The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 130 Hermione disappeared!

After solving the safety problem of his two friends, Bell finally lived a happy and carefree life again... That's how it should be.

Bell discovered a very magical phenomenon: 'Hermione disappeared! ’

Of course, the so-called 'Hermione disappeared' does not mean that something unexpected happened to Hermione, but that Hermione hid in the dormitory and refused to come out.

At first, when Bell noticed that Hermione hadn't come to Transfiguration class, he thought she was sick.

After sending several messages to Hermione but no one responded, Bell found Hermione's roommate to inquire. After learning that Hermione was resting in the dormitory because she was feeling unwell, Bell ignored her.

Although Madam Pomfrey is only the school nurse at Hogwarts, you must know that Hogwarts is the only magic school in the UK.

Therefore, Madam Pomfrey's level is actually very high, not inferior to the attending physician at St. Mungo's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries.

With Madam Pomfrey here, I believe Hermione will be back to health tomorrow morning.

However, the facts once again exceeded Bell's expectations. He didn't see Hermione for the next week. Every time she went to Ravenclaw House and Gryffindor House for classes together, the little witch would feel uncomfortable.

No matter how slow Bell reacted, he realized that things might not be as simple as he thought.

On Saturday morning, as expected, Bell once again did not see Hermione in the Great Hall for breakfast.

Bell felt that something must have happened that he didn't know about. Although she didn't know what it was, it must not be a good thing, otherwise Hermione wouldn't be able to avoid him all the time.

After breakfast, Bell came outside the Gryffindor lounge for the first time.

"Hey! A face I've never seen before! Little guy, you are a student of Ravenclaw House. What are you doing here?"

The fat lady took a look at Bell's school uniform and asked with interest.

The Fat Lady is a portrait who has been guarding the entrance to the Gryffindor common room. Entering the Gryffindor common room is only possible with her permission. Otherwise, even if the entire painting is torn apart, you will only be able to face one wall.

Of course, if you are strong enough and are not afraid of Dumbledore coming to trouble, you can directly blow open the wall and break in violently.

"I came to see my friend. Hermione Granger, you know?"

Bell said politely.

"Oh, of course, of course I do. I know every little Gryffindor wizard."

The fat lady proudly crossed her arms for a while.

"But you have to tell me the password before I can let you pass."

The Fat Lady liked Belle's politeness very much.

Many Gryffindor cubs regarded her as a janitor and often spoke to her rudely. As a lady, she hates rude people.

But she is a dedicated... painter? She won't let anyone pass without a password.

"The password, of course, is 'Mandrake Seedling'."

Don't ask Bell how he knew the password to the Gryffindor common room.

There were so many Gryffindor wizards coming and going, and they all had passwords in their heads. Special moments and special treatment, Bell doesn't care about that much now.

After hearing the password, the Fat Lady made way for the entrance.

"Welcome, polite little wizard, can you tell me your name?"

"Of course, my dear lady, my name is Bel Menethil, you can call me Bel."

After bowing to the Fat Lady, Bell quickly walked into the Gryffindor lounge.

There were not many people in the lounge, only a few little wizards chatting or playing games.

When they heard someone coming in, they all looked over curiously, and then they were surprised to find that the person who came was not from their own college?

Ignoring the probing glances around him, Bell quickly walked to the entrance of the girls' dormitory, and then...he felt embarrassed.

'Why did you forget that Hermione lives in the girls' dormitory! ’


It's not like Bell couldn't get in when he arrived. He had already studied the magic at the entrance to the girls' dormitory in the Ravenclaw common room.

Don't get me wrong, Bell didn't intend to do anything bad. He was simply curious about unknown magic.

To put it simply, the defensive magic at the entrance to the girls' dormitory is not complicated.

After all, it is a magic within the school. It will not cause any substantial harm to the intruders, but is more like a punishment close to a prank.

With magic of this level, Bell could deflect the effects of the magic simply by mobilizing the magic power in his body.


Precisely because of its simplicity, this magic cannot be broken by means other than violence!

In other words, if any non-female enters the girls' dormitory, they will inevitably touch the magic at the entrance, and will also be noticed by Dumbledore, who controls the entire magic center of Hogwarts.

So how should he explain to Lao Deng then?

Are you brave enough to break into the girls' dormitory because you're worried about your friend's safety?

(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

Only a devil would believe it!

After thinking hard to no avail, Bell decided to make a bigger move! Originally, he didn't want to do things so brilliantly, but it was Lao Deng who forced him to do so!

The wand slipped from the cuff, and a large amount of magic power was poured into the wand by Bell.

‘Fina is coming! ’

No matter how you say it, your own Fina is the top magical animal. Although it is still in its infancy, it still needs to consume a lot of magic power to ensure that Fina will not break away from the control of magic power halfway.

2 or 3 minutes later, Fina flew in from the window with her teeth and claws open.


As soon as she fell into Bell's arms, Fina angrily yelled and scratched at her owner, venting her fear.

Just now, it was lying comfortably on the sofa, thinking about taking a nap or going out to patrol its territory?

As a result, a powerful magic power suddenly emerged out of thin air, wrapped around it and flew up! ?

Fina used all her strength to suck the milk, but she couldn't break free from the shackles of the magic power.

The poor little guy almost resigned to his fate, thinking that he would never see his two masters again in this life.

‘Ah! ? If you think about it this way, it doesn't seem like a bad thing? ’

Thinking of her experience when she met her first master, who was the current master's sister, Fina suddenly had little expectations for the unknown she was about to face.

So when she saw that the target she was flying to turned out to be her master, Fina's young heart had mixed emotions. While she felt happy and relieved, there was also a trace of inexplicable disappointment mixed with it. . That's why it uses violent reactions to cover up its inner complexity.

"Okay, Fina, I was wrong. I also encountered an emergency, and I had no choice but to seek your help. And it's been so long, you should have remembered my magic power fluctuations, right? "

Bell tried his best to comfort little Fina who wanted to rebel in her arms. If the little guy continues to make trouble, he will have to buy new school uniforms.

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