The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1845: Devil into the big 0

Listening to the words of the ancestor of Jade Stone, Yu Duxiu was suddenly the first and two big ones. This fellow is really the lord who fears that the world will not be chaotic. The supreme powerhouses are not fools. How can they give Yu Duxiu the opportunity to make a move? Yu Duxiu really did that in a frenzied manner. What awaited him was not the suppression of the ancestors, demon gods, and dragons, but the exile by the powerful.

"But this idea is a little tempting." Yu Duxiu gently stroked her chin.

The old jade ancestor glanced at Yu Duxiu, and then whispered: "Boy Hongjun, have you discovered anything weird now?".

Yu Duxiu was taken aback: "What is the weird thing?".

"This chaos is not peaceful," said the old jade ancestor.

"What do you mean?" Yu Duxiu was stunned.

The old jade ancestor said: "Stupid, I found that when we crossed the catastrophe last time, the countless shadows that formed seemed to have really been resurrected, transformed into creatures, and then quietly sneaked into the great world."

"How come! The big thousand world is protected by the world barrier, and the creatures that are not in the big thousand world can't enter at all" Yu Duxiu scoffed.

The old jade ancestor said: "These magic shadows are unusual."

"How unusual? Isn't it all some dead things? The ancestor's calamity is sold out, aren't these creatures also destroyed?" Yu Duxiu was taken aback.

"I found that those demon shadows were swallowed by the world barrier as chaotic energy, and then entered the great world, disappeared," said the ancestor of Jade.

Yu Duxiu's expression suddenly changed upon hearing this: "Really?"

"You come with me" The old jade ancestor pulled Yu Duxiu out of the world of Yujing Mountain and came into the chaos. The old jade ancestor turned left and right, and pointed to a place in the world. , Look, it’s not the case, the magic shadow is absorbed by the world’s fetal membranes."

Yu Duxiu stepped forward, and really saw a magic shadow half of its body exposed outside, and the other half rooted in the world barrier.

"What's going on?" Yu Duxiu was speechless.

"We seemed to be in trouble last time," said the old ancestor of Jade helplessly.

Looking at the demon shadow, Yu Duxiu stretched out a palm, turning the demon shadow into powder, and then looked at the jade ancestor, only hearing a creepy scream, the demon shadow disappeared without a trace.

"Why are you looking at me?" Old Ancestor Jade turned his eyes to another direction.

Yu Duxiu slowly touched the Three Treasure Ruyi in his hand, and turned to Yujing Mountain: "Within the great world, the future is bound to be unstable. The storm is rolling up and there are many disasters."

"Nonsense, it's up to you," said the ancestor of Jade.

Yu Duxiu looked at the jade ancestor: "This seat is going to sacrifice the lock demon tower. Go to the lower realm and summon the old turtle to guard Yujing Mountain."

The old jade ancestor nodded when he heard the words and turned around and entered the great world.

Watching the jade ancestor walk away, Yu Duxiu secretly deduced the future calamity, and her eyebrows clustered closer together.

Just as Yu Duxiu was thinking about it, the yelling of the Jade ancestor came from outside the door, and the Jade ancestor led the holy infant and followed the Prime Minister tortoise.

"Hahaha, Hongjun, ancestor, I brought your old lover up too. Anyway, it's on the way, it's not a big deal." Old ancestor Jade laughed triumphantly.

Looking at the holy infant and the unconscious woman in the hands of Prime Minister Turtle, Yu Duxiu was helpless, and the old jade ancestor said: "You old lover is too stubborn, there is no way, ancestor I can only knock him out. It is forcibly brought up."

Yu Duxiu frowned: "Oh".

After a helpless sigh, he looked at the holy infant: "The ancestors will send the holy infant into the mountains to practice".

Old Jade Ancestor nodded, led the Holy Infant, and turned around with Wen Yingji.

Yu Duxiu looked at Prime Minister Turtle: "Your Excellency will sit here in Yujing Mountain for me."

"Don't worry, Dao Master, as long as my old turtle is here, no one in the heavens and all realms can be presumptuous in this Yujing Mountain," Gui Prime Minister said.

Yu Duxiu said: "There is fear that there will be many catastrophes in the lower realm, and the prime minister might as well take that daughter up, so as to avoid the catastrophe."

Jade Duxiu, in the Yujing Mountain, the calamity does not give birth, and the power of calamity origin suppresses it. It is a country without calamity, and the fierce demons do not want to succeed.

The old turtle nodded when he heard the words: "Old turtle will go back."

Yu Duxiu watched the old tortoise walk away, her eyes narrowed slightly: "Cause!"

In fact, there are calamities, which is a good thing for Yu Duxiu. It is not so easy to bloom the tenth product. This calamity can be called massive.

"I don't know why there is always an uneasy feeling in my heart." Tai Yi Jiaozu sighed slightly.

"My human race has retreated from the borderline famine, no matter how great the calamity is, it has nothing to do with us. The catastrophes are the demon gods" Tai Dou Jiaozu voice sounded.

"But it must be guarded. Borderland is not that simple." Taiping Jiaozu sighed helplessly: "I have been looking for ghost symbols for a long time, and I always feel that this old guy is not dead, but there is no trace of this old thing. This old thing is immortal, and my heart is uneasy."

"Don't be so stingy, you have already blocked the path of the ghost talisman, you can't make a big climate" Taiyi taught the ancestors.

"In fact, I feel that many people did not die in the ancient times, but they were hidden, including Sanyang Nasi" Taiping Sect.

After hearing the words of Taiping Jiaozu, Taiyi Jiaozu's face suddenly became unsightly: "It should be dead, so many years have passed."

"It's hard to say" Taiping Jiaozu sighed slightly.

The Dragon Palace of the Four Seas, at this time the Dragon Kings of the Four Seas gather together.

"The crocodile family intends to fight with us to the end," Donghai Longjun said.

Xihai Longjun rubbed the dragon ball in his hand: "Big Brother, otherwise we would just shoot and wipe out the crocodile family."

"Now that there is no internal division in Manghuang, how can I erase it? When the time comes, I will burn myself, but it will not be beautiful" Beihai Longjundao.

"In the middle of the river, my dragon clan is really incapable of showing off, if it is the Longyou Shoal, what do you think is good!" Beihai Longjun Road.

"I lack everything in the four seas, that is, there is no shortage of people. Let's fight attrition. Kill one thousand and lose 800, but it depends on the one who can't survive." There was a fierce light in Nanhai Longjun's eyes.

"Brothers, I don't know why, the younger brother always feels a bad feeling in his heart, there is a kind of crisis that is slowly coming." Jinlin suddenly interrupted the discussion of Hailongjun.

Donghai Dragon Lord was taken aback when he heard this: "Could it be that the crocodile clan is going to play some tricks? Are you planning to do something against my dragon clan?"

"Since Brother Xian has a premonition, it must not be groundless, telling Ao Le to take precautions against the crocodile clan, and he must never fall into the tricks of the crocodile clan" Donghai Longjun said quickly.

Jinlin rolled his eyes when he heard this, and almost spurted out a mouthful of old blood, but what else could he say? .

"My eldest brother is saying that we must be careful to guard against the cooperation of the dragon family and the crocodile family" Jin Lin said.

In the Middle Territory, the army of the aquarium and the army of the crocodile clan fought together, and the tragic aura spread in the air. I saw that the dragons, whales and other major races and the crocodile clan were inextricably killed.

Although the power of the whale is restricted in the river, it does not affect the huge physical power of the other party, which is enough for the crocodiles to fight hard.

The types of soldiers in the four seas are diversified, and the murders are constant. The crocodile family has always been restrained.

It's a pity that E God has gone to open up a small world outside of Chaos, but he has no time to observe the battlefield.

Ao Le and the strong aquatic people kept fighting, and the chaotic aura around her body became more intense, and the mysterious runes on the dragon scales of Ao Le became more and more obscure.


After Fa Tianxiang disintegrated how many old antiques of the crocodile family did not know, Ao Le opened his mouth, and instantly countless monks of the crocodile family fell into his body.

"Sure enough, fighting and swallowing are the best ways to evolve." The chaotic air in Ao Le's eyes continued to linger, and the countless scales on his body began to fall off, and the more finely fragmented scales continued to derive. The chaotic air has already taken Ao Le The whole person is covered.

"Everyone quickly This dead girl's film is going to break through and suppress this girl. If this little girl breaks through, my crocodile clan will be out of luck." Seeing this scene, the crocodile clan is strong The people shouted bad news one after another, and then kept making moves, suppressing Xiang Ao Le, and all the magical powers killed Ao Le's body of chaos.




"Protect the princess".

"Protect the princess".

Countless sea clan powerhouses desperately dragged down the Jiaolong clan powerhouse.


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