The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1856: 9 Hongmeng Purple Qi

   Race war is indeed a good time to absorb the power of calamity, no matter what the calamity is, it is not as good as a race war.

One, two, three, and forty-nine, the smashing jade solo show Yuanshen lightly shakes, and the forty-nine grand purple qi instantly combines and turns into a grand purple qi, but there are four in one grand purple qi. Nineteen small grand purple qi are constantly changing and intertwining, deducing the law of heaven and earth. The two big grand purple auras are like dogs and men. When they meet, they are intertwined and entangled together, and then continue to merge and circle apart.

"One, two, three,,,,,,, forty-nine" there are forty-nine combinations of Hongmeng and Purple Qi, which are then transformed into a large Hongmeng and Purple Qi and merged into one.

No, it should be said that after every fifty Hongmeng Ziqis are combined, forty-nine Hongmeng Ziqis will be combined together, and then one Hongmeng Ziqi will be transformed into the escaped one and enter the black lotus.

Time is passing by. The ancestor of Jade Stone did not know when he walked into the house. He looked at Yu Duxiu with weird eyes. At this time, Yu Duxiu closed his eyes with an intoxicating color on his face. There were nine silk threads on the center of his eyebrows. It keeps flowing, but if you look closely, the nine silk threads contain endless little silk threads. There are endless divine powers bred in them, which can shake the heaven and the earth.

Yu Duxiu slowly opened his eyes, looking at the big cheeks that were going to stick to her forehead, the old jade ancestor stretched out his palm to clasp Yu Duxiu's eyebrows, and muttered, "Good stuff. , This is a good thing. I have lived for so many years and I have never seen such a good thing. I took advantage of this kid to fall asleep and buckled it down and stole it."

Listening to the muttering of the jade ancestors, Yu Duxiu's face suddenly turned black, and these nine grand and purple qi merged into her own innate soul, and the red line at the center of her eyebrows was just a projection, which moved the world of heaven and earth.

"You bear boy, come down and come down to me." Yu Duxiu stretched out her hand to push the old jade ancestor away, but saw that the old jade ancestor simply hugged Yu Duxiu's neck and clasped Yu Duxiu hard. Eyebrow: "Good thing, this is a good thing, I want it, ancestor, I want it".

"This bastard" Yu Duxiu forcefully broke the old jade ancestor off her neck. The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu's eyebrows and blinked: "This is a really good thing, mighty. The endless swings, if this thing can be integrated into the world of my ancestors, the world is just around the corner."

"You old bastard, don't hit my little master." Yu Duxiu looked at Jade's ancestor with a headache. How could the temper of this old man be no different from that of a child.

Jade ancestor heard this and looked at Yu Duxiu's eyebrows: "What is this?".

Yu Duxiu ignored the words of the jade ancestors, feeling that the nine great grandeur and purple auras that were constantly intertwined in the soul, Yu Duxiu realized that his calculation power was multiplying.

"Hurry up and tell me" Old Ancestor Jade is about to come over again.

Yu Duxiu stretched out her finger and stroked the ground instantly: "Draw the ground as a prison".

"Do you think that painting a prison can trap me?" An idiot expression flashed in the eyes of Old Ancestor Jade, and he was about to walk out with his calf.



The ancestor of Jade fell to the ground, with incomprehensible eyes in his eyes: "How come? How can a mere magic spell trap ancestor me".

The old jade ancestor punched out without the slightest hindrance, but after he stepped out, the light curtain emerged again.


The ancestor of Jade scolded angrily: "What a jerk?"

This time the old jade ancestor was savvy, and he slowly approached the circle without any hindrance. The old jade ancestor suddenly smiled: "Hahaha, can't hold me down."

"Huh?" After laughing, the ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu's abusive gaze, his complexion suddenly changed, and he suddenly lowered his head: "Damn, ancestor, why did I return to this circle".

The jade ancestor did not believe in evil, and kept stepping out, but every step fell into this circle.

"I don't believe it" Jade ancestor simply took control of Escape, flew out of the hall and came to the mountains, and smiled up to the sky: "Hahaha, hahaha, I said you can't hold me up."

The words fell and stopped shining. The jade ancestor's complexion changed. He didn't know why he appeared in the hall again, and his legs stopped in the circle.

"What the hell?" The jade ancestor did not believe in evil, and kept driving the escape light to speed, and instantly came to the mountains, hugged an old tree, and stopped his movement.


Just stopped, but was trapped again in an instant, where is the old tree? .

The jade ancestor tossed back and forth for a full hour, and finally sat in the circle, looking at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "What kind of breaking spell is this?".

"The magical powers just realized" Yu Duxiu said.

"Quickly let me out" said the old jade ancestor.

"I'm afraid you bear kid will split my head when I don't pay attention" Yu Duxiu said unhurriedly.

"Ancestor, am I that kind of person? You let me out quickly," said Old Ancestor Jade.

Yu Duxiu waved his sleeves and smoothed the land, looking at the jade ancestor.

The old jade ancestor looked at Yu Duxiu with a pair of eyes: "I don't want the red thread. You give me magical powers. This is simply a magic weapon for robbing the house. If I go to the Yinsi and circle myself in advance, then The ghost master trapped me and I automatically returned to this circle. It was a wonderful magical power."

Looking at the old jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu wanted to dig out the head of the old jade ancestor. He was so sleepy that he became a special yin person in the hands of this old guy. This old guy all day long. Thinking of robbing the house, he is really dangerous.

"It's nothing, it's just a kind of mysterious supernatural power." Seeing the old jade ancestor looking at herself eagerly, Yu Duxiu said: "Combine this supernatural power with the laws of the world. As long as you are in this world, you will be affected by the world. The law is bound by the laws of the world."

Yu Duxiu pointed at the center of the jade ancestor's eyebrows, and transmitted this magical power to the center of the jade ancestor's eyebrows, and saw that the jade ancestor's eyes lit up: "Curious and wonderful magical powers".

This supernatural power is nothing more than the magical power of Yu Duxiu, and it is nothing more than an accessory brought by the breakthrough of the Hongmeng Purple Qi. The real big head is the nine great Hongmeng Purple Qi.

"The shemales only produced nine great purple qi in a catastrophe. If the monsters were to kill each other, I don’t know how much purple qi can be produced in this catastrophe.” Yu Duxiu carefully counted: "A calamity counts nine. In other words, I have to perform at least seven great calamities to complete the grandeur and purple energy. If a certain great calamity is particularly tragic and all living beings are extinct, perhaps one great calamity is Yu Duxiu secretly Guessing, the old jade ancestor said: "Hongjun, how do you think your head grows, such a fantastic idea, is really incredible, such a fun magical power, how did the ancestor, I didn’t expect it, if I would be Jinlin Being trapped in this supernatural power, wouldn't it be possible to eat dragon meat at any time, trap all the monsters and gods in this supernatural power, and eat meat whenever they want."

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade, Yu Duxiu's hair was instantly horrified: "Old ancestor, you old man, don't complain with the anger and people of the ancient times, or I will follow you in bad luck."

"Don't worry, I have come to the road to perfection. Coupled with the immortality in your elixir of immortality, why don't these **** let us" the old jade ancestor patted his chest and said nonchalantly.

"Suddenly I regret that I have taught you this magical power to cause trouble." Yu Duxiu was speechless.

"It's too late" Jade ancestor carefully deduced that magical power, and then said: "I think about it, when I realize this magical power, who should I keep in captivity first? Bull god? Good beef! Tiger god? Tiger whip's. The taste is also very good! Lion God? Lion head is my favorite to eat, and the dragon monarchs have to be kept in captivity, and the centipede ancestor is the favorite to eat in the sky. This kind of thing needs to pull the sky into the water, and the wolf **** is not good Eat, don’t don’t, hey, I haven’t tasted the rabbit god. It’s said that rabbit legs are the best. I like to eat rabbits the most. Hahaha, they must be kept in captivity, but the snake **** has disappeared, otherwise Snake soup is my favorite."


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