The Legend Of Shen Gongbao

Vol 2 Chapter 1829: 9 states moved and exited from the central region

"Although the realm of transcendence sounds good, it only deepens the understanding of the laws of heaven and earth, saves power more, does not waste power, and every blow will bring out one's own power just right, or as the development of one's own The small world is perfect, the law is perfect, and then you can understand more laws of heaven and earth. As for saying that you want to rely on the power of the small world to confront the enemy, it is simply a wishful thinking. When will you be detached from the big world?" Yu Duxiu shook her head : "The gap between the supreme strong and the transcended realm is not as big as you think." Fastest update

   "Why is that old jade thing so powerful?" He was puzzled.

"First of all, the old jade thing has condensed his own world to the extreme. According to my speculation, it should be able to be promoted to the small thousand world. Then the power of the law will be more derived, and it will truly be a distance from ordinary people." Yu Duxiu thought about it briefly, and then said: "Secondly, it is because the law of the jade ancestor is special, just like the law of this seat. You can see when the jade ancestor fights with people every time. Can you beat the other party? Isn't it that he planted the law of bad luck on the other party, so that the other party will continue to be unlucky and avenge it. The power that really defeats the demon gods and ancestors is his physical strength."

After speaking, Yu Duxiu looked at Zhongyu with a pair of eyes: "The ancestors of the gods are just dying now, wanting to find their last face. Sooner or later, this Zhongyu will be let out. In the next thousand years, everyone The ancestor is going to open up the border and wasteland, I am afraid that there will be no time to mix with the big events of the wasteland, and the next thousand years will also be the best time for the wasteland to completely occupy the middle domain and build the middle domain."

   "Oh, it's a pity, the human race has occupied the middle domain for a million years, and finally can't escape the end of the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and want to let the middle domain out." There was a sigh in Chaotian's eyes.

Yu Duxiu heard the words silently, this is the reincarnation of heaven and earth, and also the embodiment of the avenue of cause and effect. If the ancestors did not crowd out and suppress themselves in every way, now Zhongyu may not end in this way, and recklessness may not have the courage to attack the human race. .

   Of course, when the time comes, it may evolve into another kind of routine, where the demon gods, the dragon king, and the Yin Si Qi will join forces to attack the human race middle domain.

At that time, the Human Race is afraid that there will be no room to stand up again. It is not like today. Although the Human Race is defeated, there are still self, Fuyao, Chaotian and others watching the battle. Amitab sits firmly on the Lingshan. Although the parties took advantage of the fire, Don't dare to be too outrageous.

   Although it is said that Yu Duxiu and others have a lot of grievances with the human race, so they did not intervene in the human race battlefield, but no one dare to actually wipe the human race completely.

   Yu Duxiu and others can tolerate the failure of the human race and retreat from the wild. The ancestors flee in embarrassment with their tails between them, but they cannot see the human race being erased.


  Xiangshen retreated three steps, and there was a bone scar on his palm. The blood was dripping ticking, and the wound of mana was gradually healed. A pair of eyes looked blankly at the opposite Taidou Guru.

   Tai Dou Jiaozu's complexion slightly changed: "So powerful, such a powerful elephant god."

   After speaking, Tai Dou Jiaozu turned around and left without saying anything.

   The elephant **** is really abnormal. The strength is so strong that it can't be added. If he is asked to break through the supreme supremacy, he can use the power of billions of white elephants, and it can really break the void.

   The law of Wukong is the law of power, one force breaks ten thousand laws, and the law of Xiangshen is also the law of power, but it is the breaking of the void.

   One rule, two paths, but the results are very different.

Tai Yi Jiaozu glanced at all the ancestors, a pair of eyes looked at the demon gods in the distance, took a deep breath, and the next moment he stretched out his big hands, only to see the chaotic color leaking from the chaotic turtle shell, covering the whole Tai In Buzhou where Yi Dao was located, all the people in Buzhou were taken away by Tai Yi Jiaozu.

   Tai Dou Jiao Zu sighed to the sky, his supernatural powers are not as long as the number of days. If there is no Sihai Dragon King to make trouble, the Jiao Zu may not be able to hold the middle.

  The vast galaxy swept out of the hands of Taidou Jiaozu, and all the monks of all races in the whole continent were moved away.

  Taipingjiao ancestor took out the emperor picture with a gloomy face, and threw it to the ground. All the creatures in the state had been raided, and the mighty mountain that once represented the Taiping Road was also uprooted and headed toward the border.

  The nine supreme ancestors of the human races shot in turn, and in an instant, the human race Kyushu was removed completely, and the human races of the middle territory were also moved away by various sects.

   The Thirty-Three Heavens, the Thirty-Three Heavens are fixed in the sky above the Middle Territory, and are the center of heaven and earth. No one can move this except Yu Duxiu.

   But fortunately, there were no mortals in the Thirty-third Heaven. The Nine Provinces of Human Race moved away, and the sects of various monks moved away from the Thirty-third Heaven and followed the Human Race.

   "Thirty years later, the wildness can enter the central domain." Tai Yi Jiaozu said with a gloomy face, turned and left Human Kyushu.

   The reason why it takes 30 years is because some small sects of the human race can just move out of Kyushu in 30 years.

   The demon gods were noncommittal when they heard these words. It was only a matter of thirty years, everyone could afford to wait.

   "Human race is defeated after all." Looking at the battle in Zhongyu, Chaotian showed a trace of regret in his eyes. Even if he knew the result beforehand, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of loss at this time.

   "What do you think these wild demon gods would do?" Yu Duxiu held her hands on her back, playing with her stupid cuteness, allowing her stupidity to bite her fingers.

   "Zhongyu is a big cake, and the civil war between the demon gods is not far away" Taisu taught the ancestors.

   "The civil war broke out, and the antagonistic monsters were vulnerable." Fuyao was disdainful: "At that time, the Sihailong and Yinsi can fish in troubled waters, and even the ancestors will secretly intervene."

   "Thirty-third Heaven, I will definitely come back" Gan Tian looked at the Lingxiao Palace with a gloomy expression, turned into a purple light, and left the battlefield with the star gods.

   Gantian was nervous at this time, the race war ended, and then the ancestors of all the teachers had to find a chance to abolish themselves.

   "Feng Shen Bang! Now my only chance is Feng Shen Bang and punishment knife." Qiantian expressionlessly: "There are not necessarily reliable first teaching ancestor."

   After speaking, Qian Tian's figure disappeared into the void.

"My monster race has waited for a million years for today. A million years ago, the first ancestor of the human race was born, exiled hundreds of races, punished the innate gods and beasts, and gave the human race a chance to rejuvenate and grow. After the time for the four great teaching ancestors to prove the Dao, now I have waited for millions of years of united efforts and worked hard to get the place back. Now Zhongyu is right in front of us. Let’s talk about how we should allocate it. "The fox **** has a clear voice, and he looks at the monster gods with his eyes.

  "The ten continents of the human race, Zhongzhou is the most. There are 33 heavens in the heaven which gathers half of the luck of the human race, more than enough to divide it," the wolf **** said with a faint look.

   "Thirty-three heavens will be set up for the time being, everyone will share it together, let's talk about how to distribute the ten continents of the human race" Niu Shen put forward different opinions.

The wolf **** means to distribute the 33rd Heaven and Human Kyushu together. If you want Kyushu, you can’t ask for the 33rd Heaven. If you want the 33rd Heaven, you can’t ask for the Human Kyushu. But some demon gods disagree and want The best of both worlds is a piece of cake.

   The centipede ancestor’s eyes flashed brightly: "What is there to say, let's divide the human race Kyushu equally, and then everyone will do it by means."

"Wait, there is one thing that needs to be clarified before the division of the human race Kyushu, the demon banner can command all the monsters in the heavens, our soul brand has now been erased, I don’t know the situation of the demon banner, please also ask the fox **** Make it clear" The Rabbit God looked at Fox God with big eyes.

   Everyone was stunned when they heard the words, and then suddenly, this problem is fatal. If you don’t make it clear, you will divide Kyushu in the future, but your subordinates are in your hands. What is this? .

After the rabbit mythological words fell, the eyes of all the monster gods all looked at the fox god, and the fox **** sighed helplessly. The heavens and hundreds of tribes gathered together. For millions of years, all kinds of grievances have been tolerated to the extreme. Live, all grievances will burst out, this is the general trend. (To be continued...)rw


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