The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 144 On the possibility of Bell raising a dragon in Big Ben

In fact, it's not like Hermione didn't want to spend more time doing things with Bell that only couples would do.

However, the huge gap in magical attainments between Bell and Hermione has been forcing Hermione's heart, making her unable to stop.

Also, don’t get me wrong, the so-called ‘things only couples do’ here refers to dating.

After Hermione returned to her dormitory last night, she borrowed some romance novels from her roommate. According to what is written in the novel, couples often go on dates.

Hermione used to disdain these romance novels.

She thinks reading these books is a complete waste of time and life. If you have time, wouldn't it be better to review the knowledge taught by the professors in class?

Now, Hermione somewhat understood why so many girls liked reading these romance novels.

After last night's emergency recharge, Hermione learned a lot about falling in love.

But why is her situation completely different from what is written in those books?

‘Is there something wrong with my teenage love story? ’

Hermione thought confused.

After some careful consideration, the smart Hermione keenly discovered the root of the problem.

"Sure enough, everything is Bell's fault!"

"What? Why is it all my fault again?"

Bell's face was filled with questions. What did he do again? So weren't they just talking about afternoon training?


‘Why did you say it accidentally? ah--! I really want to die! ’

Hermione lowered her head, not daring to look into Bell's eyes.

Why would she say what she was thinking? Obviously I didn’t have this problem before! ?

"never mind."

Not understanding what was going on with Hermione, Bell simply skipped it. Anyway, this wasn't the first time a similar situation had happened.

"Hermione, you consumed too much this morning. Even with the supplement of potions, your body still needs to rest, otherwise you may leave hidden injuries."

"And when I say rest, I don't mean to do nothing in the afternoon. If you want, you can still continue training on magic control in the afternoon, but you can no longer accept mental interference. You can only work normally Training in the best conditions.”

Judging from Hermione's progress throughout the morning, Bell felt that it would only take about one and a half to two years for Hermione to be able to control her own magic like an arm.

After all, Hermione's situation was different from that of him and Zannah. Compared with the younger siblings, Hermione, who is already 13 years old, needs shorter time, which is also normal.

"Okay, it's up to you."

Now Hermione just wanted to get rid of what happened just now, so she would listen to whatever Bell said now.

Although he didn't know why Hermione suddenly became so obedient, it was always a good thing. Bell didn't think too much and walked outside with Hermione.

He is hungry!


As soon as she stepped out of the suitcase, Fina howled and rushed towards her.

The little guy jumped on Bell's body and stared at Bell with aggrieved eyes.

"Okay, I know. Thank you for your hard work, Fina."

Bell raised Fina in front of him, put his cheek against Fina's soft fur, and rubbed it.

Since this is the Gryffindor lounge, although the suitcase has its own expulsion enchantment and defensive enchantment, for the sake of safety, Bell still arranged for Fina to be guarded outside. If something unexpected happens, the little guy can immediately enter the box to warn Bell.

"But Fina, you are already a mature beast, and you should also learn to look after the house. So I will leave it to you in the afternoon. If you wait until tomorrow, you only need to watch it for a while in the morning."

Hearing that the boring janitor work would continue in the afternoon, Xiao Fina felt bad. Its background has become dim.

"Crispy spider legs for you tonight."

"Ouch! (Leave it to me!)"


Little Fina held her head high and saluted with one paw.

Bell patted Fina's little head with satisfaction. As expected of his beloved pet, he is so reliable!

"Bell, what did you say Fina was? Must... must be dark?"

Hermione looked at Bell confused.

Isn't Fina a cat? The woman...the girl's intuition told her that Bell must be hiding something.

"Ahem, you heard me wrong...well, you heard me right."

Bell, who subconsciously wanted to hide it, suddenly realized that Hermione's identity was different. As her girlfriend, Hermione can understand Fina's true identity.

"Actually, it's like this... Luo Luo... Suo Suo... Nao Nao Nao..."

Bell leaned into Hermione's ear and whispered softly.

"What a horse!? You said Fina is actually um..."

"Shh~! Keep your voice down."

Before Hermione could finish speaking, Bell quickly covered Hermione's mouth with his hand, muffling the second half of her exclamation.

He didn't want to wash the memories of all the little wizards in the Gryffindor common room later, that would be too much trouble.

"Bell, how could you bring Fina to Hogwarts!"

Hermione complained quietly.

She also realized that her voice was a little too loud just now. But this can't all be blamed on her. The information contained in Bell's words was a bit too shocking.

She had always thought that Fina was just an ordinary cute kitten. Although this cat was slightly different from what she knew, but wasn't it normal for cats in the magical world to have some special skills?

But now that I think about it, how could any kitten like to eat thigh bones? Not fish bones.

Therefore, Fina turned out to be a beast! ?

Well, Hermione actually didn't know what a pyre was.

The 'Care of Magical Creatures' course can only be taken in the third grade. Now Hermione doesn't know a few magical creatures. And those she knew were all introduced to her by Bell yesterday.

However, from what Bell said just now, Hermione at least understood something.

Bi'an is a powerful magical animal that is not inferior to fire dragons at all. Even most types of fire dragons are no match for Bi'an!

Hermione couldn't understand what Bell was thinking. After the last time he kept a snake in his sleeves (Bell: "I have never kept a snake in my sleeves, okay! The snakes are magic puppets, not real snakes!"), this time Bell raised another one in the dormitory. Only the more dangerous Bifan! ?

Hermione felt that she needed to put the matter of 'preventing Bell from raising a dragon in London's Big Ben' on her agenda.

"But Fina is still just a little baby!"

Bell raised Fina to Hermione's eyes.

"Look at it, it has lost its parents at such a young age. If I don't take it with me, how will poor little Fina survive?"


Little Fina, who had received a look from her master before, cooperated and made a pitiful look.

And as long as it's a girl, no one can resist Little Fina's pitiful attack!

As Bell expected, Hermione was deeply moved by the cute look of little Fina.

Her expression softened instantly, and she no longer had the same aura as when she pressed Bell just now.

"B-but...then you can also keep Fina at home!"

Hermione discovered the blind spot.


"Ouch~! Ouch~~!"

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