The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 182 The family trip begins

"Brother! Brother! Hurry up!"

Shanna happily ran ahead and shouted to her brother behind her.

The little girl is very excited. Today will be her first time flying. She was very interested in what her brother said about the big machines made by Muggles that could fly without magic.

"Be careful, Zannah, don't hit anyone."

Bell warned.

Now the Bell family is walking in the lobby of the airport. People are coming and going. Shanna is running so fast. What if she bumps into someone?

Oh, don't get me wrong, Bell isn't worried about Shanna's safety. Instead, he was worried about the safety of the person Zannah hit.

In order to master the use of flying shoes proficiently, both Bell and Zanna had to bump into trees, walls and the ground.

Unlike Bell, who is mature and has strong control, Shanna is still a real child. After hitting something, she will inevitably release magic power to protect herself.

In that case, one can really only hope that the poor guy who was hit is lucky enough to survive.

Because the magic world of China, oh, according to them, it should be the cultivation world, has a relatively exclusive relationship, so there is no directly connected door key channel between Britain and China. Therefore, the Bell family who wanted to travel to China had no choice but to take a Muggle plane.

In this day and age, it is quite troublesome to travel abroad. Especially when going to China and other Eastern countries, customs inspections will be strict.

And will the Bell family be afraid of investigation?

Of course they will!

Therefore, in order to reduce some unnecessary troubles that may arise, poor helpless and weak Bell can only choose to turn to magic again.

"Bell, wouldn't it be bad if you did this?"

William looked at Bell worriedly. The other party had just cast a confusion spell that could affect the entire airport hall, thus making people ignore the suitcase that had just been controlled by his little daughter with a levitation spell and flew into the air.

He found that his son was becoming more and more wild in his work. It seems like she is becoming more and more like her own wife?

This is not a good sign!

"How else are you going to explain it? Muggles don't control flying objects."

Bell looked at his father curiously, wondering what constructive suggestions the other party would make.

"Hey!? Don't Muggles know that? Then how do they carry heavy objects?"

William, who had never been in contact with Muggles, asked in surprise.

Bell was speechless. But it’s actually understandable. Except for the 'alternatives' like the Weasley family, pure-blood families basically adopt a ignoring attitude towards Muggles.

To be honest, Bell couldn't tell whether this attitude came from contempt or fear?

However, the reality is here. Bell feels that even the so-called wizard who knows Muggles best will not necessarily perform better than his father when he comes to the airport to take a plane.

In fact, even he felt very guilty now, otherwise the confusion spell just now would not have affected such a wide range. Isn't it because I was nervous and used too much magic power?

After all, he has never flown on a British airplane from the 20th century!

"You'd better research this issue yourself."

Bell didn't bother to explain to his father what pulleys and cranes were like.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know those principles very well. The physics knowledge he had learned before had long been returned to the teachers by him.

"And, Dad, are you still worried about the Ministry of Magic getting into trouble with you?"

"Of course I will! That guy Fudge is a white-eyed wolf who eats meat but doesn't spit out bones. I don't want to be targeted by him. Although it won't be a big deal, it's annoying to death."

William complained. It seemed that he was worried about the Ministry of Magic.

"Please, strictly speaking, our family can be called the largest 'underworld' gang in the British wizarding world, and you are still afraid that the Ministry of Magic will cause you trouble."

Bell said in a tone of 'you are so embarrassed, quit the group'.

Just kidding, think about the special operations team of more than 200 people that the family has privately cultivated, plus those employees who are not qualified to join the special operations team, but rely on the Menethil family for their meals. There must be 5 or 600 people here, right? Even the Ministry of Magic will not be afraid of confronting them head-on.

Of course, his family would not do anything like forcefully attacking the Ministry of Magic, and they were not terrorists.

"But, isn't that shady?"

William lowered his voice and said.

While speaking, he looked around, as if he was afraid that a wizard would hear what Bell just said.


Bell sighed in despair.

"I asked you why your infiltration work into the Ministry of Magic is progressing so slowly.

This is not the case anymore. In the past, our family was weak, so we had to do things secretly and cautiously.

But now, our family has initially gained enough strength, so you can be more bold.

There is nothing wrong with letting people at home come out to see the light. Just keep it under control. "

As for whether his father can control his behavior properly, Bell is not worried at all.

Looking at his father's current posture, Bell could only worry about whether he would be too conservative.


William was still a little worried.

"Stop it!"

Elena suddenly spoke up, interrupting her husband's words.

"I told you a long time ago that you should give that guy Fudge some color."

In fact, she had already reminded her husband that he should be tougher.

After all, I already have a strong foundation, and there is no reason for that guy Fudge to sit on his head and dominate me all day long.

What happened to the Minister of Magic?

The Ministry of Magic doesn't belong to Fudge either. It's no big deal to change the Minister of Magic if you piss her off!

As a result, every time she brought up this topic, William would always worry about this and that, and she was so angry that she wanted to hit someone.

If she didn't want to affect Bell's studies, and Bell had made it clear many times that he was not interested in these things and didn't want to care about them, she would have complained to her son long ago.

In fact, William cannot be blamed for this matter. After all, in the British wizarding world, it can be said that everyone knows that Fudge is Dumbledore's man. And even in the whole world, there are few people who can firmly say that they are not afraid of Lao Deng.

Moreover, because the family's power was not very strong before, William now refers more to the acting style of the existing large families when he acts. One of the important reference objects is the Malfoy family.

The attitude William adopted when facing Fudge was learned from the Malfoy family.

But William didn't know, and Bell still didn't know what was going on between Fudge and Lao Deng.

Although the specific storyline, Bell has completely forgotten it. But he still has a certain understanding of some general situations outside of the plot.

Moreover, Fudge's previous arrest of Hagrid was enough to explain a lot of problems.

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