The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 167 Penelo is attacked

Although Ron's words were interrupted by Neville, even if she didn't hear the end, Hermione had already guessed what Ron wanted to say.

Hermione was very angry about this. She just couldn't understand, how could someone be so unreasonable?

There is obviously no evidence, just because Bell is not a student of Gryffindor House, so it is assumed that Bell stole Harry's things? This is really unreasonable!

After taking a few deep breaths, Hermione reluctantly suppressed the thought of casting a curse on Ron, and turned her attention to Neville, who was using his weight to hold Ron down.

"Neville, tell me, what's going on?"


Seeing that the eyes of the people around him were all focused on him, Neville felt like crying.

If possible, he really wanted to escape immediately without looking back. But why! Why was it that Hermione was the one who asked the question? ?

You know, even if Bell is asking him now, maybe he will have the courage to run away without looking back?

But with Hermione alone, Neville couldn't refuse. Otherwise, if he offends Hermione, no one will teach him how to do his homework in the future!

And if he fails to hand in his homework, the professors will definitely tell his grandma, and then his grandma will definitely kill him!

As for asking Harry and Ron for advice?

Forget it, why does the eldest brother bother the second brother?

Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Hermione is the one in charge of his life and death!

"Actually, this is what happened..."

Neville started with the diary Harry picked up at the door of Myrtle's abandoned bathroom, and introduced the whole story to Hermione in detail.

While Hermione listened to Neville's testimony carefully and prepared to overturn the verdict for Bell, Bell yawned out of boredom.

From the moment Harry said the word 'diary', and thinking of what Lim had reported to him before, Bell had already basically surmised the general outline of the matter.

After talking for so long, he almost forgot about the basilisk. No wonder I always feel like something is missing on my wrist lately. It turns out that Wan She is still at Hermione's place.

It is well known that introverts are most afraid of attention from others.

Neville, who was very introverted, was trembling under the attention of everyone, especially Bell.

This also resulted in Neville stammering and stammering for a long time, which was so laborious!

By the time Neville finally finished speaking, the crowd of onlookers had almost dispersed, and Bell was about to fall asleep.

And poor Ron, who had been forgotten by everyone and was still being pinned down by Neville, was frothing at the mouth.

"Harry! Why are you still here?"

Harry, who was fighting a desperate battle with the Sandman, was awakened by a sudden greeting. He turned around and saw that it was Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, walking quickly towards him.

"Hurry up, Harry, it's almost 11 o'clock, we have to go to the stadium early to get ready!"

Only then did Harry notice that before he knew it, an hour had passed? No wonder he almost fell asleep just now.

By the way, where has Ron gone? It seems like he hasn't seen Ron for a long time?

"Okay, Captain, I'm going to get the broomstick."

Harry, who finally had an excuse to be relieved, happily agreed.

To be honest, this was the first time he felt that Wood's face was so kind.


However, before Harry could take a step forward, a loud bang came from the direction of the auditorium door.

Because the Gryffindor table was right next to the door, Harry could clearly see that there was a senior who should be? She slammed open the door and rushed into the auditorium.

Penello knocked open the door of the auditorium with disheveled hair. She had never been so embarrassed as she was now; she had never been so panicked as she was now; and she had never wanted to see Bell as much as she was now.

From early November last year, after learning that Bell and Hermione had started dating, Penelo, filled with grief and regret, chose to accept Percy's confession. She hopes to heal her inner wounds through a new relationship.

And since then, she has been avoiding Bell because she thought she needed some time to think about how to get along with Bell in the future.

Now Penelo does not think he is mentally prepared to face Bell. However, she no longer has time to care about those little things!


I don’t know why, maybe it’s a woman’s sixth sense? In short, as soon as he entered the auditorium, Penello instinctively discovered Bell's location. She shouted the other person's name loudly and ran towards Bell.

"Penello...Senior? What's wrong with you?"

Bell stood up in surprise. He was surprised that Penelo would come to him?

But obviously, now is not the time to worry about those things. Seeing Penello's disheveled appearance, Bell hurried over to greet him.

Regarding the subtle pause in Bell's words, Hermione's female instinct made her feel that there was something fishy in it.

But at the same time, Hermione also knew that now was obviously not the right time to question Bell. She is not a person who messes around regardless of the occasion.


Penello clutched Bell's arm tightly and panted.

"The earrings...the earrings you gave me...t-told me...that there was danger, and I...I managed to...escape!"


Bell was shocked.

Of course, he wasn't shocked that the basilisk came out to cause trouble again.

Ever since he learned that Harry's diary had been stolen, Bell had predicted that the basilisk would definitely appear again.

Was he shocked that the prisoner had just stolen the diary last night and couldn't wait to attack it this morning?

No, are today’s terrorists really so careless?

"Where did you encounter danger? Take me there."

Although Bell did not intend to get involved in Lao Deng's plan, looking at the embarrassed Penelo in front of him, Bell decided to vent his anger on his friend's behalf.

Although he was not sure whether he could defeat a thousand-year-old basilisk. But if he couldn't defeat him, wouldn't he still call for reinforcements?

The Ministry of Magic spends so many galleons every year to maintain a large group of Aurors. Is it possible that they are freeloading?


Penello and Hermione said in unison.

After finishing speaking, the two women looked at each other. Hermione also glanced at the earrings on Penello's ears, and her eyes became more subtle.

"Penello! What's wrong with you!?"

Before Bell could continue to say anything, he was interrupted by a loud roar.

From the Gryffindor crowd, a man rushed out anxiously.

"What happened? How did you become like this?"

Percy rushed to Penello's side anxiously.

In his impression, Penello has always been synonymous with elegance and sophistication, so at first, he didn't even recognize that the disheveled witch in front of him was his girlfriend.

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