The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 190 ‘Earth Monster’ Silly Egg

Putting his nose into the barrier, Bell sniffed gently.

A scent of vegetation, mixed with a sweet smell, spread into his nose, shocking Bell. My brain, which was a little unclear due to lack of sleep last night, also became a little more energetic.

Bell is very satisfied with the effect written in the introduction of Ningshenxiang that it can calm the mind and improve the efficiency of cultivation and learning.

"How long can such a piece of incense burn?"

Bell asked Shopkeeper Wang.

"This smallest model can be lit for 1 hour, which is 2 hours. If the customer needs it, we have models from 1 to 10 hours. Each model costs 100 copper coins more than the previous model. "

Shopkeeper Wang rubbed his hands enthusiastically and introduced.

Ningshen incense is also known as "burning money incense". The smallest Ningshen incense costs 100 copper coins, which seems not much. But the problem is, there are 12 hours in a day!

In other words, if you keep burning the Ningshen Incense, you will burn more than 1 gold dollar a day! Moreover, the range of action of a piece of Ningshen Incense is not very large. So most people simply cannot afford this kind of expense.

(The currencies used by Chinese monks are gold dollars, silver dollars, and copper coins. Among them, 1 gold dollar = 10 silver dollars, 1 silver dollar = 100 copper coins. In addition, 1 gold galleons = 1.3 gold dollars)

"Then let's get 1,000 of each model."

After thinking for a moment, Bell placed the order.

After the experience just now, Bell felt that the effect of this concentration incense was indeed good. If he lights one while studying magic, it should be of some help to him.

"How many, how many?"

Shopkeeper Wang was so surprised that he almost broke his voice. He suspected that he had heard wrongly.

"1,000 strands, 1,000 strands of each type."

Bell repeated the order again.

Shopkeeper Wang silently turned his attention to Bell's parents. He didn't think that a kid like Bell had the right to decide such a huge deal.

However, both William and Elena were listening with interest to the clerk introducing them to the products in the store, and did not pay attention at all.

(Because Bell used Legilimency to connect to the shallow consciousness of his family, they were able to understand the store clerk’s introduction through Bell’s ears.)

"Don't worry, Shopkeeper Wang, I can still make the decision on this little matter."

Bell smiled and didn't care about the other party's little moves.

He could understand Shopkeeper Wang's concerns. If it were the Malfoy family, if Draco dared to open his mouth and spend thousands of gold dollars, the old Malfoy would probably go crazy on the spot.

Looking at Shopkeeper Wang who still didn't believe it, Bell had no choice but to call his father over.

After an explanation, William nodded impatiently and ran to shop for his own.

Seeing his father there, chatting nonchalantly with a beautiful store clerk, Bell didn't know if he was really interested in these products, or if he had thoughts about the store clerk?

But one thing Bell was sure of was that his mother's gaze was becoming more and more dangerous.

I hope my father can return to the UK safely.

In his heart, Bell silently prayed for his father who wanted to commit suicide.

After receiving William's affirmative reply, Shopkeeper Wang was extremely excited.

This is a sales volume of several thousand gold dollars!

You know, under normal circumstances, he may not be able to sell so many goods in a week.

Although the magical instruments on the second floor are valuable, none of them cost less than 1,000 gold dollars, and the expensive ones cost tens of thousands, but the problem is, no one buys them!

You may not be able to sell one piece in a year.

"Wait a moment, dear guest, I will send someone to get the goods right now. Stupid! Stupid, where are you lazy ass? Why don't you come out to work quickly!"

Following Shopkeeper Wang's shout, a creature over 2 meters tall walked out of the store.

This creature has 4 hands, is milky white in color, and has grass-like green hair on its head. It is chubby and gives people a cute feeling.

"S-Shopkeeper, Han Dan is not lazy, Han Dan is just a little sleepy, so he took a nap. Sleeping, sleeping cannot be regarded as laziness, sleeping is..."

"Stop, stop, stop! Don't talk nonsense to me! This distinguished guest wants to buy Ningshen Incense, please take out all the Ningshen Incense in stock!"

Shopkeeper Wang rubbed his temples with a headache. If he didn't have to pay wages, he would have immediately opened this idiot who only eats and sleeps.


After Handan agreed, he saw a vertical gaping hole in his stomach. Handan put his hand deep into it and after groping for a while, he took out a large box.

"Brother! What is this cute big guy? Is it a pet sold here?"

Shanna, whose attention was attracted by Han Dan, ran over excitedly and threw herself on Bell.

Bell, who was observing the strange magical creature in front of him with great interest, quickly caught his sister.

"Brother doesn't know either, but I guess it won't be a pet."

Bell turned to look at Shopkeeper Wang.

"Shopkeeper Wang, what is this creature?"

"This? Oh, this is the 'Earth Demon'. There is an extra-dimensional space in the belly of the Earth Demon, so monks generally use them to store important items."

Shopkeeper Wang explained.

"Also, don't look at these creatures as harmless as humans and animals, but in fact they can draw power from the earth, so the goblins have strong strength and defense. No one is willing to confront a crazy goblin head-on. "

"Aren't the monks afraid that the demon will run away with the items in its belly?"

"Run away? No, this creature will not run away."

Shopkeeper Wang smiled and continued to introduce the habits of the earth demon to Bell.

"The goblin is a kind of gut-shaped creature, and their appetite for food is very large. So as long as someone reaches an agreement with the goblin and provides sufficient food for the goblin, the goblin will always work for the other party and will not appear. A case of betrayal.”

Bell nodded and stopped Handan from taking out the box.

"Shopkeeper Wang, I would like to take a look at other products. I'll wait until the end for settlement."

Of course, Shopkeeper Wang had no reason to refuse Bell's request. He wished that the Bell family would vacate the Treasure Pavilion.

"Brother! Brother! I just saw a lot of delicious-looking little balls over there. Let's go over and have a look!"

With that said, the little girl took her brother's hand and ran towards the other side of the store. That's a direction Bell hasn't gone yet.

"Brother, look, are these small meatballs edible?"

Looking along Shanna's fingers, Bell had a drop of cold sweat dripping from his forehead.

There are all kinds of pills on the counter here, and the pill Shanna is pointing at has the scientific name of 'Body Exploding Pill'.

The Explosive Body Pill can quickly convert the monk's vitality into spiritual power, thus bursting out with powerful power.

However, this process is irreversible, so after taking the Explosive Body Pill, it is not certain whether the enemy will die, but you will definitely be cold.

Bell felt that the effect of the Explosive Body Pill was somewhat similar to the magic used by the original 'mosquito spirit' version of Voldemort.

However, Voldemort transformed other people's life force into his own magic power.

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