The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1910: Secret controversy

Listening to Yu Duxiu's words, the ancestor of Jade was taken aback for a moment, his footsteps stopped abruptly, and then turned his head to look at Yu Duxiu, and then said with a frown, "Surely your kid is fooling me?"

"Am I that kind of person?" Yu Duxiu carried her hands on her back.

"Yes!" Old Jade Ancestor nodded affirmatively.

Yu Duxiu was speechless, turned around and rolled her eyes, her eyes looked far away, and then touched her fingers, pinched her stupid body, and rubbed her stupid body vigorously: "This is what I came up with. One of the ways to weaken the devil."

Jade ancestor did not hear what Yu Duxiu said. The jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu, and the thief said: "Hongjun! Patriarch, I am the supreme and strong, immortal and immortal. I should eat a little blood from the sky There will be no major problems, right?".

"You can try it and you will know" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

The old jade ancestor walked quietly towards the distance, looking back three steps, and seeing that Yu Duxiu was not blocking him, after all, he bowed his head and came to Yu Duxiu's side: "You kid has nothing to do, and the blood of that day is reduced. The harm?".

"It is harmful to you, but it is a great benefit to the sky. As long as the demon gods swallow the blood of the sky, as long as you die once, a part of the power will be swallowed by the sky, and the demon gods are no exception. "Yu Duxiu is not hurried or slow, leisurely and contented.

"It's terrible, ancestors, I just wanted to cut off a part of the demon gods and demon gods. Your kid actually wants to capture the origins of the supreme powerhouses. It's your kid's darkest heart." Jade Old ancestors.

At this moment, the great power of Yi constantly smashed all the powerful people of the same generation into the air, and the two sides fought constantly. At this moment, Yi was truly brave and invincible, losing streak to all the quasi-superpowers, even Ao Le was given to one by Na Yi. Fist smashed into the air, embarrassed, it can be seen that Na Yi's power is really quasi-invincible and invincible. If you face the supreme powers who don't use the innate spirit treasure, you can definitely defeat it.


After Yi blasted Mo Xie, he flew out again, then soared into the sky, disappearing into Qing Ming in an instant.

"Forget it! This Yi Yi seems to have taken a big tonic pill, and her strength has skyrocketed. After burning her essence and blood, her strength has not declined, but has continued to rise. It's really terrifying." Zhang Jiao looked away at Yi with a pair of eyes. To the big formation below: "I am curious, what is in this big formation".

"Let's find a way to break through this big formation" Primitive Heavenly King said.

"I'm afraid it's not that simple to break the formation. This formation is very strict and cautious, and people who are not waiting can arrange it." Ao Le Zhenlong's eyes flowed.

You look at me on both sides, and I look at you, with divine light in your eyes.

If the elixir of immortality is gone, then break the formation and see what's inside the formation.

Not to mention where the quasi-superior powers are thinking about breaking the formation, but they say that Yi has returned to his tribe: "Hey, I am back."


Chang stood up and threw himself into Yi's arms.

"Come on, see what it is?" Yi took out a thumb the size of a thumb in his arms, crystal clear, it seemed to be a round of elixir like a bright moon.

"It smells so good, is this the legendary pill?" Chang was taken aback.

Yi grinned, not at all the irritability before: "You can eat it and have a look."

Chang didn't decline after hearing the words. He took the pill and stuffed it directly into his mouth. Then he saw the pill enter his abdomen, with a fresh fragrance overflowing.

"Yi, the Devil God summons you to go to discuss matters" a shout came from outside.

After hearing the words, Yi Yi was taken aback and glanced at her: "You wait here, and I will go back."

"It's done." In the distance, Yu Duxiu clapped her hands, as if there was dust on her palms.

"I would rather demolish ten temples and not ruin a marriage relationship, you kid is doing abuse" Jade Ancestor smashed his mouth.

"The destiny is like this, so she wants to live forever, so I will help her." Yu Duxiu's eyes were smiling: "Otherwise, how can the world know the preciousness of longevity?"

Longevity is always going against the sky. There are gains and losses. If you get a part, you will inevitably lose your favorite in exchange.

"I have seen the Demon God" Yi paid respectfully to the Demon God.

"How can the power suddenly increase so much? It's simply incredible?" The Bull Demon God looked at Yi, his eyes lighted up.

Yi heard this for a moment: "The disciple fell into the ancient formation accidentally, fell into a pool of blood, and then fainted. When the disciple woke up, there was no trace of blood in the pool, but the disciple's strength increased countlessly. At this time, the disciple’s cultivation base is still improving."

Hearing Yi's words, the Demon God was stunned: "What blood is it? Can you describe it?".

Yi did not hesitate to say: "Yin red, red is fascinating, it makes people fascinated by it."

"Could it not be the blood of the blue sky? If it is the blood of the ancestors, all the heavens and hundreds of races have their own colors. The blood of the blue sky looks red, but it is the illusion that after the blue color reaches the extreme, it returns to the original and presents." Came out.

"There is also a possibility," Niu Demon said.

"Since you still have the power of blood in your body, let's verify it." The Bull Demon smiled.

"Compared to the elixir of immortality, this seat is even more curious about what is hidden in the big formation that actually caused Na Yi to increase his strength after he came out. If my human race can obtain such a treasure, wouldn't it be possible to have it again? The hope of returning to the Central Territory" Tai Yi taught the ancestors to play with the tortoise shell in his hands, and he could not see the slightest vision. The scars that Yu Duxiu brought to Tai Yi Dao have been completely wiped out.

"Shoot! After returning to the Demon God Clan the next time, the demon Gods will inevitably be questioned by the Demon Gods. We are one step too late to tell the matter, and we have to see what is in the big formation that can no longer be obtained by the Demon God Clan." Too Yi As the ancestor said, one palm stretched out to cover the sky and headed towards the big formation.

"Stop him! The mystery of the blood of heaven belongs to my demon clan. Before we collect enough blood, we must not allow everyone to reveal the mystery of the blood of the heavens. This is the rise of my demon clan and completely overwhelm the heavens. Where the hope of the Hundred Clan lies" God E opened his mouth instantly and bit towards Taiyi Jiaozu's palm.

"Naughty animal! Don't want to be rampant" Tai Dou Jiao Ancestor raised his palm, and the boundless galaxy fell, blooming the head of the E God.

"This is the secret of my Demon God clan" The Wolf God shot, entangled with the ancestors.

In the earth, the Demon God Clan is an invincible existence, increasing its strength by 30% out of thin air, and it is simply the darling of the earth.

"Shoot, the demon clan is powerful, and it is the disaster of my demon clan" Xiangshen slammed a punch, Star Dou stopped running, the law of heaven and earth solidified, and bombarded the demon gods.

It is hard to imagine that in this year's time, after the powers of the supreme have accumulated a lot, it is unfathomable how unfathomable it is.




With a roar, shaking the universe, the demon gods all shot together, and the ancestors of the human race also shot.

In the Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, Jinlin's eyes flickered: "Brother, Yi's suddenly powerful, very tricky, can't let the Demon God family swallow this secret."

"Naturally! Let's take action, everyone" Donghai Longjundao.

The world is shaken, and the endless time and space punishment guillotine is shaky. Even if the demon gods are tough, they face the eight human ancestors ~ ~ the five dragon kings of the four seas, and the three demon gods have fallen into the power. Downwind, suppressed, and retreated steadily.


The heavens and the earth shook, the rivers revolved, and the ancestor of Jade looked at the revolving galaxy, and there was a little tremor in his eyes: "The supreme powers have been calculated by you and played in the palm of your hand. The blood of the sky has succeeded in helping everyone. Curiosity, now we have to see if these cunning guys will be fooled."

Speaking of this, the old jade ancestor said: "The sky is a curse. If the day continues to be strong, can you suppress it? If you ask the sky to absorb the origins of the supreme powers, then you can do harm to the world. Sinners, sins are monstrous, and there is no place to bury them in death."

"No problem! Don't worry, and with the wisdom of the supreme powerhouses, these people can prove the Dao and emerge from the endless beings. They are all amazing talents, and they are afraid of this seat. Nothing is planned for them, these old guys can get rid of the shackles of the blood of heaven."


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