The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1909: Tianxue Shenwei

"Where is this?" After Yi woke up, there was a little misty light in his eyes, looking at the desolate cave, moving his fingers, all the scars on his body had disappeared without a trace, and the sequelae of the burning blood seemed to disappear at this time. Disappeared without a trace.

   "Huh?" Yiyi stood up, only feeling a force in his body burst out like a mountain, and the void was constantly trembling, as if he could not bear his own power.

   "This is? That kind of blood? Such a strong power." Yi's eyes were full of incredible: "What kind of blood is that? It has increased my strength so much, it is endless, the difference between heaven, earth, cloud and mud."

"Okay! No matter how this power came from, or whose blood it was, I am now at the top, with infinite power. Later, I will just show off my supernatural power and repel strong enemies, so that everyone in the heavens will see me'Yi' Great".

   Yi's eyes flashed with excitement, turned and walked out, looking at the gray mountains in the distance, suddenly stretched out his hands, the void formation barrier was torn directly by Yi, and then walked out slowly.

   "He is out".

   shouted, attracted the attention of the strong men, and the strong men raised their heads and looked at Yi, with a fanatical color in their eyes.

   The heavens and the worlds, from ancient times to the present, there are only a handful of people who have achieved supreme status. Now that the elixir of immortality is born, how can it not make everyone crazy? .

   "Yi, hand over the magic medicine for immortality, spare you not to die!" Zhang Jiao carried his hands on his back, and his eyes flashed with solemnity.

   "Yi, the elixir of immortality is not something you can enjoy, it should be handed over quickly" Baihu's face was gloomy, and his whole body Gengjin's evil spirit kept cutting the void.

   "Yi, give me the elixir of immortality! This princess will keep you safe" Ao Le's eyes stared at Yi firmly.

   Yi embraced her arms with a sneer on her face: "Ignorant people, do you really think you will eat me?".

   "Yi, I don't have to die quickly" The **** child of the elephant tribe wrapped in a punch with immeasurable strength, and hit Yi with a punch.

   "seeking death".

   Yi's eyes flashed with wild colors, and the blood was surging. Without evasiveness, he blasted out with a punch, resisting his fist with his fist.


"How could this be?".

   Looking at the elephant clan **** child who was lifted out, still standing in the void, the eyes of everyone in the field showed disbelief.

  Who is the **** son of the elephant tribe? .

The biological son of the Elephant God, the heirs of the Elephant God, practice the Dafa of the Elephant God. Although he has not transformed into hundreds of millions of white elephants, he has transformed into billions of little elephants. The power can be called the first person under the quasi immortal. , But now it was actually thrown off by the bull and devil clan. If there is science in the world of cultivating immortals, everyone will definitely say'this is unscientific'.

   "This is impossible" Ao Le was dumbfounded.

"Even if the ox demons are cultivating the law of strength, they shouldn't be so tough. Even the little elephant **** can fly out. Compared with the starry sky before, it's a huge difference." Zhang Where did the angle's smile freeze stiffly, the eyes were filled with disbelief, indeed.

   "Are you sure this is Yi?" The **** son of the E ethnic group said.

   "How come the power suddenly soared so much?" The quasi-superpowers were whispering.

   "It's impossible." The little elephant **** snarled up to the sky, his eyes were full of disbelief, his eyes looked at Yi, full of shock: "Come again."

   Angrily reprimanded, the little elephant **** moved his whole body strength, and the void exploded in an instant, moving towards Yi's suppression.

   "Go to death for me".


   The little elephant **** was overturned again, smashing countless mountains, and was unable to recover from the dust for a long time.

"Hahaha, hahaha, I am the first person of the younger generation, I am the first person of the younger generation, who dares to be the enemy of me? I am the first person of the younger generation. This elixir of life is "Mine" Yi's eyes flashed crazy, and he smashed Zhang Jiao with a punch.

   The face of the corners remained unchanged, and the talisman in his hand flew out.

   "Bang" Zhang Jiao and Na Yi flew out at the same time.

   "Why? Why do you have such a great power? You are as good as me?" The enthusiasm in the eyes of the next moment disappeared, and the hostility in his heart was forcibly suppressed.

When Zhang Jiao heard this, there was a light smile on the corners of his mouth, and countless seals circulated in a pair of eyes: "This seat uses your power. You don't even understand the strengths and weaknesses of the cultivators of the heavens and ten thousand realms. Dare to come out like this?".

   Listening to Zhang Jiao's words, there was a sneer in Yi's eyes: "With my power? I don't believe that there is such a mysterious magical power in this world. Why do you borrow my power, this seat did not allow you".

   Zhang Jiao nodded when he heard the words: "Why do you need your consent, why do you need your permission".

   "I don't believe it! Pretend to be a fool, and see how I can save you! Uncover your ghost tricks" Yi Leng smiled, eyes flashing a little bit of anger, punched out again, and rolled up the waves.

   The waves are not the waves, but the power of the void, the power of the void that penetrates the void and draws it out.

   Looking at the endless power of the void, Zhang Jiao of course smiled: "Even the supreme powerhouses can't help themselves. Obediently borrowed power from this seat, let alone you, a bull."


As soon as    was shot down, the two sides retreated three steps each, and Na Yi's expression changed: "I don't believe it!"




After fighting a dozen times in the void, Yi looked at Zhang Jiao’s supernatural powers and yelled: "What kind of supernatural power is this, it is unreasonable. It is obviously my supernatural power, my power, why? Borrowed by him".

   Zhang Jiao smiled and didn't say a word. Yi's eyes looked at Zhang Jiao: "It's ridiculous, this is my power. How do you use my power to defeat me? Your power is too rigid to withstand a single blow."

While    was talking, Yi punched out again and hit Zhang Jiao.

   "Come again! You **** still don't give up," Zhang Jiao said casually.


   Zhang Jiao's smile solidified on his face, the smug smile instantly freezes, the whole person explodes, and the blood is flying.


   Zhang Jiao's body reorganized, his face was ugly and surprised: "How is this possible? This is impossible! It shouldn't be like this!".

   "My power is my power, you are just relying on it, clumsy and rigid, I can restrain you as long as I change a little," Yi said proudly.

   "Fate freezes."

   Zhangjiao’s supernatural powers are changing, with the help of Taiyi’s destiny.

   "This is cheating" Niu Demon God moved his eyes away from the battlefield, looked towards the border, and cast his eyes to the place where the ancestors of the human race were.

   "So what? This is not my initiative, but Zhang Jiao's magical powers" Tai Yi taught the ancestors without hesitation.

   "What kind of supernatural power is this, Zhang Jiao's supernatural power is simply beyond the laws of heaven" Niu Demon scolded fiercely.

After cursing, the bull demon looked at the battlefield: "How can Yi's power suddenly increase so much? It's really strange ~ has been infinitely close to the quasi-immortal limit, and the demon **** can be gathered as soon as the opportunity arrives. The real body is really strange, how could Yi's power be so strong."


   The power of fate was directly exploded by Yi, with cold light flashing in his eyes, and he hit Zhang Jiao with a punch.

   "How is it possible that your strength is so strong, it is already close to the limit".

   Zhang Jiao was helpless, and there was no time to return the aid. He was bombed by Yu Duxiu's blow and turned into a fan.

"Mother, the blood of the sky is so strong. You actually gave this good thing to the barbaric, and it was ruined alive. If I have a chance in the future, I will also swallow some blood of the sky. When the time comes, my power will be Isn’t it a thousand-fold increase?” The ancestor Jade’s eyes were full of excitement: “I did a lot of strength in the battle against the sky. The blood that day was splashed and scattered on the wild land. Less remnants, I will collect the blood that day, this is a good thing."

The old jade ancestor did what he said, and turned around to search for the blood of that day. A palm stretched out, and Yu Duxiu grabbed the old jade ancestor’s neck: "You old thing, don’t make trouble. Is the blood of the sky that you can absorb as soon as you want? Don’t dream! If you absorb the blood of the sky, if you die, all your strength, flesh, bones, and essence will feed back to Qingtian and become the nourishment of Qingtian. If you don’t Mind, just go."


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