The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1849: Crazy ghost master, one move

From knowing the jade ancestor to the present, this guy never seemed to know what his face was. Seeing that the ghost lord was injured by the Jade Duxiu Pangu flag, he rushed over excitedly and wanted to get into trouble.

"You made a mistake and pay attention."

Watching Yu Duxiu face the other four supreme powerhouses, the ghost master smiled coldly.

"Reincarnation is immortal, reincarnation of life and death".

In an instant, the body of the ghost master recovered again.

"It's not good, Hongjun, come here quickly, don't use the innate spirit treasure, the ancestor I can't beat this servant," the ancestor Jade wailed.

At this time, Yu Duxiu was playing smoothly. These old guys were hit by the jade ancestor's fists, and the bad luck was overwhelming. Not waiting for Yu Duxiu's attack, these guys are already in a hurry, if not innate. Lingbao missed, it was staggered and slipped, and even worse, thunder fell directly from the sky, and thunder fell from the sky.

The ancestor of Jade never used Xian Lingbao, ran to Yu Duxiu and began to attack the four chaotic supreme powerhouses, leaving the ghost master to Yu Duxiu.

The law of reincarnation is definitely one of the most powerful laws in the Great Thousand World. It is weird, mysterious, and powerful, and no one dares to despise it in the slightest.

"Six Ways of Reincarnation" The ghost master of the six ways of reincarnation appeared directly at Yu Duxiu's feet, and wanted to pull Yu Duxiu in.

"A thousand catastrophes will not invade.

Yu Duxiu stood on the vortex of reincarnation, unaffected by the power of reincarnation, a pair of eyes looked at the stunned ghost master, and his fingers had reached the ghost master's approach.

"The Will of God is like a knife."


The ghost master's head instantly exploded, turning into a rain of flowers flying all over the sky.

"It's now" Tai Yi taught Zu sighed, and a mighty river rushed directly into the vortex of reincarnation. This force was mighty and mighty, even Yu Duxiu was defenseless when facing this force. Turned into powder.

The eight supreme ancestors all shot together, the heavens and ten thousand realms dare to say that he can avoid it? .

There are seven congenital spirit treasures floating in the long river of fate of Taiyi Jiaozu. It is to wait for this quarter of an hour to **** the fragments of the emperor picture.

After the human race wandered into the wasteland, once the ancestors returned to the pre-liberation period, there was no more conflict of interests. The little luck in the wasteland was not enough to clog the teeth, and everyone reconciled.

"Don't think about it" the ghost master's headless corpse pinched the seal, and the six reincarnations revolved wildly, and the world resonated, trying to transform the innate spiritual treasures of the ancestors.

"Not good!" Tai Yi Jiaozu was shocked, his complexion changed wildly.

"I miscalculated" Tai Dou Jiaozu was shocked.

The vortex of the six reincarnations turned into two at this time. I saw that the two vortexes were constantly entangled as if they were a yin-yang Taiji diagram, constantly pulling the innate spirit treasures of the ancestors, and did not give the other party a chance to reincarnate. Then the ghost master made big moves, and the world resonated.

"Hahaha, I finally got the chance. Leave all of you eight to me and become the monk of my yin division." The headless body of the ghost master laughed up to the sky, the six reincarnation vortex ups and downs, the innate spirit treasures of the ancestors unexpectedly Unable to escape.

In addition to the six reincarnations, it is the power of the ghost master. The power of the ghost master can resist, but within the six reincarnations is the power of the great world. The ancestor dragon can only kill in the face of the great world, not to mention it is impossible to prevent it. The next ancestors.

"This old man wants to make all his ancestors Daoist, and then stay in the Yin Division and become the supreme powerhouse of Yin Division." The jade ancestor twitched.

"Mother, if the ancestors of the human race are all Taoized, then the human race will be over." Yu Duxiu cursed, categorically not allowing this to happen.

Besides, my family is laid out in the Yin Division. If this ghost master succeeds, the Yin Division's power will greatly increase, and his plan will be even more vague, and even fail.

"Opening the world, the will of heaven is like a knife" Yu Duxiu Pangu banner slashed down.

"Hongjun, stop, this seat is willing to promise you ten conditions, you can divide the territory of Yinsi by one-tenth, and let you rule the king." The ghost master watched Yu Duxiu's attack about to fall, and suddenly shouted .

"Really?" Yu Duxiu paused.

"Hongjun, don't listen to him. Hurry up, otherwise we will be Daoized and the human race will be over." Tai Yi Jiaozu's voice came from the whirlpool of reincarnation.

"Everyone owes me ten conditions! Unconditional!" Yu Duxiu firmly cut the line.

"Okay, I promised" Tai Yi Jiaozu said without hesitation.

"I also agreed" Tai Dou taught the ancestors.

"I promised it all," Taiyi Teacher Anxiously said.

"I also agreed."


The teaching ancestors agreed one after another, and the jade ancestor on one side smiled: "You said that if these guys are left in the Yin Division, what will happen to the heavens and the world?".

"Not very good! It must be a mess." After Yu Duxiu finished speaking, he slashed directly towards the whirlpool of reincarnation.

"Hongjun! Dare!" the ghost master scolded angrily.

"Bang" the reincarnation vortex was shattered by a blow, the ghost master was collapsed, and the ancestors of the gods and spirits rose into the sky.

"I dare not, I know now." Looking at the ghost master who was blown up, Yu Duxiu smiled coldly, carrying the Pangu banner.

"I fought with you" the ghost master angrily scolded, how much did the ghost master calculate for today? How much effort has been made to see that Yin Si is about to become the number one power in the heavens and all realms, but he is forcibly destroyed by Yu Duxiu. This is simply the enemy of killing his father.

"Hey, if it weren't for being afraid that the Yinsi family would dominate, I really want to take action to keep the ancestors in the reincarnation" The Fox God sighed slightly.

"If you really leave these ancestors in the Yin Division, the heavens and myriad worlds will be in trouble. The ghost master itself is already difficult enough, plus an almost invincible Tai Dou, and the Tai Dou who just broke through. Breaking through the peace, with the support of the supreme powerhouses, how can we wait for a way to survive?" Elephant God has come to the small world of Fox God.

"Oh! What a pity, such a good opportunity was missed" Fox God sighed slightly.


The ancestors of the teachings turned back to the heavens, with lingering fears on their faces. Look at me, I see you, the Taidou taught ancestors said: "This time, thanks to Hongjun, if it weren't for Hongjun, we would be planted."

"Who knows that the ghost master actually left so many dark hands in the depths of reincarnation, this ghost master has been deliberate and planned to calculate us, but he never wanted to be destroyed by Miao Xiu," Tai Yi taught.

The Taiping ancestor held the emperor's picture in his hand, and the fragments slowly flew up, and the two slowly merged into one: "Damn! When I break through detachment, I must let the Yin Division know how powerful I am."

"This matter must not be left alone like that. How many years, how many years have not encountered such a big thrill" Taishi Jiaozu's face is gloomy.

"Run, this **** is playing tricks again, and is starting to attract Yinsi's will." The Jade Ancestor looked at the ghost master tearing the void, roared, and instantly shattered the void and escaped from the Yinsi.

"Wait for me".

Seeing that the supreme powerhouses of the Yinsi surrounded him, Yu Duxiu yelled angrily. In an instant, three clear breaths emerged behind him, turning into three monks of the old, middle and young, blocking the powers. The way to go.


Yu Duxiu took the opportunity to break away from the Yin Division, the incarnation of Sanqing retracted, and his eyes glared at the old jade ancestor: "Wait for me, let's run together."

"I believe that your kid's means can definitely come back safely. Now you have come back safely? It seems that the ancestor I am quite accurate," the Jade ancestor said proudly.

Looking at the jade ancestor, Yu Duxiu's face twitched, and he had nothing to say.

Return to Yu Duxiu said: "This time I have suffered a great loss. If I follow my personal grievances, I will definitely keep the ancestors in the Yin Division, but once the ghost master Taoizes the ancestors , The Yinsi family dominates, fearing that they will not tolerate me, they have no choice but to rescue the ancestors."

"Ten of one person are unconditional, this transaction does not lose money," said the ancestor of Jade.

Yu Duxiu heard this and shook her head: "It's a loss, it's a big loss, alas, this time it's a loss, it's because you are happy for a while, that's why it caused me a big disaster."

"Unfortunately, if my big plan is achieved, I will definitely keep all the ancestors in it. It's a pity, it's a pity, it's been a while, it really is God's will like a sword" Yu Duxiu's eyes are full of regret.

"Big plan? What are your big plans? You might as well talk to my ancestors, ancestors, I will help you advise." Old ancestor Jade looked at Yu Duxiu with squishy eyes.

Yu Duxiu closed her eyes when she heard the words, and began to make sacrifices to the lock demon tower: "This matter can't be said, it won't work if you say it."

"Sniffy" Jade Patriarch said with disdain. (To be continued...)rw

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