The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1872: Contempt for the punishment? Kill you!

A tragic, unprecedented fierce battle. The half of the fox **** has no idea where it is going. The turbid air all over his body is rising, and the elephant is not well. At this time, the chest and legs of the elephant are all dark holes. Contaminated with evil spirits.

  Sihai Longjun is even more miserable, lacking arms and legs, and even Beihai Longjun's head is gone, and the half of Jinlin's head is also gone.

Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed with streamers, looking down at the battlefield below. The demon gods were not feeling well at this time, and the power of each body was turbid. Seeing that his figure had become blurred, he was punished with a knife. A lot of the origin was wiped out in time, and it was barely condensed into shape.

   "Huh! You know it's great this time, right? But it's never over." Yu Duxiu sneered coldly.

On the battlefield below, the wolf **** avoided a claw of the fox god, and instantly jumped out of the battlefield, looking down at the four seas, but seeing the muddy air flowing above the entire East China Sea, the wolf **** said: "Forget it, in this fight, we can It hurts the origin, and it has made the human **** in vain, and the human is still staring secretly."

   After hearing the words, the demon gods jumped out of the battlefield one after another, stepping on the ground, the turbid air flow all over their bodies, and constantly returning to their true bodies. The demon gods and Dragon Lord also continued to wipe away the scars on the wounds, and their eyes flashed with murderous intent.

   Yu Duxiu said: "It's almost there, both sides are about to retreat. This demon clan is a bit unexpected, and I have to buy some time for the monster clan."

   "Receive the soldiers!" At this time, God E's body turned into black particles continuously suspended, and the turbid air all over his body rolled, and the human form was no longer visible.




   The sound of the war drum sounded and spread across the world in an instant, and the demon gods finally began to withdraw their troops.


Four Seas Dragon Lord and the demon **** subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, and the fox said: "These **** are so difficult to live, but fortunately, the power of the sea suppresses the origin of the earth. Otherwise, this time we have to suffer a big loss, and we can actually rely on the earth. Power is reborn, the demon **** is too powerful."

Hundreds of thousands of divine lights in the elephant **** continued to brew, and I saw every murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the elephant god, and the holy elephant worms continuously swallowed the countless turbid evil spirits, and the wound of the elephant **** healed in an instant: "These beasts, if not for these guys Do your own death, provoke God's punishment, and this battle will not end in another thousand years."

   "That's it! This battle lasted for a full eight thousand years, and the elites of my demonic tribe lost a full 40%." The white tiger limped out.

   "Fox God! Tiger God! Elephant God! There is also Dragon King of the Four Seas, who has the ability to come to these 6 grounds, let's make a male and female" The Wolf God kept repairing his true body and consolidating his body.

   All the demon gods sneered: "If you have the ability, just enter the 33rd heaven."

As he was talking, suddenly everyone's complexion changed. The clear starry sky was suddenly covered with thousands of dark clouds, and then countless thunderbolts were turning from the void, black clouds pressing the city and wanting to destroy it, and the gods and thunder It is like a thunderbolt, which crosses the sky and deters the endless world.


   Everyone is too familiar with this scene, the demon gods are shocked, and the faces of Dragon Lord and the demon **** have changed greatly, and the golden scales also show a solemn look in their eyes.

   "God's punishment!" E God looked at the thundercloud in the sky, and the turbid air in his eyes kept flying and gathering.

   "Who did you chop?"

   The first thought was God's punishment, the second thought was who was it? .

   Just as everyone was contemplating, then they saw twelve innate divine thunders split into that thundercloud instantly, smashing them towards the twelve demon gods.

   Innate power is the nemesis of the devil.

"not good".

   The demon gods suddenly changed their colors, and before they could react, the innate thunder and lightning had fallen.

   After the Dacheng's innate **** thunder fell, the turbid air on the demon gods instantly exploded, and the whole body shrank by 10%.


   The demon gods are constantly roaring, painful, and roaring up to the sky.

The light of Yu Duxiu's eyes flashed, and a pair of eyes looked down at Daqian in the lower realm: "Isn't it screaming that you are not afraid of God's punishment? The majesty of heaven and earth cannot be blasphemed. If you don't teach you a lesson, let you be in awe, wouldn't it be lawless" .

   While speaking, the Three Treasure Ruyi in Yu Duxiu's hand flew out and sank into the sky full of thunderclouds.

"I'm fighting with you." E God roared up to the sky, and was about to provoke the thundercloud, but was dragged by the lion god: "Don't be impulsive, this is the thunder punishment of the Great Thousand World, the explosive apes were hit hard by one blow. Don’t be excited, forbearance will pass.”


   E **** roared, and overturned the lion god, and grabbed one palm towards the thundercloud.

   "Death by yourself, no wonder others" Xiangshen sneered.


Amidst the thunderclouds, a spear shot out instantly, nailing the **** of E to the ground. This spear was simple and introverted, with only one rune carved on it, which seemed to be the oldest and crudest war spear. It seems to be an ornament.

   "Roar~" No matter how the God of E was rolling and struggling, it was hard to shake the power of the spear.

   "The Spear of Punishment", the demon gods and Dragon Lord suddenly changed their colors, and the demon gods were also shocked.

   Before everyone could react, there was a burst of sound in the void, and the remaining eleven demon gods also instantly enjoyed the treatment of the God of E, and were firmly nailed to the ground, like a lamb to be slaughtered.

   "A bunch of idiots, the power of heaven and earth cannot be offended" Fox God sneered.

   "tear and pull".

A long whip flew out from the sky and kept beating on the demon gods. When the whip went down, the demon gods began to shrink, and the original power of the body continued to dissipate. After three hundred whips, the demon gods The power has shrunk by 40%.

   "Thunder punishment can only be done to this degree, and the rest are the most indestructible things at the core of the Demon God, and it is difficult to shake" Yu Duxiu said to herself.


   The sky full of thunderclouds dissipated, and the spear of punishment disappeared. Everything seemed to be a dream. If it weren't for the huge bodies of the demon gods to transform into six thousand feet, everything would be like a dream.

   "Hahaha, if you don't die, you won't die. This time you know that Tianwei is powerful, and you really think you are the best, and you have been punished" Tiger God gloated.

   "Asshole, come down and wait for a battle with me" God E has turned into a misty state at this time, his complexion roars in the void.

   "Have the ability to come down for a fight!" The wolf **** scolded angrily.

   "Withdrawing troops, now we have been hit hard by the power of heaven's punishment, let's go back and recuperate. After we get back, we will settle accounts with these **** one by one," the lion **** angered.

   "Withdraw troops! Withdraw troops!" The demon gods were completely wilted.

   "These guys do it by themselves. They really think that the Demon God is really strong and incomparable, and they think they can provoke the power of the Overpowering" Jin Lin smiled coldly and kept recovering half of her head.

   "The laws of the Great Thousand World are constantly improving, especially in the past few years, the restraint on us has become greater and greater, and it will be more difficult to get rid of it in the future" Fox God walked over.

"Thank you all for your hard work. The old dragon is grateful. If you don’t dislike this dead demon soldier and demon commander, even though I have recruited soldiers from the four seas to make up for it, I am vast in all directions. There are not many other things, but there are many monks." Donghai Longjun has a sincere expression. If it weren't for the help of the Tiger God and the Elephant God, the whole world would be really fierce, and it would be ravaged by the Demon God.

Looking at the East China Sea, Xiangshen sighed slightly: "Actually, it doesn’t matter whether there is me or not today. Today, the demon gods are raging millions of miles of shallow beaches, the true deep sea, the core of the East China Sea has not yet arrived. In the deep waters, the combat power of several fellow daoists increased exponentially, and the demon **** would be suppressed instead, and the four seas might not be defeated. This matter is not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning."

"If I were beaten into the deep sea, I would not have the face of the Dragon Clan in the Great Thousand Worlds. No matter what I said, the fellow Daoists helped each other with fist and fist. I am grateful to the old dragon. The four men lost in the heavens will all be I, the East China Sea, is committed to being the "Donghai Longjun Road."

   "Don't be polite, we are all a family. At the time of the Heavenly Alliance, we had already agreed to watch each other. All this is just a duty." Fox God smiled indifferently.


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