The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2134: Taoist 3

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"This~" Looking at the two cultivators who were turned into mud in the sky, the general was stunned: "Didn't the two high immortals be quasi immortals, and they are already close to immortals? How come they were shot dead by your Majesty's trick ."

As soon as he said this, the four monks on one side all looked embarrassed. You can't explain it.

Two quasi-immortals were shot dead with one move, and the spirit of the true dragon returned. Kong Xuan and Bingqin regrouped outside the city. Seeing the golden dragon of luck, blood surged with shame.

Under the gaze of the heavens and the world, it was originally an elegant demeanor, but it was actually replaced by a dog gnawing shit. Such a difference between heaven and earth is really unbearable.

Kong Xuanzhu and Bingqin slumped into Shangjing and arrived at the general's mansion, but they saw the general calmly saying, "Please, two immortals."

This general is an old fox, so he naturally refused to show a half-differentiated appearance. Kong Xuan and Bingqin took the seat. After the general made a banquet, he had three rounds of drinks, but he heard the general say: "Two immortals, did you know that Heavenly affairs?"

Kong Xuan was taken aback: "What do you ask this for? You actually know the Dagan Dynasty?"

"I saw it in an ancient book, but it's a pity that the ancient book is broken and I can't see all of it. I have a good regret in my heart," said General Cao.

Listening to the general's words, Kong Xuan and Bing Qin were silent, and the four accompanying monks were also silent.

General Cao said: "Is there anything unspeakable?"

"That's not true. Just thinking about what happened in the past is a great time! It's a big era! It's a unique era, and I'm all the foil," Bing Qin smiled bitterly.

"How can a person like two immortal masters be a foil?" The general smiled: "The two masters are too self-effacing."

"This is not a bit of self-effacement. How can I tell lies? In the ancient times, not only my brothers, but all the monks became foils. What's so shameful Kong Xuan said: "You have never seen Yu Duxiu, and you have never been in the same era as Yu Duxiu. You will not find how powerless you are, how outstanding Hongjun is. If it weren't for the ancestors of the teachings...".

"Cough cough cough..." Bing Qin coughed quickly and stopped Kong Xuan's words: "Say what those past things do, let's continue drinking."

At this time, Kong Xuan and Bingqin were also shameless, bragging for their master and brother.

Seeing the behavior of these two immortals, General Cao had guesses in his mind. After drinking the three rounds, the two sides ended, then General Cao came to the courtyard of the Third Lady.

"Why, I saw General Cao?" Seeing Yu Duxiu's return, the three ladies hugged Yu Duxiu and sat on her lap.

Yu Duxiu smiled upon hearing the words: "Of course! It won't be long before your general will call for help."

"You little guy, brag all day long and watch me not screw you."

One night later, listening to the noisy greetings from the General’s Mansion, the exclaims from the outside world and the angry shouts from the capital, Yu Duxiu already knew in her heart. She crawled out of the bed of the third lady and began to meditate and exercise after getting dressed. , Run vitality to cultivate meridians.

Sure enough, before the evening, I heard a servant rushing and saying: "Madam! Madam! Master is here! Master is here!"


As soon as this remark came out, the entire courtyard instantly became lively. Everyone was shocked. The general had not been in the courtyard of the Third Lady for three years. How could he come here today? .

"Here is the unsuccessful person?" The third lady smiled coldly.

"Madam, the general is here, shall we go to meet him?" Hu said.

"Hmph, you died and I lived a long time ago, so why bother?" The third lady smiled coldly, sitting there without moving.

While talking, the third lady dragged Yu Duxiu into her arms and snorted coldly.

There was a sound of footsteps, and General Cao walked into the room to look at the third lady and Yu Duxiu in the arms of the third lady, but he was taken aback.

"I have seen the Daoist Master" General Cao gave a calm salute, then glanced at the third wife without speaking.

Yu Duxiu lazily said, "How is it? How are you thinking about it?"

The general heard this and said: "How can Dao Master help me reach the Ninth Five-Year Plan?"

"There were three emperor treasures that day. The first was the seal of the emperor, the second was the emperor's robe, and the third was the gold medal. I have the emperor's robe and gold medal, which are enough to fight you against the emperor's treasure. The emperor Dragon Qi in the imperial city can be defeated, and if you kill him, you will be your son!" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

General Cao smiled upon hearing the words: "Thank you very much, then."

After speaking, he hesitated: "But that is the reincarnated body of the emperor, if you kill it..."

"Can you give up the position of emperor?" Yu Duxiu looked at General Cao.

"Naturally not!" General Cao said decisively.

"If you can't, how can there be anything to say?" Yu Duxiu sneered.

"Yes, yes, this general is confused." General Cao smiled bitterly.

Yu Duxiu said: "After the matter is done, you must praise Taoism, regard Taoism as the national religion, and prohibit the nine supreme sects and Buddhist preaching. Can you do it?"

"If you do this, I'm afraid that the nine supreme sects will not forgive me, and the Buddhists will not forgive me! My dynasty is also at stake!" General Cao smiled bitterly: "If this is the case, then I have to spend so much time doing what ."

"Hey! No, no," Yu Duxiu waved his hand: "With the support of Taoism, how dare those Nine Schools and Buddhism do it to you?"

"I don't know who is strong in this Taoist school, who is actually called the Nine Great Sects and the Buddhist school jealous!" General Cao was taken aback, but this Taoist school himself had never heard of it.

Yu Duxiu said: "The Taoists respect Wuliang Tianzun as the Taoist masters, and Yuanshi Tianzun and Zhenwu Tianzun are the vice-masters. These three are all powerful and powerful, to protect your country from the intrusion of the nine schools. As for the Buddha, maybe Some trouble."

"So that's it! The general is relieved. The Taoist commander is in my general's mansion and deserves to enjoy going to the house. Why should I stay here?" General Cao said.

"No! No! This is just right! I live comfortably" Yu Duxiu simply rested on the third wife.

General Cao looked at the third wife and said blankly: "Take good care of the Dao Chief. If the Dao Chief is slightly dissatisfied, you will definitely apologize with death."

The third wife was expressionless when she heard the words, but the housekeeper Hu's eyes on one side flickered murderously. The general saluted Yu Duxiu and turned away.

Looking at Yu Duxiu, the third wife sighed slightly: "You are in an alliance with this person, and you are no less than seeking a skin with a tiger."

"Humph" Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, a black lotus in his hand slowly spinning: "A tiger for skin? In front of this seat, he is not even a cat, just an ant."

The general returned to the front yard with no bottom in his heart. He looked at the four Buddhist disciples in the study and said, "I don't know how many Taoists know the names of Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhenwu Tianzun, and Wuliang Tianzun?"

The four disciples were taken aback, one of them said: "The general said there are three names, but I have only heard one, and the other two have never heard of the other two. I only know the heavens and ten thousand realms Yuanshi Tianzun, but the immeasurable Tianzun Never heard of Tianzun Zhenwu."

When everyone heard that you look at me and I look at you, the disciple said, "This is the real name, how did the general know?"

"Occasionally heard" the general smiled, and his heart moved: "I wonder how the Yuanshi Tianzun's mana is?"

The expressions of the four disciples changed in an instant, and one of them said: "Yuanshi Tianzun is the top power among the supreme powers. The generals must not mention the supreme name taboo, so as not to desecrate the supreme power and provoke Daojun to blame. ."

Looking at the four disciples who were so, General Cao had a spectrum in his heart: "How does it compare to the nine teaching ancestors?"

"There may be no distinction, or there may be winners, it is difficult to tell," one of the disciples said.

Hearing this, General Cao immediately relieved his heart and said to himself: "The Immeasurable Tianzun ranked first, the Primitive Tianzun ranked second, and the Zhenwu Dao Zun ranked third. These four disciples only heard about Yuanshi Tianzun, but this disciple. Low status and ignorance. These three powerhouses are all incredible people. It seems that this general is making a lot of money. These guys want to fish in troubled waters. I just took the opportunity to gain profit. When I dominate the world, I can kill. Entering the Heavenly Palace and slaughtering the Heavenly Emperor, I am the new Heavenly Emperor."

"The general is weird today" a disciple said.

"I don't know what it was stimulated," another disciple said.

Heavenly Palace

Gan Tian closed his eyes, and the seal of the emperor in his hand slowly became illusory, and energy seemed to be injected into a certain time and space.

"Alright! Almost! Whether you can become enlightened once, it will be tonight!"

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