The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1846: Sacrifice Lock Demon Tower

A howl shook the great world, and saw ten thousand golden lights in the middle of the lower realm rising into the sky, the air of chaos escaped, and a giant dragon was wrapped in chaos and roared to the sky.

"Ao Le has broken through" Donghai Dragon Palace, Jinlin's complexion changed.

"Hahaha, I really broke through. In this way, there will be nothing terrifying in the world of great competition. With the power of Le'er, even facing the supreme power, I can escape. It's finally rising." Donghai Longjun's face was full of smiles, like a spring breeze.

"Congratulations, Brother Hexi" Nanhai Longjun saluted with a smile on his face.

Donghai Longjun nodded: "I, Donghai, will have a big banquet and invite all the strong in the world to come and congratulate."

"Le'er smelted the true blood of Ancestral Dragon, and it was difficult to break through, but after breaking through, the combat power is against the sky, and I don't know the current combat power." Xihailong Jundao.

"Don't worry, let Le'er return to the East China Sea for a solid state" Donghai Longjundao.


Amidst the chaos, a paw surrounded by chaos stretched out from the chaos, and the quasi-superior powerhouses of the crocodile family were blown away in a flash, and the crocodile family monks who were thousands of miles away were caught by Ao Leyi. Lift up and throw it into your mouth.

"Ao Le broke through." Outside the sky, Yu Duxiu's eyes passed through the world barrier and looked at where Ao Le was, frowning.

"Oh, this little Pi Niang broke through. It was the little girl who sucked you to death back then. Shall we take revenge? Grab this little girl and hold it down a hundred times." The old jade ancestor appeared beside Yu Duxiu.

Yu Duxiu's forehead lingers with a black line: "No need, everything has cause and effect, everything has retribution, it's not that it is not reported, the time has not come."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu's hand revolved with the seal, and saw a series of seals falling toward the gossip furnace, and instantly entered the open sky bronze. Following Yu Duxiu's technique, the open sky bronze like a soldering iron At this time, the glazed glaze of the debut road is shining, and countless laws of heaven and earth are constantly evolving in it.

With a stroke of the palm, the chaotic gourd was instantly picked up by Yu Duxiu and thrown into the gossip furnace.

Jade always looked surprised: "The innate sacred fire is so fierce, don't you want to burn this treasure."

Yu Duxiu didn't say a word, just changing the seal of his hand, but between the cups of tea, the open sky bronze had already wrapped the chaotic gourd.

Yu Duxiu unhurriedly formed the seal, falling on the open sky bronze and chaotic gourd, the jade ancestor said: "You kid is really big ambition."

Yu Duxiu remained silent, and saw that the world's origin in the chaotic gourd was absorbed by the open sky bronze, and the open sky bronze was actually integrated into the chaotic gourd, and the chaotic gourd seemed to be softened in the innate divine fire. , Slowly began to change shape.

Time is slowly passing by. The monk never counts the years. He saw that the chaotic gourd and the open sky bronze gradually mixed, and under the blessing of the twelve thousand and six hundred Hunyuan branding, it turned into a small black tower. The top of the tower is stacked on top of each other, and you can't see how many layers there are. At first glance, it is dense and endless, but when you look closely, it seems that there are only nine floors.

At this time, the gourd vine was still hanging on the small tower, and Yu Duxiu’s hand was circulated. The small tower was infested with layers of green, and the gourd gradually submerged into the small tower. The black turns into emerald green, like a fine jade, extremely delicate.

"This is the lock demon tower? It's finished?" The old ancestor of Jade looked at the small tower eagerly through the gossip furnace.

"It's just a prototype," Yu Duxiu said.

"How do you say?" Jade ancestor said.

"It's just that there are 129,600 bans imprinted, and it counts as a Hunyuan. If you want to be successful, you need 129,600 Hunyuan bans," Yu Duxiu said.

"That's a mighty project, I don't want to finish it in tens of thousands of years," said the ancestor of Jade.

Yu Duxiu did not hurry and said: "Don't worry, don't worry, time is there, the world in the lock demon tower also needs time to grow, and the cloud forbidden flow stone wants to spread across the entire small world, and it takes time. These things are not urgent. Come, what I have now is time, and my life is endless. Don't worry about anything, take it slowly, and I can't worry about these things."

Jade Duxiu is not hurried or slow, naturally there is a sense of calmness in his eyes. Nowadays, the flowers are blooming with nine ranks, immortal and immortal, and there are Pangu banners in hand. Jade Duxiu is really not in a hurry at all, winning and losing is not a matter of time. Back to the scene, now Yu Duxiu finally understands the mentality of those supreme powerhouses.

Yu Duxiu swallowed the spiritual energy between the sun and the moon, the heavens and the earth, then tempered and vomited into the gossip furnace.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Yu Duxiu and shifted his body: "When will the sacrifice of your immortality medicine succeed?".

"This kind of elixir of immortality is not an ordinary elixir of immortality, but it blesses the utmost fruit status. It is very precious. I don’t need to explain many of these things. With your cultivation base, you should "I know," Yu Duxiu said without urgency.

While talking, Yu Duxiu threw the Demon Locking Tower in his hand into the gossip furnace again, then put away the Three Treasure Ruyi and put it in her pocket.

The ancestor of Jade looked at Jade Duxiu's pocket with thief: "These three treasures are good things, or else I can play with them."

"I want to be beautiful" Yu Duxiu interrupted the ancestor Jade's gaze, turned around and closed his eyes to calm his mind: "Go and play by yourself, I'll talk about it after I sleep."

In the fox **** heaven and earth, the fox **** looked at the beckoning banner in his hand, with a hint of incomprehensibility in his eyes.

"This demon banner is really not so easy to sacrifice. It is troublesome and extremely troublesome. With the cultivation base of this seat, I can't find any place to start." Fox God frowned.

"You need to tie the bell to untie the bell, and you need to find Hongjun in this matter" Fox God clenched his fist, his expression gloomy.

In fact, not only the fox **** has a headache, but also the ancestors.

"Feng Shen Bang can't enter the gods now, but can only save so many gods. Those disciples under my sect will be noisy to death," Taiping Jiaozu said helplessly while sitting in the world of Taiyi Jiaozu.

"The Conferred God List is one of the important ways of immortality. You don't need to work hard. Just enter the name of the gods, and you can live forever. As long as the gods are shrouded in places, thousands of mountains and rivers can be consecrated to gods, so my human race will definitely be more. There are tens of millions of immortals, and there are countless stars in the heavens. If they can be enshrined, the gods are endless. Everyone of our human race can live forever." Taiyi taught the ancestors.

"Now the Conferred God List is broken, hidden in endless time and space, it is not so easy to study and repair," Taishi taught the ancestor.

Conferred God List. Regarding the Conferred God List, there are two kinds of romantic trends within the Human Race. One is not going up and down, people who know that there is no hope of eternal life waiting for death. The generations simply look down on the Conferred God List and think that the Conferred God List is the inferior root of human beings. It is a human cancer. With the Conferred God List, the human race will not be aggressive, and even extreme people think that the Conferred God List should be destroyed.

The collision of these two trends has caused waves. People with lofty ideals look down upon the gods in the list of conferred gods in the sky, and those gods are not convinced. We have the blessings of the gods, immortality, and fighting strength. For you, why do you look down on people? .

So a ridiculous scene appeared, the Human Race actually divided into two factions, and neither of the two factions looked down upon either.

In the list of gods, people think that they will live forever, and they have been swaying the market all day. The countless people with aspirations think that gods are human Dadao is a low-level person. The two sides collide, no one Forgive who.

"We still need to think of a way to repair the list of conferred gods and retain the arrogance of my human race. It is already increasingly difficult for my human race in the border and wasteland. If all the foundations are slowly consumed, the human race is no longer a monster race. "Tai Huang teaches the ancestors."

"We eight work together to pull the Conferred God List from the void, and then deduct the Conferred God List prohibition to see if the Conferred God List prohibition can be restored." Tai Yi taught the ancestors.

Back then, all the ancestors Qi Qi made the effort to refine the Conferred God List. There is no reason why the Conferred God List cannot be repaired today.

"The Long River of Destiny".

"I'll help you" Tai Dou taught the ancestors, and the mighty Galaxy fell into the long river of fate.


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