The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 181 Another adventure of the three Harrys

After Harry accidentally picked up 'Riddle's Diary', Voldemort's Horcrux, the cunning Voldemort showed Harry his past memories.

Harry then learned that the Chamber of Secrets had been opened once as early as 50 years ago.

And the person who opened the secret room turned out to be Hagrid, whom he was very familiar with! ?

Harry, who had always been doubtful about this, finally made up his mind to ask Hagrid for details after the large-scale attack.

The three-person team wore the invisibility cloak left by Harry's father and arrived at Hagrid's hut in the dark.

However, before they could explain their purpose, the Minister of Magic - Cornelius Fudge, their amiable and respectable headmaster - Professor Dumbledore, and the annoying Draco Malfoy's father - Lucius Malfoy, the three of them also came to Hagrid's hut.

The three Harrys, who were covered in invisibility cloaks, witnessed Hagrid being taken away as a suspect by the Ministry of Magic, and then the old Malfoy, who was as annoying as his son, actually dismissed Professor Dumbledore as the principal?

How could he be so hateful! ?

Not only his friends, but now even the great Professor Dumbledore has left Hogwarts because of the problem of the Chamber of Secrets.

Feeling the heavy burden on their shoulders again, the three Harrys resolutely decided to go to the Forbidden Forest to find the spider's help based on the clues left by Hagrid.

"Harry, do we still need to wear the Invisibility Cloak now? It's not like Filch suddenly jumped out here and screamed that he wanted to hand us over to Snape."

Ron said breathlessly.

The three of them have been in the Forbidden Forest for a while. Rough roads and overgrown bushes made it difficult for them to move.

"However, there are more dangerous magical creatures here. I think it is better for us to wear an invisibility cloak."

Neville whispered while looking around nervously.

"Neville is right, Ron. There are some magical creatures that are much scarier than Filch. At least Filch won't eat us. Before meeting the spider Hagrid mentioned and getting help from him, I think we It’s better to be careful.”

Harry actually didn't want to wear this obstructive invisibility cloak, but for safety reasons, he had been enduring it.

"But didn't Hagrid say that as long as Fang is around, the creatures in the Forbidden Forest won't attack us?"


Harry silently pulled off the invisibility cloak without saying a word, and the three of them followed Yaya and accelerated their pace.

I don’t know how long they walked, but in Ron’s mind, looking at the same trees around him, he felt that perhaps ten thousand years had passed? Led by Hagrid's pet dog Yaya, the three finally approached the Acromantula's territory.

"Hey guys, are we sure we really want to go in?"

Looking at the thick spider webs hanging all over the treetops, Ron was a little scared.

You know, he is most afraid of spiders. Not to mention, look at those spider webs hanging in mid-air. No matter how you look at them, they can't be made by the kind of little spiders we often see in daily life, right?

Harry is actually a bit timid. After all, everyone knows about Hagrid. Hagrid always has his own unique understanding when it comes to raising pets.

"But we just have to go up, right?"

After saying that, without waiting for Ron and Neville to reply, Harry stepped resolutely into the Acromantula's territory.

"Big, big, big king~! Not good~! That wizard is back again!"

An Acromantula rolled and crawled into Aragog's lair.

"How many times have I told you, don't call me King!"

Aragog roared in dissatisfaction. For these brainless descendants of its own, it sometimes really wants to bite them to death.

"Wait, what did you just say!?"

"That wizard is back! It's the same wizard from before!"

The Acromantula hissed in horror.

"What!? Did you see clearly!? Is it really the wizard from that day!?"

Aragog confirmed with equal horror.


Before Aragog could stab it to death, the foolish Acromantula continued to speak.

"But they also disguised themselves as little wizards from Hogwarts. I heard that there is a magic potion that can turn into the appearance of other people, so I am not sure whether one of them is the wizard from that night."

It's hard to tell that this somewhat naive Acromantula seems to be quite educated.

"Wait! You mean them!?"

Aragog discovered another blind spot.

"Yes, Aragog, there are a total of three little wizards here this time. What should we do?"

"What can I do? What else can I do? Run away!"

Aragog roared.

Just kidding, one came that night and almost wiped them all out. There are three here now, why are you waiting if you don’t run away! ?

"Quick! Go and inform all the spiders to disperse and flee immediately according to the previous arrangement!"

Looking at the Forbidden Forest, which was so silent one moment that it made people feel numb, the next moment, densely packed giant spiders came out from nowhere. Harry and the three stood there in fear, not daring to move.

If the three of them hadn't been leaning against each other, their legs would have been so weak that they would have sat down on the ground and waited for death. At least he can still stand now. Maybe he can die with a little dignity?

Just as the three people were being slaughtered, they were surprised to find that these giant spiders the size of cars not only did not come over to eat them, but also quickly fled away from them?

At least in Harry's mind, for some reason, these giant spiders gave him a feeling of running away.

"Why did they run away?"

Harry asked stupidly.

"Whatever! Do you still want them to come over and eat us?"

Ron sat down on the ground, feeling like he was surviving a disaster.

"I swear, I will never believe a word Hagrid says again!"


Neville nodded vigorously, agreeing with Ron's statement. He was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, and could only use body language to express his accusation against Hagrid's cheating behavior.

"But, the spiders have all run away, what should we do?"

Harry said worriedly.

"Forget it, Harry. You don't really think those spiders will help us, do you? Let me tell you, those spiders are called Acromantulas. They are cruel and their favorite thing to eat is human flesh."

Ron grinned, trying to dispel Harry's naive thoughts.

Because of his fear of spiders, he specifically investigated spider-like magical animals in the magical world.


Neville, still speechless, continued to try his best to nod.

"How's it going? How many spiders escaped?"

After arriving at the predetermined meeting point, Aragog asked his child.

"They all escaped, Aragog."

"Everyone escaped!?"

"Yes, every one of them has escaped."

"How can it be!?"

Aragog couldn't believe it.

Originally, when it knew that the other party had three wizards coming this time, it was even mentally prepared to kill half of its descendants. But the result turned out to be...

"Forget it, no matter what, it's a good thing to escape. Please inform me, keep moving forward, and try to get as far away from the Forbidden Forest as possible before dawn!"

By the moonlight, Aragog looked towards the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

That's where it was born and where it grew up. Now it's leaving and never coming back.

‘Goodbye, Forbidden Forest! Goodbye, Hagrid! ’

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