The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1857: The demon **** breaks the game, the fox **** wisdom

The old jade ancestor muttered to the snake god, Yu Duxiu subconsciously looked at the lock demon tower, and then his eyelids trembled: "Never let this **** know that the snake **** was suppressed by me in the lock demon tower, otherwise he won't make trouble every day. I want to eat snake soup."

The old jade ancestor suddenly raised his head and looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "What is the taste of this old turtle? Have you ever eaten it?".


The mountains in the distance stirred up smoke and dust. Prime Minister Turtle fixed his eyes on Yu Duxiu, and then looked at the ancestor of Jade: "Although you are the first ancestor, I don’t think you can beat me. Are you sure you want to eat me?".

"Hey, joking, joking, you're immortal now, why are you so stingy, it's just cutting meat, you can't die" Jade ancestor smiled awkwardly, but he didn't expect that the words behind his back would be heard, his eyes watched Prime Minister Turtle gradually He went away, and then said: "Who is the best of Prime Minister Turtle or Elephant God?".

After hearing this, Yu Duxiu continued to perform simulations, and after a while, he said: "At most, it is a tie. The supernatural power of the elephant **** is simply amazing. Even the old tortoise may not be able to suppress the opponent."

"Xiangshen is a pervert, and this old thing is even more perverted. He was born with his own innate array, but he actually produced 36 turtle beads. How can I beat this? How can I beat this tortoise shell ancestor. Be willing to go down.” The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu mutteringly: “In fact, the most curious thing about ancestors is how boring this old thing is, it actually condenses 36 innate spiritual treasures.”

"As boring as you like to eat monsters and gods" Yu Duxiu said.

"Who said that I like to eat demons and gods, I also like to eat gods, the ancestor of Taiping was snatched by me and put on the fire to barbecue, if it weren’t for the kid to excite the spirit and **** the body, I would start eating human flesh. "The jade ancestor expressed dissatisfaction.

Yu Duxiu heard that cold sweat was flowing out, this old immortal is indeed enough to cause trouble.

Yu Duxiu is here to comprehend the will of heaven like a sword, and the thirty-three heavens on one side are decorated with lights and festoons to celebrate the demon emperor and demon emperor's ascending to the gods.

The demon people respected the white elephant and the tiger **** as the demon emperor and demon emperor, and the fox **** as the virgin empress, so that day the court began to build a structure. The fox **** is indeed a fox god, and actually came up with a system that determines the degree of luck and enjoyment based on official status. For a time, the hearts of the monster race changed, and countless heroes, strong men, and quasi-superior cultivators joined the heavenly palace one after another. They wanted to divide the luck of the monster race, the monster gods suddenly couldn't sit still and began to intervene secretly.

If you don’t intervene, you can’t do anything. The trick of dividing up your luck that day is too poisonous. Who can bear it? As long as you have a high official position, you will enjoy more luck, and the faster your practice will be. Who can bear such benefits? ? .

But even if the demon gods suppressed, there are still many quasi-superior powers who have joined the heavenly court, and joining the heavenly court is blessed by the heavenly court, not to mention that everyone is in the quasi-superior realm, immortal and immortal, and your demon gods can't help us. , Why should we listen to you.

Who has the greatest influence on the demon banner? .

For the little demons at the bottom, they have a fatal influence. Only when they reach the realm of good fortune can they get rid of the shackles of the demon banner. For a time, the realm of good fortune has become the realm that many monks dream of.

"What to do?" All the demon gods gathered in the lower realm, looking at the lanterns and festoons, preparing for the ceremony, the demon gods looked gloomy.

In the face of benefits, especially the distribution of luck, the quasi-demon gods may not sell the face of their own monster gods.

"This seat has thought of a way." There was a cold light in the eyes of the wolf god.

"What way?" The demon gods all looked at the wolf god.

"Everyone, don't forget, what is this place" Wolf God said.

"Middle Domain".

All demon gods.

"Zhongyu Tiandi has a strong aura. Why don't I ask the clansmen of the clans to modify this method, as long as they can quickly break through to the realm of good fortune, they can get rid of the power of attracting demon flags. Haha, the most indispensable thing for our tribes is the aura of heaven and earth. With only 1,500 years of mana and 229,600 years of mana, it’s enough to break through the innate, the realm of good fortune can already be completely free from the influence of the demon banner, and the realm of innate under the realm of good fortune , It should be possible to suppress it, make the tribesmen survive the three plagues, and reduce the influence of the demon flags. This plan is completely feasible." The wolf **** said, the more excited he became.

While talking, the eyes of the demon gods suddenly lit up, and they slapped their thighs suddenly, and the lion said: "You are still cunning, and your head is good. There are advantages and disadvantages in both the modern method and the ancient method. I'm still young, I think this way will work."

The demon gods were overjoyed and turned back to their domains one after another, and started the craze for practicing the current method.

In the Thirty-three Heavens, the elephant **** and the tiger **** are playing games, and in front of the two is an all-encompassing chessboard.

"Now that the monster clan is unified, we only need to slowly erode the power of the various parts of the monster clan and gather the luck. Why don't you worry that you and I can't break through quickly." Tiger God's eyes are full of sword energy.

"Oh, these **** of the human race have occupied the center of heaven and earth for millions of years. If this seat has been blessed with this kind of aura for these millions of years, the cultivation base will not stop at the current state, and it will definitely be a rising tide and a higher level." Xiang said angrily: "The mediocrities of the human race continue to instigate and calculate my reckless tribes all day long. It's really an improper son of man. Enjoying such a rich world of luck, they don’t want to make progress. They deserve to be replaced by me." .

As he was talking, suddenly I saw a quasi-superior strongman of the cattle race coming in calmly: "Your Majesty, it's not good for the lower realm to cause big things."

"What's the matter?" Tiger God said.

"The demon gods want their subordinates to revise the present method, and want to reduce the power of attracting demon flags," the quasi demon **** said quickly.

"What? These **** have changed their way to be right with me all day long. You said that after integrating the monster clan, what's not good? My monster clan is united in one mind, and I can consider swallowing the world in the future, when it will be part of the powerful Qi. The luck is blessed and divided equally among everyone. Everyone gets a lot of luck, at least not less than the amount of midfield aura they should have received. Why do they have to fight?" Xiang Shen angrily rebuked.

"No one wants to have a Supreme Emperor on his head, not to mention that the Supreme Emperor has now become two people" Tiger God said.

"What to do?" Xiangshen looked at Tiger God.

The tiger **** stood up: "This matter has to go to the fox **** to ventilate with the fox god. The fox **** is in charge of the beckoning banner. We should know some information about the beckoning banner."

After speaking, the Tiger God and Elephant God walked towards the 33rd Heavenly Fox God Heavenly Heaven.

"The two are not in the lower realms to sort out the heavens and establish laws. What is going on in my outer heaven?" The fox **** closed his eyes and kept practicing his true body and comprehending the laws of the world.

"The Lower Realm was born" Tiger God said with a heavy voice.

"What's the matter?" Fox God opened his eyes.

Looking at the fox god, the tiger **** and the elephant **** have to sigh, it is good to have a smart ally many things don't need to think about it by yourself.

"The demon gods decided to ask the race to practice this method" Tiger God said.

"Bastard!" The Fox God raised his eyebrows when he heard this: "Human race is different from Yao race. Human race does not cultivate the true body. Naturally, it doesn't care about the current law and ancient law, and it doesn't care whether the physical body is tyrannical or not. Unlike my monster race, my monster race is pointing. The golden body practice, the practice of this method is the foundation of self-elimination, which will damage my demon race's luck, this is absolutely not allowed, absolutely must not".

"However, practicing the present method can suppress the control of the beckoning banner to the greatest extent, and get rid of the beckoning banner as quickly as possible." Xiangshen's voice was heavy.

Hearing this, the fox **** was silent, his expression was obviously stagnant: "What a jerk! He actually destroyed his foundation."

"I don't know how the demon beasts are now? How powerful is the control of the monsters in the lower realm?" The Tiger God looked at the Fox God.

"Those people who are intrigued by greed are confused, are you confused too?" The Fox God cursed the Tiger God.

The Tiger God was obviously taken aback, and the Fox God said: "You two remember, this seat is definitely not your enemy, we are an alliance, and our interests are together. For my monster race, it is difficult to break through the realm of good fortune? Realm, the demon banners have lost their control. At that time? It’s not up to the two of you, an emperor, to control the subordinates. It is definitely not relying on the method of recruiting the demon banners, but the combination of grace and power, high-end combat power All are in your hands. Can this seat be your enemy? Can you threaten you?".


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