The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 141 Shortcuts exist


Facing Bell's silence, Hermione lowered her head in shame.

In fact, she knows that there is no shortcut to hard work.

Usually, she hates people asking her how to get good grades. Because those people know that in addition to working hard, they can only work harder to get a good score in the final exam.

However, those people didn't want to work hard and always wanted to ask for some shortcuts from her.

Could it be that in the eyes of those people, she was ranked first because she took shortcuts! ?

She obviously understands the truth, but just now she asked, "Is there a shortcut" like a ghost?

Hermione felt that she now somewhat understood the mentality of those who had asked her the same questions before.

"Well... maybe there really is..."

Don't get me wrong, the reason why Bell was silent just now was just because he was seriously thinking about Hermione's question. He didn't mean to blame Hermione in any way.

After all, Bell and his sister had trained step by step. Therefore, he also needs to think about some tricky methods to determine whether there are any.

‘There really is! ! ! ’

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

Although he didn't know why Hermione suddenly looked like she wanted to pounce on him and bite him, Bell, who felt that that level of intimate contact was a bit too early for two people who had just started dating, quickly introduced him to him just now. The method that comes to mind.

"As we all know, when human beings are in danger, they are often able to unleash their potential and do things that would never be possible under normal circumstances. And this is also true for wizards."

"When a wizard encounters danger, the magic power in his body will quickly activate and spontaneously protect the wizard. This phenomenon is actually quite common in young wizards."

"However, because the ability of young wizards to deal with danger is too low and their bodies have not yet matured, this self-protection of magic can easily cause damage to the bodies of young wizards. This is what we often call magic rampage. .”

"So as long as we can control the level well, we can activate the magic power in the wizard's body without harming the body."

"To control magic power, the first step is to sense magic power. Activated magic power is relatively easier to perceive, but it is also more difficult to control. For your current situation, I think appropriate stimulation , may be able to help you get started faster.”

"But there are two problems here."

"First, this method is not suitable for long-term use. If you use the sense of crisis to stimulate the body for a long time, the body's response to the crisis will become dull. In that way, if you really encounter danger one day in the future, It may be that the body’s reaction is slow, resulting in an inability to respond in time.”

"Second, under normal circumstances, of course we cannot have any sense of crisis. So this requires the use of magic for mental intervention. I remember that you hate this kind of thing..."

Bell looked at Hermione.

He has already given the method, and it is up to Hermione to decide whether to do it or not. No matter what decision Hermione made, Bell would support her.

"It doesn't matter!"

Hermione said firmly.

Indeed, Hermione had a certain fear that her spirit would be interfered with by magic.

I remember it was when I came back from Christmas vacation last year, right? She seems to have rejected Bell's similar proposal once?

However, Hermione can no longer care about that much. Compared to mental interference magic, she is now more afraid that she will become farther and farther away from Bell!

And unlike back then, not only had she spent more time with Bell now, but the two had now become lovers. So her level of trust in Bell was completely different.

She believes in Bell!

"All right."

Bell pointed his wand at Hermione's forehead.

"It's just experimental now. Don't be nervous, relax. If you feel any discomfort, be sure to tell me as soon as possible."

After waiting for Hermione to be ready, Bell began to cast the spell.

In fact, this level of magic is very simple for Bell. Even without using a magic wand, he can now guarantee a 100% success rate in casting spells.

But Hermione is his girlfriend after all, no matter how cautious or cautious she is, nothing can be done too much.

For no apparent reason, Hermione felt her heart palpitate. It felt like an enlarged version of Fina appeared in front of her.

‘By the way, why is it an enlarged version of Fina? Fina is so cute, so there is no reason for me to feel frightened by it, right? ’

What the confused Hermione didn't know was that although Fina was still in its infancy, as an existence at the top of the food chain, its 'memory' engraved in genes still caused humans to have an expression when approaching it. Fear of predators.

However, because of Fina's cute appearance and Bell's restraint, people easily ignore this fear, or think it is their own illusion.

And if you are a person with a very keen sixth sense, you will clearly realize the source of this fear.

For example, for a certain freshman in Ravenclaw who enrolled this year, she would never get close to Fina.

Especially when Fina was alone in the Ravenclaw lounge, the little witch would not even go near the lounge.

But now, the fears that had accumulated in Hermione's heart for a long time were inadvertently aroused by Bell's magic. That's why she saw Fina's vision.

Gradually, this feeling of heart palpitations became stronger and stronger, and the 'Fina' in front of me became more and more clear.

Hermione began to feel difficulty breathing, cold sweat began to break out on her forehead, and her whole body felt hot.


Belle lowered her wand. In his perception, the magic in Hermione's body had begun to become active.

"Try it again now, be careful not to use too much force."

Hermione pointed her wand at Betty again. This time she could clearly feel her magic flowing in her body and in her wand.

Although there is still a considerable part of the magic power, it immediately dissipates as soon as it leaves the wand, but the remaining small part successfully adheres to Betty's body.

Suppressing the excitement in her heart, Hermione slowly raised the wand upwards.

Following her movements, Betty slowly left Hermione's hand and floated in the air.

"Great! I succeeded! Ah..."

Hermione couldn't help but cheer.

As a result, due to the distraction, Betty immediately fell off.

Hermione looked at her boyfriend aggrievedly.

Bell ruffled Hermione's hair lovingly again. Looking at the kitten-like Hermione, Bell felt a little funny.

"Okay, there's no need to be disappointed. Being able to do this for the first time is already outstanding. This sentence is true."

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