The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1871: The devil without fear of punishment

   Yu Duxiu's eyes flickered, and a pair of eyes looked at the battlefield of the four seas. At this time, the four seas became a pot of porridge, and the demon gods and the demon gods battled on the four seas.

   "I feel that the heads of these demon gods are broken?" The old jade ancestor leaned close to Yu Duxiu and said in a low voice.

   "How do you say?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

   The old jade ancestor said: "In the sea, the demon gods can't take advantage of it. Not only can they not take advantage, but they will be suppressed by a part of their power. I really don't know what these demon gods think."

Yu Duxiu shook his head: "If you underestimate the demon gods, you are wrong. These demon gods are really too powerful. They can still achieve such results even when their strength is suppressed and they are not their main battlefield. I seem to be impeccable. Sometimes the power is so powerful that these guys disdain to use tricks."

   Looking at Yu Duxiu, the ancestor of jade scratched his head: "This is also the reason."

   "How long do you think this battle will last?" Jade Patriarch said.

   Yu Duxiu closed his eyes: "I don't know when the bottom line of the Demon God clan has been lost. It is estimated that the Demon God clan will consider withdrawing troops."


   A cold wave crossed the sea, and countless monks of the Demon God clan were instantly frozen into ice and turned into powder. From time to time, Ao Le urged the innate divine power to severely injure the gods one after another.

   I have to say that on the battlefield, especially on the territory of the Sea Clan, Ao Le is an invincible existence in the quasi-superior realm.




   The murderous aura of the lower realm turned against the sky, and the ancestors retreated to the sky, completely ceding the battlefield to the demons and demons.


   The penalty blade suddenly flickered in the void, and the wolf god’s head was cut off. Because the wolf **** could not control his power, he destroyed a ground vein and was hit hard by the penalty blade instantly.

   "Hahaha, do you understand the difference between the supremely strong and those who have escaped from the strong?" The fox **** looked down at the wolf **** with a smile.

"I am the darling of the earth. If I don't follow the way of heaven or cultivate the original spirit, why should I punish me? Why should I punish me?" The qi rushed into the body of the wolf god, and the head that fell from the wolf **** instantly recovered, and the power of the punishment guillotine was wiped out by the muddy qi.

The wolf god’s eyes flashed with cold light, and a pair of eyes stared at the penalty guillotine in the endless void: "Hahaha, hahaha, you can’t kill me, you can’t kill me, standing on the earth, I have the power of the earth to protect me. , You can't kill me, you can't hurt me".

The wolf god’s arrogance was rampant in his eyes. He grabbed one hand and frightened the fox **** without hesitation. The fox **** evaded him in an instant, and saw the East China Sea explode under the palm of the wolf **** for thousands of miles, countless monsters. Died unfavorably, the ground vein burst.


  The wolf **** was split this time into two parts. The penalty blade seemed to be dissatisfied with the provocation of the wolf god. In an instant, countless power shot out, shuttled through the body of the wolf god, and shredded the wolf **** into thousands of pieces.

   "You can't kill me! You can't kill me!" The turbid air around the wolf **** rolled up and kept wrapping the broken body, only to see the wolf **** recover again, his eyes were full of madness.

   "Why can't he be punished?" The eyes of everyone in the field showed palpitations.

   The demon gods were taken aback at first, and then all of them were overjoyed. They looked up to the sky and screamed, their eyes were full of excitement, and their eyes were filled with arrogance.

   On the contrary, Sihai Longjun and all the demon gods are all taken aback at this time, how can you fight this battle? .

   The demon **** seemed to be born to a mother, and the demon gods, dragon kings and stepmothers were raised in general, so they didn't dare to use their power unscrupulously.

   It's like that one party can continue to make big moves, while the other party can only use basic skills carefully. How to fight this battle? .

   Tell the demon gods and dragons how to fight this battle! .

   "How could this happen!" The demon gods suddenly changed their colors.



  The demon gods began to perform their ultimatums. Seeing that the punishment blade was not a wolf **** that day, the demon gods suddenly lost their scruples and began to fight unscrupulously in the East China Sea. In an instant, hundreds of millions of lives were killed.

   "What a rich calamity, kill it, the more you kill, the better" Yu Duxiu's eyes narrowed slightly, constantly devouring the power of calamity in the lower realm.

   "Hongjun, the punishment power your kid has set seems to have failed." The old jade ancestor approached and looked at Yu Duxiu with his eyes.

   Yu Duxiu did not comment on hearing this: "The demon gods were born in the innate, and they have been blessed by the turbid air of the earth, and they have become the darlings of the earth."

Speaking of this, Yu Duxiu said: "Heaven and earth, there is a way called heaven, and the earth also has a way, but the way of heaven is higher than the way, so it is high above, and the will of heaven and earth is the power of heaven and earth, it is the combination of heaven and earth law, Don’t talk the same day."

   "What kind of heaven and authenticity, I am confused by the ancestors" Jade Patriarch said.

   "It's not just you who are confused, but everyone in the heavens is also confused. Everyone confuses the Dao, the Dao, and the will of the heaven and the earth.

   "Is there any difference?" Jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu.

   Yu Duxiu was silent for a while after hearing the words, and then said: "The way of heaven is supreme, the way of the earth and the way of heaven are side by side, but it is shrouded by the way of heaven, and everything is independent of the way of heaven, and forms one of its own."

   "I don't understand! I don't understand!" Old Jade Ancestor shook his head.

Yu Duxiu was silent for a while after hearing the words, and straightened out her thoughts: "In fact, the so-called heaven and earth are only part of the law between heaven and earth. If it is forced to separate, it would be too ignorant. If it is not separated, the two will be It's clear again, this heavenly and authentic evidence is all within a single thought, and you don't understand it after telling you."

   Jade ancestors certainly don’t understand that Yu Duxiu is now planning to open a tunnel. This tunnel has not been opened yet. It is in the realm of heaven, but it can compete with it.

Or it can be said that all living beings practice the way of heaven, including the ghost master of Yinsi, all of them are the arts of heaven, and the twelve demon gods practice the tunnel, but no one has proposed to separate the heaven and the tunnel. No one has the ability to separate the heaven and the earth, and the heaven is above, so even if the power of the earth is comparable to the heaven, it is still under the jurisdiction of the heaven.

   How to explain it, it is like the Manchu dynasty civil and military. Before separating civil and military, some were good at fighting and some were good at handling political affairs, but they were all under the jurisdiction of the prime minister.

   The prime minister belongs to the civil official series. If the civil official series is the way of heaven, then the generals are authentic.

   It is not that the heaven is higher than the earth, but the prime minister is standing in the civil service series.

  If the prime minister is a military commander, this seems unscientific. Generals can fight wars, but they are somewhat powerless to govern the general rule of the world.

Yu Duxiu's eyes watched the demon gods in the wild land wreak havoc, slaughtered the East China Sea, and continued to make big moves. His eyes narrowed slightly: "Destroy! Destroy! You will know how powerful this seat is by then~ Do you really think that the innate demons can do everything?".

   Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, his eyes were full of mockery, and he didn't say much, just continued to absorb the power of disaster.

"Evacuate! Complete! Evacuate to the depths of the sea! Evacuate quickly and enter the depths of the sea" Donghai Longjun desperately entangled the demon gods, and tried hard to restrain the power of the demon gods, with a pair of eyes looking at the distance. In the void, the penalty guillotine in the sky kept flickering, splitting the demon gods, after all, giving the supreme powers some breathing time.

"It's hateful, this **** god's punishment, although it can't help us, but no one can bear this kind of soul." The wolf **** roared up to the sky, the soul golden body merged into the flesh, and there is no cutting the flesh and the soul. What a difference.

   "How are you going to fight this battle?" Elephant God looked at the two demon gods who were completely suppressed with pain. With the help of the penalty knife, the two demon gods in the area were nothing to the elephant god.

   "What a jerk" Jinlin also kept twitching her face, her eyes rose with anger, but she was suppressed again and again.

   "Give me suppression! This seat will never give you a chance to reorganize" The Fox God instantly exploded the Wolf God who wanted to reorganize his body.

  Ps: Khan, I recommend a book "Fat Wife Is Also Sultry: Army Younger, Don't Move Rough", a book for girls, you can collect them if you want to make girls.


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