The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1885: The invincible'Heaven'

   "Is it true, why should I tell you?" Jin Lin looked at everyone, a flash of mockery flashed in his eyes.

Everyone didn’t say much when they heard the words. Looking at Jinlin’s expression, they seemed to know something, but no one was sure that Jinlin really knew. Moreover, at this juncture, no one would like to have extra branches. Everyone didn’t say much, just quiet. Watching quietly.

   It didn't take long for me to hear muffled noises in the void: "This seat is'Heaven.' You and other ordinary masters are not kneeling down."

   "Is this a sacred beast or a god? Are you silly!" Everyone complained after hearing the shouting.

   "I dare to be so arrogant. After he comes out, I have to tell this **** to know how good we are." Taishi Jiaozu continued to chuckle.

   Time was passing by a little bit, everyone stood there quietly, looking down at the void in the distance.


Three months later, the void shattered in an instant, and the Qi of Chaos rolled over. A paw that covered the sky and sun was first stepped out of the void, and then the void fragments shattered, and a giant one hundred thousand feet tall slowly walked away. Walked out of the void.

It is not right to say that it is a giant. It should be said that it is a beast talent. The upper body is a human body, with an extremely beautiful appearance, while the lower body is a monster body. The hideous scales flowing around the body reveal a terrifying murderous intent, hideous and terrifying, exceptionally It’s scary. Look at that giant beast. It has eight arms. The whole body is surrounded by chaos, and the sky is trembling slightly. The giant beast looks down at everyone present: "This seat is the sky. ', you still don't bow down and surrender".

   "What is this?" Looking at the giant who is pierced into the starry sky, everyone's complexion changed wildly, and a pair of eyes stared at the giant beast.

   "What a terrifying behemoth, the whole body is powerful, and no one in the room may be the opponent of this servant" Jade ancestor muttered to himself: "What is this?"


   The twelve demon gods shot at this time, instantly transforming into the real body of the demon god, and also into the form of the law, rushing towards the giant beast.


   Waved with a palm, turned the river and the sea, the sun and the moon were ups and downs, the giant beast and the demon gods were fighting together, and the demon gods were blessed by the origin of the earth. Only by working together can they just suppress the so-called ‘sky’.

   "Little bugs, you successfully angered me." There was a flash of anger in Tian's eyes. He looked at the torn scales and the broken arm, showing a touch of irritation, and a palm of his hand instantly slapped at the God of E.


E God was actually turned into powder by this blow, turned into a muddy air, reborn in the origin of the earth, a pair of eyes looked at the'monster' in amazement: "The power of this servant is too strong! The big one is outrageous. ".

   "You **** don't help out yet. This monster is not just for us, you **** also has a share." Na E God glared at the Elephant God, Fox God, and Tiger God.

   The elephant stretched out his arms when he heard the words: "Well, after seeing this monster, I happened to have itchy hands, and I was about to slaughter this guy."

   "Let's do it slowly" The Fox God stopped Elephant God.

  Xiangshen was taken aback: "The lips are dead and the teeth are cold. The devil cannot suppress this monster. If we don't take action, I am afraid that after the demon gods are defeated, it will be our turn."

   "Is it stupid, this is not the innate god! It may not be specifically for the protagonist of heaven and earth, haven't you seen the supreme powerhouses are a little restless?" Fox **** smiled coldly.

   "This seat is the first day. If you dare to offend this seat, please be punished!".

   The monster's voice was cold, and his handsome face was full of anger. Then he saw the monster press down with a palm, instantly suppressing the void of one party, and the wolf **** was hit deep into the earth.

"This bastard, so arrogantly, how can there be no punishment to come to the world" The Bull God stretched out his arm, tightly hugged the arm of the'first day', opened his mouth and bit, and he was there. On the first day, a piece of meat was bitten off from the arm, and then the blood spewed, and the golden blood soaked the body of the bull god, and saw that the bull god's vitality was continuously increasing visible to the naked eye.

"Ant! You get out of here, this seat is going to suppress you" The first day I shot, I wanted to pull my arm away, but was hugged tightly by the bull god, never letting go, and constantly swallowing the first day blood.

   "It's all treasures, this monster's body is full of treasures" The eyes of the demon gods were red, and the more they fought, the more courageous the monster was. Although the monster was powerful, it couldn't help everyone.

   "Pardon seal".

The monster shouted angrily, a palm was pressed on the bull god's body, the bull **** was instantly knocked off, and a seal on the huge claws instantly fell on the bull god's body, unexpectedly being suppressed by the seal .

   "Ant, dare to swallow the blood of this seat, and you will die for me." On the first day, he shot and held the void. I saw countless thunders in the void condensed and turned into chaos, heading towards the suppression of the bull god.

"Be careful".

The wolf **** shot, biting the wrist that held Thunder on the first day, and then a pair of eyes glared at that first day, and with a click, the wolf **** had a tooth flew away, but the monster was also bloody, and his wrist was broken. But it did not fall, there are still bones connected.

   "Restore the real body".

   The first day did not rush or hurry, the tone was weird, the whole body's divine power flowed in an instant, but it was just a few breaths, the mighty energy of the heavens and the earth, the power of the sun, the moon and the stars flowed towards the monster, trying to recover the monster's wounds.

  "Stop him" Xiangshen made a bold move: "This kind of monster is full of treasures. This is a billion elephant weevil. If it can swallow the monster's flesh and blood and bathe in blood, it will definitely go further."


That elephant God’s words fell, and before it rushed to the monster, it was already blown away by the monster with a fist. The monster’s eyes were filled with murderous intent: "You ants, dare to provoke the majesty of the deity. You wait for the worms of the world and the deity will kill today. You wait."

After    finished speaking, a flame burst out of the monster's mouth and swept toward the elephant god. The elephant **** was too late to escape, and was instantly buried in the sea of ​​fire, with a smell of barbecue.

   That is the elephant god, the treasure of billions of hordes, the body that was burnt in the face of this flame, destroyed the treasure, showing the strength of this monster.

"Mother, what is this! The combat power is simply against the sky, even if it is the ancestor, I am not the opponent of this monster, this monster is all treasures, ancestors, I have to share a piece of the pie" Light.

"You come back" Yu Duxiu wanted to pull the old jade ancestor, but was avoided by the old jade ancestor, and saw that the old jade ancestor dexterously passed through the blockade of the first day, instantly engulfing bad luck with a punch, hitting In the belly of the monster.


   Sparks flew everywhere, and the monster's scales were imprinted with the law of bad luck. The monster's brows were frowned, and a pair of eyes stared at the jade ancestor, a divine light burst out suddenly, breaking through the void instantly, and the space was broken.

"This bastard" Yu Duxiu watched the jade ancestor jumped by the monster's eyes, and sighed helplessly. I don't know why, although this monster is hideous and terrifying, Yu Duxiu did not notice the slightest sense of crisis. Instead, it means something close.

   "Shall we make a move?" Han Yan said.

   Yu Duxiu shook his head: "Just watch the changes."

   "This monster is immortal, it can't be killed at all, these guys are in vain," the blood demon said aside.

"How do you say?" Yu Duxiu looked at the blood demon the blood demon hesitated and said: "I proclaimed and swallowed the sea of ​​blood. Fragments, it seems that this kind of monster has been said that this kind of monster is immortal and can be used to fight with the help of infinite power of heaven and earth. It can only be suppressed but not killed. If the world is immortal, this monster will not die."

"That's right, the realm of the teaching ancestors is already immortal. What's more, this monster is now several times more powerful than the most powerful. The twelve demon gods, the elephant god, and the jade ancestor have not suppressed this monster. They are continuing to tear up the chaotic battle, let alone kill him." Yu Duxiu shook her head, with the green lotus flashing in her eyebrows, looking at the void from the monster, endless chaos lingering: "It seems that there is something in the depths of the chaos. It’s so weird to be summoning me! Weird! Do you want to go in and have a look."

   Yu Duxiu hesitated, but there were so many people in the court, but he didn't dare to move.

   I'm fascinated by reading recently, and I don’t have time to sweat more when I meet a good book! Let's talk about adding more time, and I will add more this week. I would like to recommend the new book "Seven Days and Seven Nights in Love: Trying to Love the Emperor and Younger" by Tang Tang Youyou, a female author and friend of Nine Lives. Reading on QQ, the starting point may not be available for the time being. But it’s okay. You can already receive it on QQ reading. Welcome to collect and recommend. Khan Khan, pirate friends also do a favor. Boys who don’t see it can recommend it to their girlfriends. Unexpectedly, Jiu Ming also had a day of watching female videos, and I had already begun to doubt my life.


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