The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1884: The unlucky insect god, the strangeness of Jinlin

Looking at the remaining worm nest in his hand, the worm **** almost wanted to cry without tears: "No! It's too dangerous here! I want to get out quickly!".

"Puff" a mouthful of black blood came out fiercely from the ghost master's mouth.

"What did it give birth? What did it give birth? Why is the power of reincarnation in this seat damaged?" The ghost master's eyes stared at the void firmly: "Could the insect **** encounter the innate **** in this Yuanzhong? Impossible? Ah! Insect gods are Dacheng's innate **** beasts, there is no reason not to kill a new born **** in the dead zone."

The ghost master's gaze was frightened and uncertain, and the eyes of the supreme powerhouses looked at the ghost master, and a strange color flashed in their eyes.

"This old thing is vomiting blood. Could it be that there is too much blood and need to vomit" Jade Patriarch's eyes were full of jokes.

"The ancestor’s mouth accumulates virtue" Yu Duxiu's face turned black: "If people don't come to provoke you, you actually want to go over to cause trouble and behave inappropriately. If you are making trouble indiscriminately, don't blame me for pushing you out."

The old jade ancestor smiled at the words: "Hey, ancestor I am used to it."

"It feels like something is wrong" Han Yan's eyes looked at the ghost master.

"This old thing seems to know something" Blood Demon said.

When Yu Duxiu heard the words, she held her chest with her hands and looked at the void in the distance. The Qinglian between her eyebrows kept cheering. Yu Duxiu knew that there must be something beneficial to her, or that she must fight for it. Things.

"This old ghost seems to have hurt the origin." The tortoise shell in Tai Yi Jiaozu's hand flickered, and his eyes looked at the ghost master, showing a look of uncertainty.

"It seems to be like this. I don't know what kind of blow this old thing has suffered. It looks like this. That's the essence of life," Tai Dou taught the ancestor.

"Why do you care so much? Let's wait to carve up the innate gods" Taiping Jiaozu played with Huangtu.

"Really, the protagonist in this world is really not that easy to be a protagonist. Once there is an innate beast, let's go to top the tank. These old guys share the benefits. It really makes no sense," E Shen cursed.

"It's just a congenital god. The young congenital **** can kill it with a snap of his finger. Where there is so much nonsense, if you **** it and leave, I heard people say that this congenital **** is not so easy to kill. , Or else let's kill this innate **** to the monster race?" A cunning flashed in the eyes of the wolf god.

"No, we are now cultivating muddy qi. This innate **** is not very useful, but it is not for the monster race. For the monster race, this thing is the most precious thing. Once the monster race gets this treasure , That would be troublesome. It is even more difficult to deal with the laws that belong to the gods.

Everyone was talking, and suddenly they saw the void fluctuations, a pre-existing weather spread, and the lion **** roared: "Do it!"

Hands-on, indeed hands-on, but saw the twelve demon gods one after another, here is the 6th place, the demon **** is very decisive and did not mix in, in the 6th place, everyone is not the opponent of the demon god, just don't trouble yourself.


As soon as the insect **** escaped from the dimension, he felt the turbid air between the world and the earth began to shoot out, and then saw twelve hairs clasped toward him with big hands, trying to kill him.

After cursing, the insect **** dispersed his body in an instant and turned into a swarm of insects, avoiding the attacks of the demon gods, and reorganizing his true body in a distant place in embarrassment: "You bastard! Can't you see people clearly? seat!".

"Insect God!".

Seeing the worm gods who fled in embarrassment, the twelve demon gods were immediately stunned. This worm **** is a great beast, and it is known for its intractability. Basically, everyone can not provoke them.

"Why are you?" God E looked at the **** of insects, eyes full of consternation.

Insect God said: "You don't want to control me, the disaster is coming! The disaster is coming! There is a terrifying monster in that dimension who wants to be born, so be careful."

After speaking, the insect **** came to the ghost master, and the ghost master looked pale and said: "What's the matter?"

"There is a monster in it. I had already gathered a million worlds, but I was swallowed by that monster. According to my estimation, there are no one hundred remaining worlds." Looking at the missing 90% of the world The nest is like an over-bitten apple, just like that crescent moon, a very narrow crescent.

Millions of worlds have turned into a hundred. This is indeed the difference between heaven and earth.

The ghost master looked at the world with a pale face: "This time I have lost a lot."

"Don't worry, my Zerg is the best at creating dimensions, opening up the void, give me time, I will definitely regenerate a million worlds" the **** of insects patted his chest.

The ghost master was speechless, with a pair of eyes looking at the void: "Well, now the monster clan and the demon **** clan are the protagonists. The next major battle will be a million years later. With these million years, you should be almost the same. However, this seat suspects that the Buddhist family may not be willing to give me a million years. There are also jade ancestors, Hongjun, and my yin is now surrounded by powerful enemies. The blood demon and the bridge of Naihe are all chess pieces that Hongjun has inserted. But there is nothing I can do."

"Can't we win that blood demon strategy?" Insect God said.

The ghost master shook his head. If he could do this, he would have done it early. However, the blood demon would be the **** who eats scales, and he was so determined that he would not even bother to draw in: "What's in it?"

"I don't know! I just saw a big mouth that swallowed a million worlds" Worm God's heart lingered.

Everyone was talking, and saw a trace of chaotic air escape from the void. Accompanied by the first weather, the jade ancestor was suddenly taken aback: "It seems something is wrong."

"Why is something wrong?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"I don't know! Innate gods shouldn't be born with this kind of aura" Old Jade Ancestor frowned: "It is said that it is an innate **** beast, it is not, it is said that it is an innate god, but it is not very similar."

"It's weird." The Jade Ancestor frowned, as if he had encountered something inexplicable.


A huge roar shook the world, and countless dimensional tremors, I saw the void constantly shaking, it seemed that some monsters were constantly hitting the endless void, wanting to run out.

"How does it feel a bit bad!" Tai Yi Jiaozu gripped the tortoise shell in his hand.

Jade Duxiu Qinglian kept cheering and jumping, a pair of eyes stood there without waves, watching the volatility of the void, countless turbulent winds continued to roll up, blowing the world.

"How is this going?".

At this time, everyone in the field looked at the chaotic air flowing out, and their expressions were weird: "I haven't heard of the birth of innate beasts, there will be chaotic companions."

"This seat is the sky! You won't bow down yet!" A tyrannical thought swept across the audience from the void, and the voice was filled with endless majesty.


Everyone was taken aback.

Jinlin's complexion changed, and a touch of excitement flashed in his eyes as he looked at the behemoth, his fists clenched, his complexion flushed, and he forcibly suppressed the excited expression in his heart.

"Heaven?" Everyone looks at me, I look at you, Taiyi taught the ancestors: "Everyone, who knows what this day is?".

Everyone was speechless, like God's Dao: "I don't know what heaven is, but I feel a terrifying aura escapes from it, I'm afraid we are in trouble, it should be the innate beast of Dacheng."

"It's not the inborn beast, the inborn beast is definitely not so terrifying and hideous" Chong Shen categorically rejected it.

"What's that? It's even less likely to be a congenital Patriarch I feel a chaos! Ominous power, there is no sense of power and order like the congenital god" Jade Patriarch Frowning.

"Jinlin! Looking at your expression with excitement, there seems to be something hidden in the depths of your eyes, do you know the information of this day" Yu Duxiu looked at Jinlin with a pair of eyes, and instantly attracted the attention of everyone present, and everyone looked towards Jinlin.

The Jinlin smiled bitterly: "Hongjun, don't make a joke! Don't make a joke! Even if we are enemies, you can't slander me like that. I was born in this era, and Yuelongmen has less than 20,000 years of experience. You don’t know this. What is the sky, how can this seat know".

"Really?" Tai Yi Jiaozu looked at Jinlin with a pair of eyes, full of the smell of scrutiny.

ps: Recommend a new book Xie Zun, don't be too fierce! Interested students can go to meow.


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