The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 2133: Start

Congratulations to the book administrator for "successful" engagement, a hundred years of marriage, and finally off the order, add two more to celebrate.

It's because Yu Duxiu is too young, how does the lady think of Yu Duxiu is not reliable.

Yu Duxiu sighed helplessly when he heard the words: "You don't know my difficulties. If I am not in a state of breakthrough at this time, I have to let you know how powerful I am. Now I have enemies everywhere, and my cultivation is stuck on the threshold. , If the enemy comes to the door, it will be troublesome if there is a trace of the breach, nothing! I will give you an explanation after seeing the general."

While talking, everyone entered the general's mansion.

"This is my room." The third lady led Yu Duxiu walking around in this room to watch. Although the three ladies had conflicts with the general, they were very interesting. The house was quite spacious and the servant maid waiting on him. I don't know how much, Yingying Yanyan, the ring is fat, green and thin.

"You can just leave my room." The third wife grabbed Yu Duxiu's hand.

Yu Duxiu was taken aback when he heard the words, and shook her head again and again: "No! No! No! There are differences between men and women."

The three ladies sneered: "You little guy still knows the difference between men and women, it's really interesting!"

It's a pity that Yu Duxiu couldn't touch the third lady, and was dragged into the third lady's room, with a scent of freshness and refreshing.

Yu Duxiu was not afraid, and walked in this room.

After a while, he said, "You rest here, I will meet the founding general."

"You have to be careful, there are many masters around the general!" The third lady exhorted.

As he was talking, the servant outside the door told: "Thirteen Niangs are here!"

"Please come in quickly," said the third lady.

But it was said that Yu Duxiu wandered through the mansion with her hands on her back. Wherever she passed by, the pedestrians turned a blind eye to it. Yu Duxiu looked at the golden dragon of Qi Luck rising into the sky and sneered: "It really is not. The enemy is not right, and now I want to cut your dragon veins and cut your hopes. I said that the world is vast, but it was a secret guide to ask me to come here. It turns out that you are planning here. Today, I asked you to draw a basket of water. "

Are you the emperor of the great dynasty?

With Yu Duxiu’s Taoism, the two sides are so close, and the other party is practicing with their own secret methods. Of course, they can’t hide from Yu Duxiu’s eyes and ears. Qiantian’s practice is actually the incomplete version of the clone technique created by Yu Duxiu. Half of the primordial spirit was cut away and reincarnated into the mundane. Now under the control of Qiantian secretly, it is also the change of dynasties and once again sits on the emperor.

"The grievances between our two are really not so deep. I thought about preaching. I didn't expect it to be your dynasty. Then I must cut your dragon veins and let you know how great." Yu Duxiu sneered and walked into the general's house. , I saw four monks in the general's house standing in the corner of the house secretly guarding, the general seemed to be giving instructions.

"Who are you?" Looking at the childish boy in front of him, the general frowned: "Who's kid, dare to rush."

Yu Duxiu looked at General Cao and smiled softly: "It doesn't matter who I am, the purpose of my coming is important."

"Huh?" At this time, the general seemed to have also found something wrong. The immortal in the corner didn't seem to have noticed the boy in front of him at this time, and the space seemed to be continuously elongated. At this time, he seemed to be separated from several immortals. .

"I met a master! Not an ordinary master!" This was the thought that the general had subconsciously turned around at this time.

Yu Duxiu sat on the opposite side of the general unhurriedly, then picked up the fruits on the case table and said, "You want to rebel?"

"This matter is not a secret" The general sat down slowly, staring at Yu Duxiu cautiously with his eyes.

"If you rebel, you will surely fail! The nine tribes will punish you! The whole family will copy and cut!" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"I don't believe it! I also have trump cards in my hand" The general was noncommittal.

"Really?" Yu Duxiu sneered: "I know your trump card is nothing more than a disciple of the Buddhist school, but... do you know the secret of being today?"

Although Yu Duxiu is shorter than the general, she seems to be looking down at the general and speaking. At this time, Yu Duxiu finally understands the pain of the old jade ancestor.

"Huh?" The general's eyes moved: "The secret of the emperor? It's nothing more than the hundreds of millions of troops in northern Xinjiang. The actual control of the troops in northern Xinjiang is today's son. This matter cannot be hidden from the general's detection."

"Ridiculous" Yu Duxiu shook her head: "This news is too small. This is not a trump card for today."

"Huh?" The general was stunned when he heard the words, "Is there any hole in the cards?"

The general did not dare to look down upon Yu Duxiu, since the moment Yu Duxiu walked into the house, he did not dare to look down upon it. Can a child pass through the blockades of his general mansion and come to his own house? .

"When the son of today was the avatar of the Heavenly Emperor of the 33rd Heavenly Lingxiao Palace, who turned and reborn, he was born with the seal of the son of heaven. This seal of the son of heaven was the most precious treasure of the Dagan dynasty. It’s the result of Tianshu, and there are hundreds of millions of gods to help it. Do you think you can beat Tianshu?" Yu Duxiu didn’t rush, and said calmly: “There is Buddhism behind you, but that’s the second Buddha. It’s as strong as Kong Xuan, but what about it? Two fists are hard to beat four hands, but it’s not weak behind Qiantian? Bazong is blessed by it. Today, the son is destined to dominate the world."

"Dagan Tianchao? Heavenly Emperor? Is this true?" The general's horror suddenly looked at Yu Duxiu in amazement.

"I don’t hide it from you. Unless it’s the ancestors who teach, no matter how many masters of the Buddhist school come, they can’t go to the dry sky in the capital. There is the blessing of the imperial fortune, and the seal of the emperor will mobilize the laws of heaven and earth. It’s just an ant.” Yu Duxiu looked at the general curiously: “Pan Dao is curious, you actually know the great dynasty.”

"After tens of thousands of years, there are still some secrets passed down." The general took out an ancient book from an agency under the case and handed it to Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu shook his head and put down the ancient books. He personally directed the great tribulation of the gods back then. The cause and effect could not be clearer, so naturally he didn't need to look at it.

"You haven't asked your name yet?" The general respectfully said to Yu Duxiu.

"Infinite" Yu Duxiu said lightly: "I am here to make a deal with you. I will help you rule the country and overthrow the rule of the celestial dynasty, and you will help me preach and revitalize my Taoism!"

"What your Excellency said are all words of one family, it is hard to believe" the general said.

"You are not a fool. You can become the founding general of the great righteousness. I believe you have a way to distinguish the authenticity of the words of this seat." Yu Duxiu shook his head, stood up and walked out.

"I don't know where you live?" the general said loudly.

"I live with the third wife. If you want to see me, just go find me." The words fell, and Yu Duxiu had disappeared.

"Oh! The eventful autumn is also" the general sighed helplessly.

"What's wrong with the general? Why are you worried?" A young Taoist priest walked out from the corner.

Looking at the Taoist priest, the general was even more distressed: "It's okay! It's okay! It's just a knot in the heart. This general is thinking about the wrong things in the past years, and I miss the third lady a little, and I will have a chance to visit in the future. Japanese couple hundred days of grace."

"General Gaoyi" that monk said.

The general calmly picked up the book in his hand and slowly rolled it up. The Taoist priest said: "General, there will be Buddhist masters Kong Xuan and Guan Shiyin coming tomorrow. To help the general, please prepare the military shed for the reception. Don’t neglect. , Both of these are peerless only one step away from Wonderland."

"Well, this general will prepare now." The general was taken aback for a moment, showing joy.

Upper Capital Palace.

"Your Majesty, a spy from the General's Mansion is here to report that there will be a Buddhist master coming tomorrow. If you want to help out, please stop." A spy fell to his knees, the figure on the throne of the emperor was blurred, and the air of the true dragon was swirling.

"Xianjia! Now that Jiu Zong has an appointment with the Buddhist school, I really want to know the Buddhist tricks and give him a prestige to let him know the majesty of my going to the capital."

The emperor's voice is steady and deep.

On the second day, the color shed of the General's Mansion was set up, but there were celestial sounds, Kong Xuan and Bingqin came together, coming from the void to Beijing.

"Roar~" The real dragon roared, but saw the seal of the real dragon's mouth, and instantly grabbed the two of them.

"Bold! This is going to the capital, who would dare to soar the clouds and drive the fog again" as he said, but saw that Kong Xuan and Bingqin had instantly turned into blood mist, crushed by the emperor's dragon, and turned into mud.

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