Li Tong glanced at Su Su, then shook her head, "You think too much. The reason why Xiaobai is still by your side is because he can't bear to leave you and cares about you. This reflects his feelings for you.

Also, Xiaobai has been by your side for two months, and it has not been until now, or in the last few days, that you have noticed his existence. If he really blames you or hates you, would he do all this?

Another thing you need to understand is that if he really hates you, he would not wait until now to come out, he would have taken action long ago, at least to kill you, but he didn't do that. Isn't this enough to explain Xiaobai's thoughts?"

Su Su nodded repeatedly, "Host, you are right. Xiaobai was the closest to me when he was alive, but..."

When Su Su said this, she stopped talking, "But what?" Li Tong asked.

Su Su thought for a moment, and then continued: "My boyfriend doesn't like Xiao Bai very much. He always hurts Xiao Bai intentionally or unintentionally. I don't know how many times I have quarreled with him about this.

Sister anchor, can you help me calculate who killed Xiao Bai? Okay?"

Li Tong glanced at her, then sighed and said: "Do you really want to know?"

Su Su nodded, "Yes, I want to know who that scumbag is?"

"Your boyfriend." Su Su heard Li Tong say this. For a moment, her mind was a little confused, or her brain was not enough.

She opened her mouth and looked surprised, "This is impossible, anchor, did you calculate it wrong? My boyfriend has a bad relationship with Xiao Bai, but... but he doesn't have to kill Xiao Bai, right?"

This kind of reversal of the plot is unique. When netizens in the live broadcast room heard Li Tong say this, they were all confused, [I said anchor, if you can't calculate it, just say it directly.

How can you be like this? She just said that her boyfriend and cat don't get along, and you said that her boyfriend killed the cat. ]

[Yes, this anchor is just a charlatan and nothing, it's a waste of her good looks. ]

[I want to report the anchor, this charlatan is here to deceive ignorant girls again? ]

[Alas, even with this, she dares to do fortune-telling live, I'm drunk, I really don't know who gave her the courage. ]

[I don't think so, everyone pay attention to what this lady said? She said that her cat usually doesn't eat food given by strangers?

If this is really the case, if it doesn't eat food given by strangers, then what about food given by familiar people? Although her boyfriend and Xiaobai don't have a good relationship, it doesn't mean that she won't eat the food given by her boyfriend to Xiaobai, right? 】

Li Tong glanced at the information on the public screen and continued, "You don't have to disbelieve it. This matter is a bit troublesome to talk about."

Su Su looked at Li Tong in doubt, "Just tell me, anchor? I want to hear the truth."

Seeing that Su Su had said so, Li Tong followed the principle that customers are God and customers have the obligation to know the whole story.

So she began to tell Su Su the whole story. Li Tong drank a few sips of water and slowly said:

"You probably don't know what your boyfriend does?"

"My boyfriend is a chef in a restaurant?"

Li Tong shook her head, "Your boyfriend is a perverted murderer," Su Su was speechless after hearing this news.

Without waiting for Su Su to ask, Li Tong spoke again: "I know you don't believe this. Listen to me, what about your boyfriend? He killed two people in total. The first one was his stepfather, and the second one was your best friend.

The reason why he killed his stepfather was because his stepfather was not good to him, and he beat and scolded him every day. Later, the first thing he did when he grew up was to kill his stepfather.

And your best friend, the reason why he killed your best friend was because your best friend was a vampire, always asking him for money, and he killed your best friend in desperation.

The reason why your best friend was with him behind your back was because he was handsome and generous.

I won't say much here. The place where they broke up was your home. At that time, your company had something to do and you were away from home for a few days.

Your boyfriend didn't want to break up with her, even though she was a vampire, but your best friend was good in bed?

Your best friend asked him for money to buy a car, but he didn't have that much money to buy a car, so your best friend started to make trouble. Your boyfriend couldn't coax her no matter how he coaxed her, and finally, In a fit of rage, he killed your best friend.

This scene was seen by your cat. Your cat is not simple either. It is different from all cats because it has opened its spiritual intelligence.

After he killed your best friend, he dismembered her body. At that time, your cat was watching all this happen.

He saw different colors in Xiaobai's eyes, and he was born suspicious, so he thought about killing Xiaobai.

When he took action, Xiaobai escaped in advance. He had no choice but to find another time to kill her. The reason why Xiaobai would wait for you at the intersection every day was because when you went out,

Xiaobai couldn't stay at home. It knew that if it stayed at home, your boyfriend might kill it at any time.

That's why you said that Xiaobai would wait for you every time you came back. That time you met someone following you on the street, it was either someone else or your boyfriend.

I don't know if you still remember that your boyfriend didn't come back all night that night, and when he came back the next day, he had a few more scratches on his body. "

Through Li Tong's reminder, Su Su suddenly remembered that her boyfriend did not come back that night and did not come back until the next day. And after he came back,

Su Su found several bloody scratches on his body and face. Su Su asked what was going on.

He just said that he was accidentally scratched by the cat in the hotel. Susu didn't think too much about it at the time. Thinking about it now, everything made sense.

Li Tong continued: "After that failure, he knew that this matter could not be delayed any longer. Just in case, he drugged the cat's food. That's why your cat died like this."

After listening to Li Tong's words, Su Su felt as cold as if she had fallen into an ice cave.

She would never have thought that her boyfriend would be such a person. The more she thought about it, the more scared she became, and the more scared she became, the more she thought about it.

"Anchor, what should I do now?"

"What else can we do? Just call the police and arrest them,"

At this moment, the dull sound of opening the door reached Su Su's ears, and then a male voice also rang, "Is there any food? I'm starving, hurry up and cook."

"Anchor, what should I do?" Su Su asked in a low voice. She was really scared at this moment. Her boyfriend turned out to be a murderer?

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