The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 166 The heroic Ron

Facing the stubborn Hermione, Bell used his sharp tongue for the first time to present facts, reason, and show off his skills...

However, it was of no use.

In the end, under the stern gaze of his girlfriend, Bell humiliatedly chose to tick Care of Magical Creatures on the course selection list, and under Hermione's full 'supervision', he handed the course selection list to Professor Flitwick.

If these small flaws are eliminated, Bell's vacation was generally quite good.

His 'big plan' is also progressing smoothly. Judging from the current progress, it will definitely be completed before the deadline.

Nothing made Bell happier than this.

This morning, Bell and Hermione were having breakfast in the Great Hall as usual.

Today is Quidditch day, Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff. Bell is looking forward to today's game very much.

After nearly two years of observation, he discovered a very magical place, that is, as long as Harry Potter participated in the Quidditch game, no one could go smoothly to the end.

Therefore, although he seems a little evil-minded, Bell is really looking forward to what will happen in today's game?

And the weather today is very good. The sun is warm and the spring breeze is blowing. It is the perfect weather for an outing.

Bell planned to take Hermione to the Black Lake for a picnic after the Quidditch match was over, and then spend the afternoon leisurely.

While Bell was thinking about the wonderful time of the afternoon, he noticed out of the corner of his eye that Harry, Ron and Neville were walking towards him menacingly?

This is really rare.

You know, although he has no interaction with Harry and Ron, I wonder if the two of them heard anything from Neville? In short, every time they saw Bell coming towards him, the three of them would avoid him as if they were avoiding the god of plague.

‘Well, why do you feel so unhappy all of a sudden? ’

"Your name is Bell, right? Tell me quickly! Did you do it?"

As soon as he reached Bell's side, Ron asked angrily.


Bell looked confused.

"What did I do?"

"You are still pretending to be stupid, it must be..."


Harry interrupted Ron's questioning.

"We are not sure yet that it was Bell who stole the diary."

Neville huddled behind the two of them and nodded weakly. It's a pity that no one paid attention to him.

Neville was extremely reluctant to come to Bell. Anyone who has never faced Bell's murderous intention can never imagine how terrifying this seemingly harmless little wizard is inside.

Perhaps no one in the entire Hogwarts, including Hermione, understands Bell's terror better than Neville.

Back on the Hogwarts Express, when Neville threw himself on Leif and blocked Bell's wand, he really felt that he was going to be shattered into pieces the next moment.

The fear of facing death is also the main reason why Neville has been avoiding Bell.

And to be honest, Neville didn't think it was Bell who stole the diary.

In order to avoid inadvertently provoking the other party, he specifically asked his family for information about Bel Menethil.

The Longbottom family is a pure blood and a tragic heroic family. Their network of connections in the British magical world cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, Neville, who had a certain understanding of Bell, did not think that Bell would do such a petty theft.

In addition, what Neville did not dare to say to Harry and Ron was that he was actually relieved in his heart that Riddle's Diary was stolen.

As a pure-blood little wizard with a little more common sense than Ron, Neville didn't trust the diary at all, and even had a little fear.

Neville would have told Professor McGonagall about this if his only two friends hadn't objected.

It can be said that Neville is the only one among the three who does not want to find the diary.

"Who else but him? He is the only outsider who knows the password to the entrance to the Gryffindor common room!"

Ron obviously determined that there was only one murderer, and that was Bell!

"You guys!"

Hermione couldn't sit still at this moment. She couldn't tolerate someone coming to make trouble for her boyfriend for no reason.

"Although I don't know what the diary Harry is talking about is, nor what exactly happened, but it must not have been stolen by Bell. He will not steal your things."

"If you don't know what's going on, then shut up! And in the final analysis, it's all your fault! If you hadn't told someone from the outside college the password to the entrance to the lounge, what would happen to Harry's diary? Will it be stolen?"

At this moment, Ron had a sense of heroism, fighting against the sky, the ground, and the air, trying to catch whoever he wanted to fight with.

But Bell would not appreciate Ron's boldness. Someone actually dared to criticize his girlfriend in front of him! ? This is really interesting. Do you really think he can't lift the knife? ?


"Bell, sit down!"

Hermione pushed Bell back down again as he tried to stand up.

Now the two of them are sitting at the Gryffindor table. If other people saw a conflict between Bell and Harry and others, then the surrounding little lions would definitely target Bell in unison. Hermione didn't want to see her boyfriend being targeted by the entire Gryffindor House.

"I'll tell you again, Bell didn't steal Harry's diary!

Not to mention that Bell was always with me when he was in the Gryffindor lounge. He had no time to steal that diary.

Even if he had that free time, he would never, ever steal anything from Harry! "

"Hmph! Why are you so sure? You know people, faces but not hearts. Who knows what kind of person he is behind his back?

And maybe, you are involved in this, so your words are not credible! If there is really nothing wrong with him, let us search him..."

Just when Ron was getting more and more excited and gradually started to let himself go, Neville suddenly jumped on Ron from behind and covered his mouth.

There was no way, if there was a choice, Neville really hoped that he could continue to be his little transparent, and it was best that no one would ever notice him.

However, looking at the blood vessels on Bell's forehead that were gradually bulging, Neville, who felt that Bell might take out his wand at any time, once again recalled the time when he almost met his most beloved on the Hogwarts Express last year when he first entered school. My pet Leif's experience when he 'became one'.

After looking at Harry's weak attempts to dissuade him, Neville had no choice but to do it himself.

In fact, Neville really misunderstood Bell. How could he take out his wand at the slightest disagreement? You know, the magic spell cast through the wand can be reproduced through the 'flashback spell'.

And to deal with a mere Ron, could he still use a magic wand?

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