The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 145 Meeting Senior Katie Again

Bell hurriedly held down the suddenly angry little Fina to prevent her from jumping on Hermione.

Although Bell didn't know exactly where Hermione's words just touched Fina's taboo, he didn't want his girlfriend to be disfigured by his own pet.

Looking at Hermione who was frightened by its sudden outburst and took two steps back, Fina growled unhappily.

But since it couldn't break free from its master's hands, it had no choice.

Fina doesn't like Hermione anymore.

Although it had never liked it before, it now hated the female in front of it.

With its small brain, Fina really couldn't understand how humans could be so vicious! ?

This female named Hermione actually suggested that her great master keep her in the castle! ?

Did she know what a terrible devil lived in that castle? ?

Does she know how dangerous it is in that castle? ?

Doesn't she know that it's just a little baby and shouldn't bear the burdens that it can't bear at this age? ?

Grinding her teeth, Fina decided that she would never let this female touch her again, let alone hold her!

"Look, Hermione. It's not that I don't want Fina at home, it's just that little Fina can't live without me! And Fina was given to me by Zannah, hoping that it could replace her at Hogwarts. Accompany me, so it’s impossible for me to leave Fina at home.”

Bell refuted Hermione's suggestion righteously.

As for what he is like now, part of it is true thoughts and part of it is concealing his guilty conscience. Only he really knows that.

Glancing at Fina with some fear, Hermione had no choice but to compromise.

After all, Bell will tell her Fina's true race, which means Bell trusts her.

It was impossible for her to betray this trust, which meant that she could not tell anyone else about it.

However, Hermione decided to keep an eye on Bell and Fina from now on, and must not let...

"It's you! How dare you come to our Gryffindor lounge!"

A deafening roar interrupted Hermione's thoughts, making her almost jump.

Hermione looked in the direction from which the roar came.

She was surprised to find that the one who roared was actually senior Katie, one of the female prefects in her college.

Hermione knows senior Katie.

Senior Katie is a person with a cheerful personality and a strong sense of responsibility.

At the same time, because she always takes good care of her classmates, senior Katie has a high reputation in Gryffindor.

"Hey! Senior sister, I haven't seen you for a long time...more than a day, and senior sister is still so energetic! It's great!"

Bell waved his hand towards the other party, looking lazy.

"Don't make it seem like we are familiar with each other! How dare you show up here? No matter what your intentions are this time, don't even think about escaping easily again!"

With her eyes fixed on Bell, Katie quickly took out her wand and pointed it at him.

She swore she wouldn't look away this time.

What happened yesterday was regarded by Katie as the biggest shame in her life.

Never! No one had ever been able to fool Gryffindor like that, fool her like that!

Although until now, Katie didn't know how the other party had escaped the carpet searches carried out by so many of them.

When you think about it like this, you suddenly start to admire the other person a little bit, don’t you?

He shook his head to get rid of the inappropriate and stupid thoughts in his mind.

It doesn't matter how the other party escaped. What's important is that she has caught the other party again!

She will never let the other party escape from her hands again!

"Senior Katie!? Did Bell do something bad? Is there any misunderstanding here?"

I found that Senior Katie took out her wand without hesitation and pointed it at Bell! ? Hermione hurriedly stepped between the two.

She didn't want her boyfriend to have a conflict with her senior sister. Especially when there was a fierce conflict in the Gryffindor common room in public.

Bell glanced at Hermione's back speechlessly.

So what about the most basic trust between people? Why is it based on the premise that he has done something bad?

Although strictly speaking, it seems that what he did this time was not very good?

But it's just this time. Normally, he never does bad things... right?

"who are you!?"

Katie gave Hermione a suspicious look. Looking at the school uniform, the other party should be a student of my college?

"I am……"

"She is Hermione Granger, a second year Gryffindor and my girlfriend."

Bell interrupted Hermione.

He walked up to Hermione, put his arm around her shoulders, and introduced her in a show-off manner.

"Ah? I remember I mentioned it yesterday, right? Did I remember it wrong?"


Facing Bell's teasing eyes, Katie had some doubts about life.

Isn't this Ravenclaw guy supposed to be a perverted stalker?

Why is it that what the other party said yesterday that even serious people wouldn't believe is actually true! ?

So, does she really want the other party to escape from her hands for the second time? ?

‘I’m so unwilling! ! ! ’


Seeing Bell's sullen look, Katie took a deep breath...and then another deep breath...

'no! I can't take this breath! ’

Out of the corner of her eye, she caught sight of the decorative vase in the lounge, and Katie suddenly had a plan in mind.

She called out to stop Bell, who was holding Hermione in his arms and trying to walk out.

"Wait! Regarding your use of magic to break the vase in the Gryffindor common room yesterday, destroying public property and violating Hogwarts school rules, I think it is necessary to punish you. Now, tell me what you are doing name!"

"No, senior sister. It was obviously you who broke the vase, okay? You're not making a false accusation."

Bell refused to accept the blame thrown by the other party.

Do you think you can do whatever you want if you have some power? He, Bell, would never encourage the other party's arrogance!

"Hmph! Don't even think about denying it! Everyone in the lounge saw it when you suddenly broke the vase for no reason! What? Do you need me to bring them over to confront you?"


What else could Bell say? He was not naive enough to think that those people would speak for him.

As for the facts?

who cares?

The word "official" is two-syllable, it doesn't matter what the other person says.

"Okay, so how are you going to punish me?"

This is not a compromise by Bell.

At least so far, Bell has never encountered anything that required him to compromise, or that qualified him to compromise.

He just wanted to find out what the other party was planning so that he could decide what measures to take next.

"Because of you, I will deduct 20 points from Ravenclaw!"

Katie said proudly.

"By the way, you are obviously a prefect of Gryffindor, do you have the right to deduct points from Ravenclaw?"

Bell asked curiously.

He really didn't know much about Hogwarts' rules in this regard.

"Then you don't have to worry about it, I have my own way. Now, say your name!"

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