this kind of thing, whoever takes it seriously is careless.

"Brother, I don't know what to do in this situation."

Seeing that Bell didn't explain anything to him, shopkeeper Wang spread his hands.

"Then take out all kinds of spiritual pet pills and let Fina taste them one by one. Don't worry, keep them in the account and pay together in the end."

Seeing that Shopkeeper Wang was hesitant to speak, Bell decisively added the second half of the sentence.

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