【Mom! The baby was scared to death. The baby was so afraid of who would comfort me. Wow wow wow...]

[It’s over, I seem to have hallucinated. Can anyone explain whether what I saw is real? Or is it fake? 】

[I still think this is all fake. The anchor and this young lady must be colluding. They are acting. 】

[Actually, I also feel this way, but even though it feels false, right? Why can't I help but tremble? What's going on? 】

There were all kinds of pop-up screens in front of him. Li Tong took a sip of water and glanced at the pop-up screen without explaining anything, "You only have ten seconds to see the soul. After these ten seconds, what will you do?" Can’t even see it,”

If it weren't for the sake of a better life in the future, Li Tong would never do this. Although it only allowed these people to see Xiaobai's soul for only ten seconds,

God knows how much Li Tong paid for these ten seconds of theirs. As soon as Li Tong finished speaking, the souls in their eyes disappeared.

The sudden disappearance made many people feel bad, especially Su Su, because she still had a lot to say, but she didn't have time to say it, and she couldn't see her Xiaobai.

"Anchor, what's going on? I still have something to say to Xiaobai? Why did it suddenly disappear?"

There is no other way. For Li Tong now, being able to let them all see Xiaobai's soul for more than ten seconds is her limit.

After all, she now has no spiritual power in her body. "There is no way, I can only let you watch it for a while. However, although you can't see it now, it has always been by your side? "

[Here I go, I thought I could witness a miracle happen? It turned out to be just a flash in the pan? Are you sure the anchor is not using this as a cover-up? 】

[I don’t know if it’s a cover-up, but I remain skeptical. 】

[Comrades, can any of you remember that this young lady just said that she had raised this cat for three years?

What I particularly want to know now is, did their cat die because of something? 】

After Su Su saw the information on the public screen, she reached out to wipe the tears from her eyes, and then she explained the whole story.

"How should I put it? After I brought Xiaobai home, from then on, Xiaobai and I lived together depending on each other.

I remember one time, the company needed to work overtime. It was already past two o'clock in the morning when I got home that night. The community I lived in was relatively remote.

Moreover, the road leading to the community was very narrow, and taxis couldn't get in at all. I got out of the car and walked along the small street. When I was halfway there, I felt rustling footsteps following me behind me. I didn't mention it at that time. How scared.

I knew in my heart that someone must be following me behind me, so I quickened my pace. The people behind me might know that I had spotted him.

So he yelled at me to stop. I didn't dare to stop, so I ran as fast as I could. Unexpectedly, the man followed closely behind me. When he was about to catch up with me,

I thought in my heart that I was definitely dead now. Just when I was about to accept my fate, I saw a white figure passing by, and I pounced on the figure behind me.

At that time, I was so scared that I only heard an angry voice coming from behind me. Damn whose cat is this. Then there was a scream of inhuman agony. "

Speaking of this, Su Su couldn't help crying again, her eyes wet with tears, but her heart was so regretful and helpless at this moment.

How many times did she think about how great it would be if Xiaobai had not died? However, there are all consequences in the world, but there is no if.

"If it hadn't been for Xiaobai's existence that night, I can't imagine the consequences. Although it was just a cat,

I never thought of it as an animal, but as my family. My brothers and sisters, do you all believe this? Sometimes these little animals are more loyal than people. At least people will lie to you, harm you, and hurt you, but animals will not.

From that day on, Xiaobai was like my bodyguard. No matter it was windy or rainy, thundering or lightning, Xiaobai would be waiting for me to come back at the intersection.

No matter how late I come back, the first thing I can see when I get off the car is Xiaobai’s little figure. I once said to Xiaobai, maybe you were sisters or brothers and sisters with me in your previous life, or we were relatives. Otherwise, how would you do in this life? Will protect me like this,

You have protected me like this in this life. Then I will support you for the rest of my life, but... "When she said this, Su Su was already crying, and her hands were tearing her hair hard.

It could be seen from her actions how much pain she felt in her heart at this time. Su Su took a deep breath, then slowly exhaled it, and then continued to talk again.

"God knows, Xiaobai died as soon as he said he would. I simply can't accept Xiaobai's sudden departure. It's all my fault. I was the one who killed Xiaobai. I'm guilty of a heinous crime.

I have been wondering why it was not me but Xiaobai who died? Why is all this happening? If possible, would I be the one I would rather die? The person who deserves the most damn is me... "

Su Su's mood was a little crazy, and she was yelling. Netizens in the live broadcast room could feel a sense of resentment and regret across the screen.

Su Su took a few sips of the water on the table and continued, "One day, when I returned home, I found that Xiao Bai was not waiting for me at the intersection. At that time, I felt that something had happened.

When I returned home, I found that Xiao Bai was lying on the sofa, dying, with all the hair on his body standing up, and his little body was still shaking, as if he was in great pain.

I took Xiao Bai to the nearest pet hospital. After seeing Xiao Bai's appearance, the pet doctor told me that Xiao Bai had been drugged and could not be saved.

When I heard the news, it was like a bolt from the blue. I wondered which animal had drugged Xiao Bai. How could a person do such a thing? I haven't offended anyone.

Xiaobai is usually very well-behaved and obedient. He never eats anything given by strangers, but that's what the veterinarian said. I was confused at the time and couldn't figure it out.

I thought about it and thought, if he offended someone, except for the time when Xiaobai scratched a man to save me, I really don't know who else he offended? I thought so in my heart,

The more I think about it, the more I feel that this is almost certain, it must be that person who did it. But I don't know who that person is?

Miss anchor, do you know who killed Xiaobai? Is Xiaobai blaming me for staying with me? "

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