The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1848: The past of the jade ancestor and the ghost master

After hearing the words, Taiping Jiazuo glanced at the teaching ancestors and bowed deeply: "I also ask all the Daoists to help me. After this is done, the poor Dao owes everyone a favor, and we will answer everything we ask for."

The promise made by the Taiping ancestors is a bit big. It is too big for one person to respond to requests.

Tai Yi Jiaozu nodded: "Goodness."

After speaking, the ancestors sneaked into the Yinsi, and no one showed any trace of the ancestors.

This is the advantage of opening up a small world. If you are in a big world, the Qi machine is like the sun. It is impossible to do anything. At this time, everyone has a small world to shield the Qi machine. Do something secretly and promise to beat you. Caught off guard.

"You bastard, finally here" The ghost master floated in the void expressionlessly, watching the Jade Patriarch and Jade Duxiu land here.

"Hmph, you should know my character. I have grudges and don’t avenge non-gentlemen. Although I am not a gentleman, I still can’t help the hatred in my heart." The old ancestor Jade looked at the ghost master with a pair of eyes: "You old thing wants How to resolve cause and effect with this seat?".

Looking at the jade ancestor, the ghost master actually gritted his teeth: "Resolve the cause and effect? ​​You are ashamed to say that you are immortal! In the ancient times, you actually ate the body of this seat and destroyed the way of this seat. If you didn’t enter the seat accidentally Nether, gaining the power of reincarnation, reshaping the body, proves to be the six roads of reincarnation, I am afraid that you have already suffered from your old and undead poisonous hand, do you still have the face to tell me? Back then, I had already condensed a golden body and escaped. Live a life".

After hearing the words of the ghost master, Yu Duxiu suddenly broke into a cold sweat and looked at the old jade ancestor. It seemed that all these things were caused by the old jade ancestor's mouth.

"The body of this old thing back then was Zhaoye Lion. After I saw it, I couldn't help it. I wanted to chop off one of his legs and forget it. As a result, he didn't know how to promote him, and he fought hard with my ancestor. After avoiding the entanglement of the servant, I found a place to stew the flesh, and the result was really delicious. It was unforgettable for a long time. Just after eating, the servant caught up again. You know, my mouth is too greedy. , I just opened up the boy and ate it. I saw this boy's innate indestructible body fleeing. I wanted to keep it and derive a few more bodies, but this boy was actually from my ancestors. I escaped, and I don’t know if it’s the good luck, or I’m too unlucky. This guy accidentally rushed into the source of the Yin Division’s reincarnation, realized the law of reincarnation, and since then, the Yin Division began to operate. This guy became the master of the Yin Division. Liangzi is settled."

After hearing the words of the ancestor of Jade Stone, Yu Duxiu looked at the ghost lord, only to see the ghost lord's face twitching: "You who have been killed by a thousand swords have a face to say."

After speaking, the six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master revolved towards the suppression of Yu Duxiu and the Jade Patriarch.

"No time to punch."

The old jade ancestor hit with a punch, actually blasted the pulling force of the six reincarnations, and then said to Yu Duxiu: "Quickly use your flag and flag to suppress this servant, this old guy is the master of the Yin Division, in the Yin Division Blessed by the laws of heaven and earth, it is invincible, so quickly use your Pangu flag to separate the feeling of this old guy and the Yinsi."

Yu Duxiu held the Pangu banner in his hand and wanted to suppress it. At this time, the four supreme powers among the Yin Division entangled and slammed towards Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu didn't dare to neglect, and the flag banner rolled instantly, breaking the world with one blow, blocking the attacks of those powerful men, and then the chaotic banner banner evolved into chaos and rolled towards the ghost master.

"Jade, you dare to come to Yinsi now, this seat tells you to know how powerful the Yinsi is." The two green lanterns in the eyes of the ghost master flashed: "Receive the light."

I saw that where the divine light passed, the jade ancestor's body was vertical and horizontal, and the innate spirit treasure wanted to fly out of the body and head towards the green light.

"Miaoxiu, this trick is the strongest supernatural power of this old immortal. It is called the light to attract. As long as it is covered by this green light, whether it is a golden body or a spiritual treasure, it will be attracted by the opponent and fall directly. Reincarnation" Jade Patriarch Road.

Yu Duxiu nodded: "Dividing Yin and Yang."

The chaos is hazy, covering Yu Duxiu and the ancestor of jade in an instant. The moment the light of the enlightened light approaches, it is assimilated by the chaos, and then the two currents of yin and yang turn into a picture of Taiji in an instant, heading for the suppression of the ghost master.

"You go to deal with the four strong men, I'll take a few tricks with the ghost master" Yu Duxiu's hands Jieyin: "Inverse chaos Yin and Yang."


The light of the enchantment distorted instantly after approaching Yu Duxiu, and disappeared. The Yu Duxiu Seal Art was changing: "Upside down the universe".


The green light appeared out of thin air on the bodies of the four supreme inferior powers, and saw that the complexions of the four supremely powerful inmates changed drastically, the spirit treasure and the golden body were constantly shaking, giving the jade ancestors a chance.

"Look at the power of my ancestor's law of bad luck."

The ancestors of jade had condensed the law of bad luck to the extreme, and instantly blasted the four supreme powers of the yin to fly, and the law was imprinted like a tarsal maggot, stuck in the bodies of the powers of the yin.

"It's worthy of being a one-of-a-kind, such a powerful method." The six reincarnations in the hands of the ghost master came toward Yu Duxiu's suppression.

The magical powers in the hands changed, and the Pangu flags flew out: "Inverse chaos Yin and Yang".

"Receiving the Light".

This time the two lanterns in the eyes of the ghost master actually projected projections, only to see the two ghosts holding the lanterns and walking towards Yu Duxiu step by step, actually ignoring Yu Duxiu's rebellious Yin and Yang.

"Awesome magical power" Yu Duxiu's expression changed wildly.

"Nonsense, this old thing is in the Yinsi, every move is blessed by the Yinsi, otherwise you think the ancestor I have been so slow to get him" At this time, the jade ancestor was entangled with the four supreme powerhouses, or said It was the jade ancestor who pressed the four supreme powerhouses and beat them wildly.

"Use Pangu flags to hack his real body directly, otherwise this supernatural power will not be broken at all," Yu Duxiu secretly said in her heart.

While talking, he saw that the Pangu banner in Yu Duxiu's hands ignored the void and space, and came directly to the ghost master.


The six reincarnations turned into a big vortex, and they wanted to pull the Pangu flag into it.

"Hahaha, in the Yin Division, the ancestor I am invincible" the ghost master raised his head and laughed triumphantly.

"The universe in the palm."

The universe flew out of Yu Duxiu's palm, and she actually enveloped the ghost master in an instant. At this time, the feeling of the ghost master and the great world was infinitely weakened, and the combat power bonus blessing her body was also instantly reduced.

"The Will of God is like a knife."

"It's not good, I was calculated by someone else." The ghost master's eyelids jumped wildly, watching the Pangu flag slashing down, and instantly reincarnation superimposed: "Samsara three stacks".


The Pangu flag blessed God's will like a knife, and it actually penetrated the three stacks of the ghost master's reincarnation with one blow. Although the power of the Pangu flag was wiped out by the reincarnation, part of it still bombarded the ghost master's body.


A black hole the size of a bowl burst into the abdomen of the ghost master, and the power of reincarnation continued to rotate to repair it.

"What a powerful force" the ghost master looked at Yu Duxiu with incredible expression.

"Ghost Lord, originally our well water does not violate the river water, we don’t need to be an enemy, and even this seat can help you build the Yin Division and help you strengthen the source of the Yin Division, but your Yin Division has repeatedly become enemies with me, even more during my tenth reincarnation. It was secretly calculating with This kind of grievances were all provoked by your yin. I have never tried to calculate your yin." Yu Duxiu sneered coldly.

"Ha ha, ha ha" The ghost lord looked at Yu Duxiu and smiled: "The kindness and resentment in this, after all, you will understand one day, if you hadn't broken my yin strategy, how could this seat take the initiative to plot against you? I haven't revealed it, and when the overall situation is settled, let me tell you if you owe me anything."

"Hahaha, hahaha, don't you pretend to be invincible? How about this time? Are you injured? Hongjun boy, you come to deal with these four bastards, ancestor, I will walk with this old guy myself, okay Don't let this old thing get hurt. How can I reflect my jade style if I don't fall into the rock." The old jade ancestor came to Yu Duxiu crazy and looked at the injured ghost master, his mouth curled up, full of pride.

"What a jerk, how did these two **** get together?" Looking at Yu Duxiu and Jade Ancestor, the ghost master suddenly felt a pain in the egg, and the two most difficult guys from the heavens and ten thousand realms actually got together, and Both have hatred with Yin Si, which is troublesome.


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