The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 142 A warm day

Blue light shone in the palm of the hand placed on Hermione's head, and Bell released the mental interference on Hermione.

"Bell, I can continue."

Hermione wiped the sweat from her forehead and said to Bell.

"Don't be anxious, Hermione. Rome wasn't built in a day, and you can't become fat in one sitting. The most important thing in controlling magic is persistent practice. This is not something that can be accomplished overnight. It took me 5 years. , it took me more than 3 years to control my magic power, and it took my sister Shanna more than 3 years. So don’t be anxious."

Bell used his own experience to comfort his girlfriend.

"How are you feeling? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Bell noticed that Hermione's face was a little pale, and the fluctuation of her magic power had also decreased. Bell was a little worried about Hermione's physical condition.

"Before, I felt a little hot and had difficulty breathing. Now I feel a little exhausted and unable to exert strength."

Hermione felt as if she had just finished a 1,000-meter long run, and now she just wanted to find a place to lie down and relax.

"It seems that this method is more expensive than I thought. It is better not to last for too long at the beginning. And, Hermione, remember not to rely on this state, and try to remember that The feeling of controlling magic power, so that you can freely mobilize magic power under normal circumstances."

Bell found that this method was more taxing on the body than expected. Or was it that Hermione's physical condition was worse than he thought?

Bell made the calculation based on Shanna's physical condition when she was 8 years old. But now it seems that after he returns, he will have to think carefully about whether there is any way to alleviate some of the side effects.

Hermione carefully took note of every instruction from Bell, and planned to write it down in a notebook when she went back, and carry it with her in the future.

Hermione felt happy. This was the first time someone other than her parents cared about her so much.

Although Bell also cared about her very much before. But Hermione could clearly feel that the present was different from the past.

Bell's concern before was concern for his friends, which could also be said to be concern for outsiders.

But now Bell's concern for her is a concern for her family.

Hermione could feel Bell's recognition of her, which made her feel happy.

On the way back, Bell made a deliberate detour and chose a different path than when he came.

While enjoying walking with Hermione, she also allowed Hermione to take a full circle of the space inside the box.

Although there are not many buildings, there is no need to worry about getting lost here. But some places are still too dangerous for Hermione now. It's best to tell Hermione in advance so that she can avoid them.

"Bell, where is that place?"

Hermione asked, pointing to a building not far away.

The appearance of that building is exactly the same as the two previous training rooms, except that the training room is black and the building is white.

"That's my magic laboratory. It's not suitable for you to visit now. Let's talk about it later when we have the opportunity."

Bell said casually.


Although Hermione was very curious about what was in that magic laboratory and why she was not suitable to visit there now. But since Bell said this, there must be his reason.

After walking around for about an hour, the two finally returned to the original house. Only then did Hermione discover that this house actually had three floors.

When she came out, because it was the first time she came to Bell's suitcase, Hermione was so focused on the wonderful scenery in front of her that she couldn't even look behind her.

"Bell, what's on the upper two floors of this house?"

Hermione asked curiously.

"The second floor is the bedroom. I occasionally rest there when I am tired. The third floor is the library. I have copied some magic books that I may need and put them there."


When she heard that Bell actually had a private library, Hermione's eyes immediately lit up as she was a book lover.

"Can I go up and have a look?"

Hermione wondered what books were in that library.

Since it is Bell's private library, there must be many advanced magic books in it that she has not read, right?

"Of course... no."

Bell's big gasp caused Hermione's expectant smile to freeze on her face.


Hermione thought she might have been too abrupt. Maybe there is some top-secret information stored in Bell's library.

She remembered that she had heard that those pure-blood families had their own unique collections, and they would never allow anyone outside the family to view that knowledge.

"You! You always think too much. Could it be that this is a common problem among god-learners?"

Bell reached out and flicked Hermione's forehead gently.

Looking at Hermione's aggrieved look, Bell explained in a funny way: "Today is the first day of our relationship! Do you just plan to spend it in the library reading books?"

Bell took Hermione's hand, and the two sat down on the soft sofa.

He hugged Hermione tightly and said, "I won't allow that to happen. You are not allowed to study or read today. You are not allowed to go anywhere. You can only stay by my side."


All the grievances and speculations disappeared at this moment.

Feeling the warmth in Bell's arms, Hermione didn't want to think about anything now. She only hoped that time could freeze at this moment, so that she could feel Bell's warmth forever and experience this feeling of happiness forever.

Next, the two turned on the magic screen and watched some programs casually. When it was almost time for lunch, Bell ordered Lim to prepare a very sumptuous meal for the two of them.

In order to celebrate, Bell also specially asked Kelsha to return to his family's castle and fetch many precious ingredients from the warehouse.

As for his mother's punishment on him?

Just listen to this kind of thing!

Just kidding, if his mother loves him so much, how could she really do such a cruel thing to him?

(Aragog: "So why did we suffer this disaster? This is too bullying!")

Hermione found that Bell could always refresh her knowledge of food.

All kinds of dishes that Hermione had heard of and never heard of made her worry about her weight, but at the same time she couldn't help but want to eat them all.

After a wonderful lunch time and a brief rest, the two walked out of the room again and came to the grass outside.

Bell selected some magical animals with gentle temperaments and low destructive power, and together with Hermione, he fed these cute little guys and played games with them.

It can be seen that Hermione likes these little guys very much.

Bell remembered that Hermione had said before that she wanted to keep a pet, but because the amount of gold galleons exchanged was limited and she used it to buy books, she had never been able to realize it.

So should he give Hermione a pet as a gift?

However, these magical creatures here are not suitable for appearing in Hogwarts. Otherwise, no matter how much Professor McGonagall likes Hermione, she will not let her go.

("Sneeze!" Little Fina suddenly sneezed in the Ravenclaw lounge.)

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