The Magical Journey to Hogwarts

Chapter 129 Penelo seems to have misunderstood something


What else could Bell say? All I can say is ‘as long as you are happy’.

After watching the tired Lim go back to rest, Bell stood up and walked to a single desk in the lounge.

"Senior, it's time to rest."

Bell knocked on the table and greeted.

He saw the other party studying here in the morning. Except for a short break during lunch, he has been studying until now.

Should I be said to be worthy of being the top student in the top school?

The sudden greeting startled Penello all over. She turned around and glared at Bell angrily.

"What are you doing? Didn't you see that I was busy? You scared me!"

"Well, I see you haven't moved anywhere all day. It's about time you rest and get ready for dinner, right? You have to learn to combine work and rest."

"Oh~!? So you've been staring at me all day? I can't pretend I didn't hear this. Come on, kid, what are your intentions?"

Penelope teased with a smile.

Bell gave Penello a roll of his eyes. He has a motive. He really wanted to have a plan, but the conditions didn't allow it!

"By the way, aren't you supposed to be punished by Professor McGonagall today? Why do you stay in the lounge all the time? If you don't tell the truth, don't blame me for telling Professor McGonagall."

Apparently, Bale's silence did not persuade Penello to let him go. The more Penello thought about it, the more suspicious Bell's behavior became. Could it be that...

"Don't make false accusations. I came back after fulfilling Professor McGonagall's request. Even if you sue Principal Dumbledore, I'm not afraid."

Seeing the suspicion in Penello's eyes, Bell didn't intend to dwell on this issue any longer. He came here for business.

And time is running out! If we waste any more, we will miss dinner!

( ̄﹃ ̄) I’m hungry...

"Okay, senior, let's get down to business. You also saw what happened last night, so do you know what exactly happened?"

Bell tried his best to look serious to prevent Penello from leading him astray again.

Upon hearing Bell's question, Penello's mood quickly dropped.

Penelo, who is also from a Muggle family, actually has the same worries as Hermione.

It's just that compared to Hermione, Penello is older and has experienced more things, so she can control her emotions better and will not lose control like Hermione.

"Yes, I have heard some rumors. Although I don't know whether they are true or not. It is said that there is a monster hiding in Slytherin's secret room, waiting for the heir of Slytherin to appear. Under the leadership of the heir, it will be purified All non-pure-blood wizards at Hogwarts.”

"There's no doubt that's false."


Hearing Bell's decisive answer, Penello couldn't help but exclaimed.

She quickly covered her mouth and apologized to the classmates who were disturbed by her exclamation before turning back and staring at Bell.

"You said that rumor is false!? Do you know anything?"

Penello looked at Bell expectantly. She thought Bell must have learned something from the family's secret records.

"Yes, the rumors are false. There is no ridiculous successor, and there is no stupid purification."

Facing Penello's expectant eyes, Bell gave the answer he wanted without any hesitation.

"That's great..."

"But the monster is real."


(╯ # -乑)╯~~╧═╧

‘Sister! ! ! ’

Looking at Bell's serious face, Penello has never wished that she could be 4 years younger than she is now. In that case, she can punch him without any hesitation without worrying about being bullied by the younger students. 'Has a bad reputation!

I don't know if it's his own imagination, but Bell always feels that Senior Penelo's hair seems to be floating upward?

Maybe it was because he felt that when he spoke just now, he really took a breath in an inappropriate place? Or maybe he was afraid that Senior Penello would take out his wand and cast a fire spell on him. Anyway, Bell quickly spoke up and continued.

"To be precise, it was not a monster, but a basilisk, a basilisk made by Slytherin. Do you know the basilisk? The basilisk is..."

"I know what a basilisk is! Just get to the point!"

Penello interrupted Bell's explanation and ordered unhappily.

"As expected of a senior, she even knows such unpopular knowledge!"

"There's no point in flattering me! Speak more seriously!!!"

Do you really think she is Hermione, that little girl who is easy to fool? ? Let’s see how she deals with Bell after she finishes talking!

"Okay, okay, let's get to the point."

Seeing that Senior Penello was almost unable to contain the ancient power in her body, Bell decisively gave in.

"The point is, I don't know who released the basilisk now, and the unlucky Mrs. Loris was petrified by the basilisk last night, so I am very worried about your safety, so I plan to..."


Penello grabbed Bell's shoulder suddenly, and Bell was so frightened that he almost ran away.

"What did you say!?"

The frightened Bell first carefully checked what he had just said in his mind to make sure there was no problem before he said: "That basilisk now..."

"Not this! The last sentence!"

" I'm worried about your safety?"

Bell repeated doubtfully.

Seeing the senior sister whose mood suddenly improved inexplicably, Bell became more and more confused. He thought again of Hermione's behavior during the day today, and finally, he realized it!

‘It’s impossible for me to understand a girl’s thoughts in this life. Except my sister. So he only needs to pay attention to Shanna! ’

"That...I haven't finished speaking yet..."

"That's right!"

Penello waved his hand casually and continued to enjoy himself.


Not only could he not understand the thoughts, but Bell found that he could hardly understand the girls' language.

‘No wonder I have been a bachelor for more than 40 years in my two lives combined. The level is really too low! ’

"Ahem... Well, it's nothing. Just keep talking."

Penello coughed twice and tried hard to suppress the rebellious corners of his mouth.

"Where did I talk? Oh, by the way! So I plan to give you two items for self-defense."

With that said, Bell took out a pair of earrings that Lim had given him before.

"This earring is a danger prediction earring, and the other is an iron armor charm earring. They are both good magic props. Remember to carry them with you. If you receive a danger reminder from the earrings, don't hesitate and stay away from the source of danger immediately."

Under Bell's guidance, Penello injected magic into the earrings and learned in detail how to use them.

In fact, there is nothing to understand. Both earrings are passively triggered. Basically, the holder does not need to do anything, as long as they are worn well, it is enough.

As for why not lend it to Senior Penelo Wan She?

Come on, do you really think that Wan Shen is some ordinary item that you can have if you want it? Bell only has one!

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